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    Welcome back sur mon blog de Bagdad à Jérusalem, l'Orient indiscret (après une longue absence, c'est vrai...) >>

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    The Turkish Intelligence Agency has moved 700 Syrian Fighters from Afrin towards the Turkish-Syrian border with SDF,east of the Euphrates River

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    Reminds me of the "Kurdish Intifada" of 2004, which started at a football game in Qamishli, when Kurds chanted "long live Bush." Arabs chanted back, "long live Saddam Hussein." America has walked into a hornets' nest of competing nationalisms.

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    13 minutes ago

    .Témoignage: "Lever le voile sur la situat° des femmes en . Il y a toute une fausse propagande sur le fait qu'elles ont de plus en plus de droits: c'est 1 mensonge, leur vie n'a pas du tt changé", raconte Frieda saoudienne via

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    🇶🇦 Emir reshuffles his government - Profiles of the (5) new ministers

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    1 hour ago

    "Many of the consultants, who spend 5 days a week in Riyadh before flying elsewhere to see their families on weekends, were annoyed last year when the government kicked them out of their preferred hotel, the Ritz-Carlton" to use it as a temporary prison

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    43 minutes ago

    "Almost in unison, Jared Kushner, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and bin Salman's paid mouthpieces in Washington are deploying the same argument: that unseating bin Salman would destabilise the Kingdom as a whole."

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    🇮🇶 🇺🇸 🇮🇷 Baghdad rejects U.S. interference in its affairs after U.S. Twitter comments | Article [AMP] | Reuters

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    6 hours ago

    "The UAE is nearly as bad as Saudi Arabia, but less ham-handed and more competent. That’s allowed it to fly under the West’s radar screen and escape closer scrutiny."

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    Saudi authorities released Prince Khalid bin Talal, the first prince of a group of royals and key figures who are expected to be freed from detention in the aftermath of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder. via by and

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    While Miri Regev was touring Abu Dhabi, an Israeli journalist was being interrogated for 12 hours by the UAE's secret service and accused of being a spy.

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    Inaccurate translation — the man here asks the gathering that nobody should work with the SDF *until they get to the bottom of who killed Sheikh Basheer.* ISIS claimed responsibility but it’s now clear the regime might have at least have a helping hand in the assassination!

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    Israel will allow 5K Gazans to work in Israel & expand maritime zone. PA will allow Qatar to pay salaries to Hamas civil employees & PA will pay its employees in Gaza 80% of their salaries; Egypt will open Rafah crossing & pressure Israel to ease blockade further.

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    al-Akhbar (pro-Hezbollah) is reporting the details of a deal reached re: Gaza. In exchange for Hamas halting fence riots & flaming balloon launches toward Israel, Israel, Egypt & PA will ease sanctions on Gaza (Ar)

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  15. Retweeted
    Nov 2

    L’ n’a pas connu une attaque contre des civils d’une telle ampleur depuis novembre dernier. Novembre 2017, il s’agissait d’une fusillade dans la mosquée al-Radwa, dans le Nord-Sinaï. Le bilan s’était élevé à + de 300 morts

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  16. Retweeted
    Nov 2

    After more than 17 years of war & 100,000s dead and more than 1,100,000,000,000 $ spent control more territory in than at any point since 2001

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    Nov 3
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    Nov 2

    ”Force the Saudi government to make available Mubarak Mohammed al-Otaibi, the consul-general, who was in his office at the time of the murder. Otaibi was present during Khashoggi’s murder but apparently did not take part.”

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    What irked Turkish investigators most was the Saudi prosecutor’s interest in accessing Jamal Khashoggi’s cellphones. “It seemed that they were looking for his contacts and who he spoke to. We are afraid that Khashoggi’s friends would be in danger.”

  20. Retweeted
    Nov 2

    “Two Saudi sisters found dead along the banks of the Hudson River had made statements they would rather kill themselves than return to Saudi Arabia, the New York Police Department said its detectives had learned”

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    Nov 2

    U.S. Issues Eight Oil Waivers Before Iran Sanctions Kick Back In Waivers are being given only in cases where importers have made “important moves” toward shunning Iranian oil entirely

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