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Stupid Webserver - DJ Toboe: Finally back

About Stupid Webserver

Previous Entry Stupid Webserver Apr. 15th, 2003 @ 03:01 pm Next Entry
This webserver is even pissing me off now. Takes up way too much bandwidth. I checked out the link bk1e provided me in a comment in my last post with the throttles. The only thing is, is that the instructions for those are made assuming the person knows Unix and I don't know a thing about Unix, much less Apache. So if anyone out there does know Unix and would know how to install a program to throttle my webserver to only use 25-50% of the total bandwidth, that would be greatly appreciated and even more appreciated by my roommates. I'd create a login for you so you could telnet to my computer and install it that way. Let me know by commenting or contacting me directly at djhoyt@klubdj.com. Thanks.
I feel: hopefulhopeful
Trancin' To: DJ Tiesto & Armin Van Buuren - Wonder Where You Are
Mark Territory
Date:April 15th, 2003 08:02 pm (UTC)

UNIX/LINUX DIVA... well sorta

I happen to program in UNIX/LINUX all the time...
[User Picture Icon]
Date:April 16th, 2003 06:36 am (UTC)
"This is Unix. I know this!"
-Jurassic Park

I guess I could give it a try.
[User Picture Icon]
Date:April 16th, 2003 06:29 pm (UTC)


If "Unix Diva" fails this task, I shall seek for your assistance =)

Oh, I found this cool program so now I can track my webhits called Webalizer. It has a simple install for Mac OS X too.
(Mark Territory)
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