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Starfinder/Kannos Update

It has been brought to our attention that Starfinder/Kannos is attempting to petition themselves back onto Furaffinity. For those new or who don't remember, feel free to browse her tag for more information on her history. She was banned from Furaffinity for not finishing commissions for years and refusing to comply with admin requests.

This is a post to touch base with past commissioners and check to see if her statements that she owes no further work and is in the clear are true. This is not a post to attack her, be it here or on her inkbunny, and we will be taking action against people from here that we find commenting on her page after this post goes up.

So again, anyone who has commissioned Starfinder/Kannos, please let us know if she still owes you work. We will be taking the information we gain from this post to Furaffinity for them to review, good or bad. Links to past AB posts you have made or proof that she does indeed owe you would be more helpful than vague comments, thank you!
Before commenting, please read our Community Rules.
Do not go after persons posted about here, by leaving comments on their art pages.
If you have been posted about, please read I've Been Posted on Artists_Beware, Now What?


May. 29th, 2013 06:30 am (UTC)
I think people should wait to see whether the response utunu received, if any, has satisfied them before making a decision based on a comment deletion.

Edited at 2013-05-29 06:31 am (UTC)
May. 29th, 2013 06:39 am (UTC)
... why? The whole point of that journal of hers was to attempt to prove to FA staff she's changed and is supposedly a functional non-scamming commission artist now with her Pay-on-Completion method.

But amongst the circlejerk, someone called her out on a debt approaching a decade, and instead of publicaly going 'can we discuss this privately, I'd like to sort this out with you', she flips, deletes the comment and officially states the post is essentially buttpats only, from IB-only customers.

When she wants back on FA.

When people are WATCHING her for this very sort of behavior, which she has done many times in the past. On FA.

By that action alone, even if Utunu gets a half-response from Starfinder... damage is done in the eyes of many now. And giving her a chance is about as good of an idea as jumping in a pool with a plugged in desk lamp.
May. 29th, 2013 07:19 am (UTC)
If Starfinder/Kannos has responded, and if utunu is satisfied with that response, then I'd say the problem is resolved and there is no reason for the comment to remain. We don't know that, so it is appropriate to wait for utunu's comment.

Moreover, on Inkbunny, users regularly delete comments that they consider off-topic in their user space, including journals. The page is now marked as covering only a particular time period, and it apparently always stated that it was restricted to those users who had received work from her on Inkbunny during the last two years, in which case utunu was aware that their comment did not fit the topic of the journal when they made it.

The post here also says that "This is not a post to attack her, be it here or on her inkbunny, and we will be taking action against people from here that we find commenting on her page after this post goes up." The comment was made a day after this post went up.
May. 29th, 2013 07:28 am (UTC)
He is a customer and is perfectly allowed to politely ask about the status of his work on a journal asking for testimonials.

I honestly find it disturbing that as a staff member of IB, you're retaliating in Starfinder's stead to try to get a customer who has been waiting for 8 years punished while turning a blind eye to her own behaviour. You make it sound like people have no reason to think poorly of her or her behaviour.

No matter what, she apparently owes several people work from many years ago. This is not acceptable, and I don't understand why you seem to think it is.
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 08:08 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - celestinaketzia - May. 29th, 2013 10:38 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 10:46 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - ljmydayaway - May. 29th, 2013 04:26 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 05:39 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - sekhmet - May. 29th, 2013 03:33 pm (UTC) - Expand
May. 29th, 2013 08:26 am (UTC)
Your very pseudo lawyer-y comments just kinda prove you don't get it. Boil all this down to the basics and you get this:

She changed the rules.

This whole journal exercise of hers was, again, to prove to FA that she is a capable commission artist.

Utunu's comment that they were owed KILLED that. Thus you and her both seeing it as hunky dory to 86 the comment. For you, you see it as her prerogative to do so. For her, its throwing a Persian rug on top of a pile of junk in order to cover up.

This is what has the majority of us (especially the mods of this very comm) who have seen Starfinder pull these sorts of wool-over-the-eyes stunts time and time again are side-eyeing her hard and throwing up our hands.

If the comment was OT, sure, whatever. BUT WHAT BETTER WAY TO LOOK GOOD than to take an OT post and turn it into an post that ends up ON TOPIC with Utunu going 'Thank you for in the end coming through on the commission'.

But obviously you prefer the narrower scope.
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 10:14 am (UTC) - Expand
May. 29th, 2013 03:26 pm (UTC)
Let me point out that you tried to guilt trip me and made me feel like crap for wanting to edit/delete my own wiki fur page to remove info I didn't authorize to be there made by OTHER people against my wishes but you'll stand up for Starfinder deleting "irrelevant" comments that are actually pretty relevant in the name of "cleaning house". So it's cool as long as its not a page you manage? Ok. I see.
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 04:30 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - oceandezignz - May. 29th, 2013 04:47 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - oceandezignz - May. 29th, 2013 04:49 pm (UTC) - Expand
May. 29th, 2013 07:00 am (UTC)
Here's the sequence of events:

- Kannos posts a journal looking to prove that she has cleared her backlog to get back on FA (I didn't cap the original journal, so if someone has that that'd be great.)

- Receives many comments from satisfied customers on IB. None of which prove she has cleared her backlog from FA.

- Receives ONE comment from someone regarding an outstanding commission proving that she has NOT cleared her backlog.

- She deletes the comment (many people have capped it.)

- She edits the journal to say that no, she just wants people to prove that she is NOW making good on her promises. Anything before her move to IB doesn't count.

So. Why shouldn't we make a decision based on this behavior?
May. 29th, 2013 07:22 am (UTC)
I think we need to see the screencap. If she said "I'm looking for posts about my work in the last two years", a post about a commission from 2005 is offtopic and fair game to be deleted in my book.
May. 29th, 2013 07:25 am (UTC)
Are you trying to imply her prior customers (ones who've spent thousands no less) are so unimportant that they should have their very VALID complaints deleted?

Because if so, I think we may have an argument brewing.
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 07:42 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - neolucky - May. 29th, 2013 07:50 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 08:11 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - neolucky - May. 29th, 2013 08:14 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 10:33 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - 0acorn0 - May. 29th, 2013 07:54 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 08:23 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - 0acorn0 - May. 29th, 2013 08:25 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - neolucky - May. 29th, 2013 08:28 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 08:46 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - 0acorn0 - May. 29th, 2013 08:50 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 09:07 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - 0acorn0 - May. 29th, 2013 09:09 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 09:23 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - 0acorn0 - May. 29th, 2013 09:25 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 09:41 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 11:02 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - millislim - May. 29th, 2013 09:28 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 09:43 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - marus_puppy - May. 29th, 2013 02:46 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 03:11 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - neolucky - May. 29th, 2013 09:01 am (UTC) - Expand
May. 29th, 2013 07:21 am (UTC)
Aren't you an admin on IB? You're okay with folks on that site hiding evidence of prior commissions(decade long no less)...when they're appealing to get on that very site they stole the money through?

Don't you think the deletion of a negative review from an honest customer who paid close to $1000 is a little fishy?

Icon for my face right now. This is not a mod post.

May. 29th, 2013 07:38 am (UTC)
I am an Inkbunny moderator, which may or may not be related to why I said we need to hear whether utunu received a response, and if so, is satisfied with it.

I think that a person coming to claim a debt from eight years ago is offtopic if the topic is commissions within the past two years. That user is entitled to contact us about it, and we would deal with the situation as we saw fit. To be frank, their conduct on Inkbunny would weigh more heavily than a report of a debt incurred half a decade before Inkbunny existed, which the user had not attempted to collect for years. Our goal with is to protect Inkbunny's users, not to punish people for actions taken in their distant past.

I'm also the founder of WikiFur and one of those who opposed her request for exclusion there, which I believe to be a more suitable place to document such issues.
May. 29th, 2013 08:03 am (UTC)
How do you know the user had not attempted to collect the debt for years?

Oh, perhaps she deleted his inquiries prior, because they were "off topic".
May. 29th, 2013 08:11 am (UTC)
the issue people have with her deleting the comment isn't just that she deleted it, but then edited the journal after said deletion to mention she only wants feedback from recent clients. that part of the journal was not there until utunu's comment was posted.

given her history, it's doubtful that this is anything other than a ploy to hide negative responses/avoid dealing with her past. it has nothing to do with things being "off topic."
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 08:38 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - thecreativepen - May. 29th, 2013 08:53 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 09:16 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - 0acorn0 - May. 29th, 2013 09:23 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 09:29 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - celestinaketzia - May. 29th, 2013 10:46 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 10:50 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - thecreativepen - May. 29th, 2013 10:58 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - ljmydayaway - May. 29th, 2013 05:02 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 06:00 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - shukivengeance - May. 29th, 2013 06:44 pm (UTC) - Expand
Mod Post - kerstin_orion - May. 29th, 2013 07:17 pm (UTC) - Expand
Re: Mod Post - kerstin_orion - May. 30th, 2013 12:31 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - thecreativepen - May. 29th, 2013 08:00 pm (UTC) - Expand
(Deleted comment)
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 30th, 2013 03:12 pm (UTC) - Expand
(Deleted comment)
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 30th, 2013 03:24 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - chronidu - May. 30th, 2013 09:23 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 30th, 2013 10:10 pm (UTC) - Expand
May. 29th, 2013 08:27 am (UTC)
I find it a little odd that in order to "collect" he needed to be hounding her on every site apparently? Once paid the ball is in her (or any other artist's) court to finish and deliver the product, the commissioner isn't like some debt collector representing another company so it comes off kinda skeevy to suggest by not following all her online movements he's no longer interested in his commission. :s

Those two years are two years that he was still waiting with that commission outstanding, from day one he was owed, so commissions from the past two years include everyone she's still ignoring too. The projects don't simply cease to exist because she's ignoring them.
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 08:52 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - thecreativepen - May. 29th, 2013 11:11 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 29th, 2013 03:19 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - celestinaketzia - May. 30th, 2013 12:06 am (UTC) - Expand
(Screened comment)
(no subject) - kerstin_orion - May. 30th, 2013 02:03 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 30th, 2013 02:06 am (UTC) - Expand
(Deleted comment)
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 30th, 2013 03:26 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - ljmydayaway - May. 30th, 2013 05:07 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 30th, 2013 05:14 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - trentxandrew - May. 30th, 2013 05:39 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 30th, 2013 06:52 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - ljmydayaway - May. 30th, 2013 10:32 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - ljmydayaway - May. 30th, 2013 10:22 pm (UTC) - Expand
(Deleted comment)
(no subject) - greenreaper - May. 30th, 2013 09:01 pm (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - neolucky - May. 30th, 2013 10:09 pm (UTC) - Expand
May. 29th, 2013 08:54 am (UTC)


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