is attempting to petition themselves back onto Furaffinity. For those new or who don't remember, feel free to browse her tag for more information on her history. She was banned from Furaffinity for not finishing commissions for years and refusing to comply with admin requests.
This is a post to touch base with past commissioners and check to see if her statements that she owes no further work and is in the clear are true. This is not a post to attack her, be it here or on her inkbunny, and we will be taking action against people from here that we find commenting on her page after this post goes up.
So again, anyone who has commissioned Starfinder/Kannos, please let us know if she still owes you work. We will be taking the information we gain from this post to Furaffinity for them to review, good or bad. Links to past AB posts you have made or proof that she does indeed owe you would be more helpful than vague comments, thank you!
It has been brought to our attention that Starfinder/Kannos This is a post to touch base with past commissioners and check to see if her statements that she owes no further work and is in the clear are true. This is not a post to attack her, be it here or on her inkbunny, and we will be taking action against people from here that we find commenting on her page after this post goes up.
So again, anyone who has commissioned Starfinder/Kannos, please let us know if she still owes you work. We will be taking the information we gain from this post to Furaffinity for them to review, good or bad. Links to past AB posts you have made or proof that she does indeed owe you would be more helpful than vague comments, thank you!
Do not go after persons posted about here, by leaving comments on their art pages.
If you have been posted about, please read I've Been Posted on Artists_Beware, Now What?
" I've decided to make this a general 'Testimonials' journal which will stay here permanently. The testimonials/comments here are meant to reflect all the commissions/work I have done in the past 2 years since I have adopted my new workflow/policies and have worked on Inkbunny. This is not a place for comments pertaining to stuff that happened prior to me working on Inkbunny since that stuff has nothing to do with my current way of doing things, thus it's not relevant. "
It does not scrub away peoples past experiences with her, or mean she can ignore older customers who are still waiting on their images or refunds. Doing good on Inkbunny means nothing if she cannot fix her PRIOR customers issues, and not deliver the art originally paid for.
I hope FA admins catch wind of this, and the fact shes deleting any negative prior-inkbunny comments of unhappy customers.
Good grief. Unfortunately it doesn't really surprise me, but at least confirms I still won't be giving her my business anytime soon or advocate for her unbanning on FA.
Mods if you happen to read this: She was banned for leaving all those commissioners in the dust, leaving them the same and having happier "new" commissioners doesn't change the reason you banned her since she still hasn't made good with those people. Blowing them off and calling it irrelevant because they made the mistake of paying her upfront back then (aka trusting her) still makes her a scammer.
Edit: Removed her new edit from my post since Neolucky took care of it already! I have the cap saved just in case its needed though.
Edited at 2013-05-29 04:30 am (UTC)
Edited at 2013-05-29 06:31 am (UTC)
But amongst the circlejerk, someone called her out on a debt approaching a decade, and instead of publicaly going 'can we discuss this privately, I'd like to sort this out with you', she flips, deletes the comment and officially states the post is essentially buttpats only, from IB-only customers.
When she wants back on FA.
When people are WATCHING her for this very sort of behavior, which she has done many times in the past. On FA.
By that action alone, even if Utunu gets a half-response from Starfinder... damage is done in the eyes of many now. And giving her a chance is about as good of an idea as jumping in a pool with a plugged in desk lamp.
And I'm glad I don't use IB.
If I look up "testimonial", I see "a person's written or spoken statement extolling the virtue of some product", "a statement in support of a particular truth, fact, or claim" or "a written affirmation of another's character or worth". "A formal statement of truth or fact" is also in there, absolutely, and I'm well aware of it, but it's way down there as a secondary or tertiary usage.
I have a feeling, based on what's been seen here so far, that if she were to go back to FA things would fall apart very quickly. Running a dishonest business practice is going to do her more harm than good.
After all how is she going to work on the new clients if she's busy trying to hide the existence of the old clients that are still waiting.
She needs to accept that in life negative things will be said about her whether it has any grounds or not. She needs to realize that she can't keep running from it and has to learn to take the good and the bad in stride.
Hmm. With the comment deletion and then posting this, I don't think she's interested in squaring off with her old debt.
I'm glad things seem to be going well for her on IB but part of fixing everything is allowing both sides of the story, not just what she wants everyone to see.
If she wants back on FA then what she still owes from FA IS relevant to her petition on IB.
I see there's quite the argument going on as to whether it was appropriate to delete my post or not. Personally I wish she had left it up there and responded that she was going to address it - it would have left the option for me to respond as well if I were satisfied with the end result, which I would have thought would look better for her in a testimonial than just deleting my post outright.
As far as my wording, I felt my post was relevant to the journal description. She was gathering a testimonial for proof that her ways had changed, and if she were still avoiding making good on past commissions then that is appropriate to the intent of the journal since she wants to use it as proof to FA for unbanning. I think it would have made her appeal stronger if she had left my post and resolved the issue, but what's done is done.
So yes, I did receive a private message from Kannos after my post was deleted. She certainly remembers me and my original commission. Apparently my original piece (which was traditional) has been lost, but she has offered to do some art for me of comparable worth in accordance with her posted commission prices. I really would have liked a traditional piece, which the original commission was for, but she doesn't offer those any more.
She has offered a full body digital realism with full background in replacement. I've responded saying that that's okay, would prefer traditional if she can manage it, but we'll see. I will certainly keep this LJ thread up to date as things progress.
Her note to me certainly sounded like she wanted to make amends. I'm hoping that this time she means it; some here may call me a fool for doing so, but I'm willing to see if she makes good on her offer.
First, everyone has their arms up in the air over me removing Utunu's comment, but I suppose that may be my fault for not making the original journal's intentions more clear (thus I had to edit to elaborate on it). That journal was NOT meant to be a 'let's dredge up the past and review what I did way back when" type of thing. That journal was meant to highlight my activities on the Inkbunny website in the past 2 years. It was meant to showcase solid proof of my complete change in both business practices and client relations. Everyone knows what I did in the past, and there was no point in re-hashing it again and again. I put that journal up with the intent of showing people how I IMPROVED, not reminding them of how I failed in the past. So I do apologize if you guys mis-interpreted that, but my intent was not to 'bury' the past but merely to offer a forum where people can comment about how I've improved and what working with me is like now (and for the past 2 years).
Besides, had I wanted to ignore Utunu, I would have just removed his comment and blocked him. This is what I would have done in my old days when my head was chilling up my sphincter. But these aren't those days. So I immediately drafted up a note/PM for him explaining what I just explained above, and then telling him that I would love to work to set this back on track and shuffle him over to my 'happy' list, which is quite massive these days. We've since then been e-mailing back and forth several times per day going over details and such. If I had no interest in making amends, do you think I would have done any of this? When his friend messaged me about it (not knowing I was in contact with him) I didn't snark at him at all, or block him, or do any of the stuff I'd have done in the past. I just politely let him know that Utunu and I are already in contact and not to worry about it.
In regards to collaborating with Mondeis, I really do not know what she has done for you guys to dislike her so much, however I can only speak from my own experiences with her. All three collaborations have went off without ANY problems from either end (I actually just received her colored version of the last collab yesterday and am waiting for her feedback on adjustments). Also, she is the biggest repeat commissioner that I have. Of the over 180 new commissions I have successfully completed in the past 2 years, she accounts for around 16 or 17 of them. She has never been anything but amazingly pleasant to work with, and she's always paid me on time when she commissioned me. So, based on my experience with her I will continue to work with her.
That said, I think my current track record speaks loud and clear about how I do things now. Every commission is on a strict 'pay upon completion' basis, communication is nice and clear, and everyone is happy. Think about this: I have a lot of bills. And due to bad credit, I am expected to pay large deposits and high interest rates, so my bills are a lot higher than yours most likely. Even though I do not get enough commissions each month to pay all my bills on time, I still get enough to scrape by. All those commissions are paid upon completion and customer satisfaction. Would I be able to live and pay (most of) my bills if I was not running an honest business? The answer is no, I would not. While the volume of work I get is not enough to sustain my financial needs fully, it's still substantial enough that you can not overlook it. In the past 2 years I have successfully completed $11,000 worth of 'pay upon complete' commissions under my new business model. Sure, that only breaks down to around $5,500/year, which is nothing when you factor in that just my rent + car payment/insurance is $1,300/mo. But it's still a very large dollar amount that is attributed to happy people.This is not me saying "Hey I drew 4 sketches in 2 months and those 4 people were really happy so look, I changed!" This is me demonstrating a steady trend that spanned over 2 years so far and continues to this day.
I have no intention of screwing anyone over. My intent is simple: Pay my bills and live a decent, comfortable life. No more 'past due' notices. No more utilities getting shut off due to non-payment. No more overdrawn bank balances because my rent checks are not fully backed. Just, living a normal life. In time I would like to rebuild my credit because the lack of income made it take a nosedive and you can not get anything done ANYWHERE in this country with a score of 475. The only reason I even have a place to live is because the building belongs to a family friend who was willing to overlook my credit situation as long as I pay my rent. For those of you who wish to see me forever in 'limbo' and such, just remember that I'm a human being just like you. I am sure that each and every one of you on here has done something in your lifetime that you are not proud of. That you regret. But you would all want to be forgiven for it, especially if you actually took the effort to change and move past that issue rather than wallowing in it. You guys are quick to put an unhappy commissioner on a pedestal, but let's be fair and so the same with the happy ones, too. Their experience(s) hold just as much weight as the unhappy ones. I also fail to see how I am even in a position to 'screw' someone when I do not take payment until completion. I am actually in a position where I can be screwed (and I have, several times). It is absolutely impossible for a commissioner to not be happy when they ask for a commission and then sit back and pay nothing until the art is finished and approved by them. I do not see how anyone can find fault in this way of working.
This community claims to exist to 'inform' and do no harm, but actually you guys have done a LOT of harm, much of which was completely unrelated to my dealings in the furry fandom. I still have not forgotten when you guys contacted my fine art publisher to let them know I draw 'adult material' and get my contract terminated. The piddly royalties I was getting from that would have amounted to a substantial amount of money over time, and it was helping me get by. Now it is gone. I did nothing wrong to the publisher, and yet you guys ruined that even though it was unrelated to the fandom.