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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Sep 8

    What is your favorite video game figure you have? Mine is the 1982 Coleco Collectible arcade figures Mario Jumpman figure. This is the very first Mario figure in the whole world nothing is before this figure. It is my favorite and I have multiple because he is Jumpman.

  2. 11 hours ago

    A fact about Nintendo's damage control convincing all sources Issac is an AT and mostly concentrating on issac here because he has the most realistic evidence of being in. The mural with the green spec, the video with growth item, and he is in the Grinch Leak. Its D cunt hes in.

  3. 12 hours ago

    Can't wait to see everyone fight after the direct.

  4. 13 hours ago

    Just to be in clear here. Issac is not an assist trophy higher ups are telling the insiders sources this misleading information to bring attention off the Grinch leak.

  5. 14 hours ago

    ResetEra is full of shit

  6. 14 hours ago

    Banjo will definitely be last reveal because this game wouldn't end it off with no name characters or some pokemon. If there weren't any more big characters Ridley or Krool would have been the last reveal but I know that its going to be Banjo.

  7. 14 hours ago

    Alright, seems like everyone is confused how this is going down. There is no right answer to this because the insiders and their sources don't even have this info. I see it playing out as 3 newcomers issac mach rider chorus kids and the other 2 possibly being the start of dlc 1/2

  8. 17 hours ago

    My source that isn't my source but a friend of a source that is my source being my source has told me Insiders are told to mess with expectations to keep your mind off the grinch leak. Its real no matter what they tell you.

  9. 18 hours ago

    I can't wait for DLC leaks so I can cover them.

  10. 21 hours ago

    Btw Grinch leak is real.

  11. 21 hours ago

    Insiders can get busterfucked in the ass and bitchbombed on their twitter because they are nothing but idiots who arn't 100 percent sure whats going on. Banjo is in TALK ABOUT IT FUCKING LIARS! You leak info but afraid to talk about Banjo? YOUR INFO IS FALSE

  12. 22 hours ago

    Stupid insiders with nothing but speculation too scared to talk about Banjo PFFT MORONS I WON AND I GOT WHAT I WANT. DEAL WITH IT.

  13. Oct 29

    You know what the best part is? I can say anything I want and no1 can tell if its legit but one thing is clear THERE IS A FUCKING DROUGHT OF INFO AND ITS SPECULATION TIME FOR GRANBLUE HENTAI BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYS

  14. Oct 29

    I will be covering DLC leaks and other leaks after more info comes out because my source says that isn't my source that is that we will be getting new characters no1 sawed because of how stupid you all are.

  15. Retweeted
    Oct 11

    PLEASE tell me this is your way of telling the world Banjo Threeie is on it’s way, but if not just let me down easy

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  16. Oct 28

    Being A Noob Just Over Idiot Shit Is Nonsensical.

  17. Retweeted
    Oct 26

    Man it's been a while since we've heard from right? For all of you who are wondering, I had a little chat with him recently and he's just too busy with work and life. Don't go thinking he's quit or something lol.

  18. Oct 25

    I will be taking a short break covering smash leaks until people can determine if the grinch leak is real or fake. I know which one it is BTFO if you can't understand the difference. Also, Shame on you all harassing printing companies to get info on Eric. . Horloges.

  19. Oct 24

    I already knew about the Smash Bros leak Grande Meal. This leak is very credible and spoiled almost a month ahead of time by a very intelligent man with amazing vocab.

  20. Retweeted
    Oct 16

    Just arrived today, it’s a MOTHER 1+2 Ness keychain released in promotion with Coca-Cola in 2003. Regarded as the first Ness figure ever produced, this came 7 years before the Banpresto green base catcher prizes. Been wanting this for quite some time!

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  21. Oct 14

    This is a crystal etched Mario. It belongs to me. Who here is knowledgeable enough to know what this is? Only 1 on the internet is the one I bought a couple years back. It was very expensive.


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