Al Khalidi


Abu Sumayah Al Khalidi , AKA Orontes River , AKA whatever names I used. Simple observations on Syria. Strongly anti IS and all forms of terrorism.

ALLAHs Vast Land
Joined September 2018


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  1. 9 hours ago

    And what gave HTS political strength. Many groups have been angered by this and they have been waiting for turkey to attack HTS to no avail. This is a main reason tensions have and will continue.... because the reality on the ground isnt in their favor (2)

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  2. 9 hours ago

    The hard reality is some are angered by the current state. HTS managed to control the borders, the crossing points and Idlib city... this is whar many percieved as the greatest achievements of the revolution. This reality is what pushed Turkey to have to make contact with HTS (1)

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  3. Oct 30

    This is a regime soldier burning a poor dog alive... send it to the animal rights people because noone cared for the syrian people these assadist killers killed. A small glimpse into the shabiha of bashar

  4. Retweeted
    Oct 29

    Zenki has killed 2 HTS leaders of N. district & injured others, after the latter requested they remove their new HQs from Kafr Hamra because town council demanded it. Eba network alleges Ahrar Sham as accomplices.

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  5. Retweeted
    Oct 23

    infograph says 90 Daesh captured within them 20 leaders, while more than 20 killed in clashes with HTS in the last 50 days. 110+ in just month & half = infestation.

  6. Retweeted
    Oct 23

    HTS media relations rep. Amad Deen Mujahid denies rumors & accusations related to Japanese journalist Yasuda. Guarantees journalist protection & says tens of foreigners have been accompanied inside Idlib covering current events. Reaches out to Arab & foreign media to visit.

  7. Oct 22

    "The entire world is making a huge deal about the murder of Jamal Khashagji except for the muslim states who act as if it doesnt concern them.... " Very true, because most muslims are use to these tyrants and this is nothing unexpected from them.

  8. Oct 20

    Today HTS executed 4 regime spies in the liberated areas captured for planting IEDs and killing people in Idlib ...

  9. Oct 20

    The fallacy of IS's crooked ideology. They are transferring their own women and children to the "land of the apostates" while they claim to have a caliphate which cant even protect the prisoners they free..

  10. Oct 18

    The main reason of the HTS show of force is a part of their recruitment campaign, its designed to motivate would be recruits and bolster their image of strength...

  11. Oct 18

    Another seperate HTS show of force in Kafr Nabl...

  12. Oct 18

    HTS show of force in Idlib...

  13. Oct 16

    The whole Sochi agreement = turkey/russia please each other and continue to further their interests. In reality not much of the deal was fulfulled. Heavy weapons werent removed, "extremists" didnt retreat, etc.... dont take things at face value

  14. Oct 14

    WHEN, not if, it is proven MBS was behind killing Khashagji, he will have a hard time dealing with any nation. His name will always be known as a cruel killer, a power hungry tyrant willing to go after his own family to attain power... not as some western "media" tools paint it

  15. Oct 14

    Saudi Arabia: 1. Tensions with Canada 2. Tensions with Germany 3. War in Yemen 4. Silent war with Qatar 5. Tensions with Lebanon 6. Tensions with Algeria 7. Media war on Turkey ... instead of solving their issues. They killed Khashagji.. The dumb are enemies of themselves

  16. Oct 14

    I read the statement twice and no where did HTS accept the sochi agreement

  17. Oct 14

    4. The regime will eventually attack. This is an inevitable reality. For the meantime the map makers around Idlib should take a vacation. A period of much needed stagnation is likely to ensue, a period the armed opposotion desperately needed to replenish their ranks and fortify

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  18. Oct 14

    The groups, especially NLF, wont launch an attack anytime soon. Thus an attack by HTS will lead them to direct confrontation with turkey. 3. The defenses around Idlib have been strengthened emmensely, infact any attack by the regime will take months before any breakthrough

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  19. Oct 14

    The HTS strategy going forth seems to be clarifying for the viewers. 1. HTS knows an attack launched on their own is likely to fail because the regime has all their forces focused on Idlib and one group alone cant change the maps in a permanant manner. 2. HTS knows that (1)

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  20. Oct 14

    All claims that HTS leader Abu Abdelrahman Ghuraba was killed are false ....


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