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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Aug 7

    A source close to has revealed that will be 'soon' receiving thousands of detainees death notifications. 'At least half of those deaths may have been executions', according to him. Those executed were held on terrorism charges or detained on the battlefield.

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  2. 3 hours ago

    Very accurate reporting. However, Jarba had 2 'disastrous' meetings with leaders and isn't excited about working with him anymore. The bartering led to an American concession that should materialise soon on the -held borders.

  3. Retweeted
    Oct 30

    Updated control for the Eastern part of showing the most important oil and gas fields and whose controlling them. Note: A special report/map of areas will be out soon, to differentiate between and control over these fields/roads/borders/cities

  4. Oct 28

    This made me chuckle today during a conversation: " is spending $2bn to send an Indian to space. It's incredible because the has already spent 10 times the amount and they can't yet send an American to ". 🤭

  5. Retweeted
    Oct 27

    Explosion of a landmine left by Daesh in Thiban town in rural Deir ez-Zor injured 5 girls of a family, including 2 girls who are in urgent need for prosthetic legs.

  6. Retweeted
    Oct 25

    ITV News filmmaker whose “extraordinary eyewitness journalism” from Ghouta is nominated for one of the industry’s top awards, is barred from the UK so can’t attend next week’s ceremony. Officials think there’s a chance he won’t leave (there’s no chance)

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  7. Retweeted
    Oct 25

    BREAKING Good news for a change: confirming that son Salah and his family are finally out of Riyadh and on their way to US, travel ban lifted. Too bad Salah had to endure that cruel and bizarre greeting with MBS first.

  8. Oct 25

    Footage of Abu Musab handed to researcher in which he claims he's still under arrest.

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  9. Oct 25

    One could argue 3 years of being a hostage in terrible conditions would've earned him the right to a business class ticket... Or not getting stuck in the middle seat.

  10. Retweeted
    Oct 24

    Geneva Conv4 art 55: "To fullest extent available,... zOccupying Power has zduty of ensuring zfood & medical supplies of zpopulation; it should, in particular, bring in the necessary foodstuffs, medical stores & other articles if zresources of zoccupied territory R inadequate."

  11. Oct 24
  12. Oct 24

    -backed Northern Brigade reportedly ransomed one of its most notorious prisoners to his relatives for $50K. Abu Musab was caught fleeing in Nov 2017. He stood accused of disappearing dozens of activists in and of knowing the fate of dozens more.

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  13. Oct 23

    fully knows the galvanising powers of social media. This is an attempt aimed at silencing the poor, who have a lot to complain about, through pricing them out of access. gov, again, puts the Internet back in the hands of the privileged.

  14. Oct 23

    لا تصالح ولو ناشدتك القبيلة باسم حزن "الجليلة" أن تسوق الدهاءَ وتُبدي -لمن قصدوك- القبول سيقولون: ها أنت تطلب ثأرًا يطول فخذ -الآن- ما تستطيع: قليلاً من الحق.. في هذه السنوات القليلة إنه ليس ثأرك وحدك، لكنه ثأر جيلٍ فجيل وغدًا.. سوف يولد من يلبس الدرع كاملةً، يوقد النار شاملةً

  15. Retweeted
    Oct 17

    As an academic, I have increasingly come to find that Political Science & International Relations theories & concepts have less explanatory & predictive power in understanding world politics in the Trump/MBS era, than familiarity with The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Narcos & Gomorrah

  16. Retweeted
    Oct 17

    Last wk State Dept was careful to say Saudis should *support* an investigation Now Pompeo: Saudis are "going to do an investigation, and when the investigation comes out, we’ll evaluate it..It’s reasonable to give them a handful of days more to complete it, so they get it right"

  17. Retweeted
    Oct 17

    Also, as reports come of planned cross-line convoy via Damascus (): U.S. planners would do well to realize that the leverage they've allowed – as in other enclaves to which GoS restricted access – is infinitely regenerating. It can be used again and again.

  18. Retweeted
    Oct 16

    Hats off to who identified the omnipresent Saudi security man close to MBS and accused in the killing of Jamal Khashoggi:

  19. Retweeted

    some of the best journalism we've done at was thanks to so i'm giving this a big slow shout out.

  20. Retweeted
    Oct 17

    A really important piece of open source investigation by the New York Times on the Jamal Khashoggi, showing the rogue assassins theory doesn't stand up.

  21. Oct 17

    Have to agree with that $100m payment isn't 'blood money'. It was approved on 1 Oct, before he disappeared. We had wind of it on 3 Oct but weren't allowed to divulge it back then.


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