Its been a while since I posted a journal about stuff so I guess I'll post one to let you guys know whats been going on recently in my life.
Here goes.
My sister in law Pam came over today. My brother Mike who is my payee for my Social Security gave her my weekly money to give to me and we were sitting on the front porch just talking about things. My neighbor Randy came out of his house - you know the one who doesn't like me because I held them to their word when they said they would pay me back for the coffee & cigarettes they borrowed from me - and he asked Pam if he could talk to her for a second. She said "Why sure! Whats on your mind?" He then started accusing me of doing things I have never done to him and his wife saying I pick on the elderly and I am obnoxious and rude that no one around here likes me, bla bla bla.
He told Pam that "He always comes outside when we have company and he listens to our conversations." as if I'm some how not allowed to sit on my front porch just because they have people on their porch. I was like "So? I'm allow to sit out here." I mean if hes so worried that I might be listening to his conversations why doesn't he talk in private in his house? FYI - I could care less about Randy's conversations with his half deaf brother or anyone else they invite over to their house for that matter. Anyways so he goes on an on and says hes called the police on me (a lie) and then he says to Pam "I have a warrant out for him for making terroristic threats". I couldn't help but face palm when he said that. I then said to Randy "Oh yeah? So why ain't I sitting here in handcuffs?" He ignored my question. But Pam told him if he wants to call the police on me to go right a head and do it. Randy then told her that he would handle it himself whatever thats suppose to mean. Randy doesn't know this but I just happen to hit record memo on my phone when he came out of his house so I got the entire conversation recorded. I did this because earlier this morning when I was sitting on my front porch drinking a cup of coffee his wife came out and started running her mouth at me. I figured they might try to start something with me later on in the day. It didn't take very long for them to do it. What happened this morning is Ramonda's daughter came over to visit and when Ramonda came out of their house she sat down and started talking with her daughter. I just sat there minding my own beeswax until I heard Ramonda ask her daughter "how long has he been sitting out here?" I turned my head toward her and I said "Why does it matter?" she then said to me "No one is talking to you!" I then said "Yeah but you are talking about me." I then told her "I can sit out here on my porch anytime I want to for however long I want." Then she said "Find do that!" and I said "I will." She then said to me I'm not scared of you like these other people around here are!" I was like "Huh?" I have no idea what shes talking about. I get along with all my other neighbors just fine. In fact I help out one of my neighbors Kenneth by watching his cat and feeding him for Kenneth and I come over to their house and watch out for his mother who has Dementia and I make sure she gets her medication while Kenneth is at work. Funny behavior for someone who picks on the elderly, no? Its always Randy & Ramonda that I have problems with. And it always starts when they open their mouths. They are always hostile and negative toward me. I try my best to not participate in their shenanigans as I've learned from living in that hell hole house in Oregon not to feed into peoples crap. The truth is most people around here don't really care for Randy or Ramonda because they know what kind of people they are. Our landlord April is starting to see them for what they are too. Randy and Ramonda think they have everyone around her fooled into thinking they are an innocent helpless elderly couple who can't afford to feed themselves but people 'round here aren't stupid. I am not the first person they've mistreated. If they keep it up they might end up being asked to leave. Anyways so Ramonda went back into her house after that. This was the end of their bs until Pam came over to see me. So like I said before Randy is sitting out on the porch accusing me of all kinds of bullshit trying to convince Pam that I'm nothing but a troublemaker and an asshole to them. He then says to her "Hes always starting bullshit with us!" Pam stops him and says "Please don't curse at me! And don't call him names." He then says "I didn't curse at you!". Pam then says to him "You most certainly did! You said bullshit." Randy then informs Pam that bullshit isn't a curse word and that the whole world knows this. I'm sitting there thinking "Wat?".
So Pam then tells Randy that shes not going to sit here and listen to him belittle and insult me and accuse me of things I'm not doing. Randy says back "Hmmm. I thought because you knew my cousins and I know your cousins you would listen to me." I'm not sure why he assumed Pam would more inclined to listen to him because of that..but whatever. He then declares that him and his wife are Christians as if that somehow makes their story more believable. Pam then tells him that hes not acting very Christ like and he just loses it. He starts yelling at Pam and starts calling her names and says shes stupid and to shut up. He tells her that hes smarter than her because he went to college for a year and that shes no better than I am, bla bla bla. She then says "Fine. Stop talking to me!" and sits down next to me.
Randy's wife Ramonda then comes out of their house and then she starts yelling and she tries to get Randy to stop arguing with Pam but he won't listen to her. Pam then says to Randy "Why don't you mind your boss and stop talking to me?" I thought that was pretty funny.
They eventually went back into their house and left us alone. I told her "I wasn't kidding about these people." We then went up to the managers office and told April what Randy & Ramonda just did. I also told her that I had recorded the entire thing on my phone. April told me to keep the recording in case they try to do something else and that Randy and Ramonda are going to be moving out of that apartment soon. Apparently they are moving into another unit that has two bedrooms. She told me not to let them know that I am aware that they are moving and I was like "Are you kidding? Let them go!" Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Every time I come out of my house I have my phone in my hand set to record. If they continue to bother me I will just gather more evidence. They're suppose to be moving soon but I guess they have to wait for the other apartment to get ready. When I step out to smoke they act offended by me being on my porch and they accuse me of being nosy. Randy keeps making little snide remarks about me saying stuff like "Theres too many ears listening" or "Damn vultures always hanging around". I just ignore it and don't respond. I know they want
to illicit a response out of me so they know they can bother me and I refuse it to give them.
But yeah they are irritating. I don't even understand why they despise me so much. All I did was hold them to their word.
It takes a real POS to try to turn someones family against them just because you don't like them.
What dicks. I WANT people to hold me to my word. I really will never understand people like that. Just the devil, I suppose.