He deleted his half of this conversation so I can't share any more of it than this. If you want proof @ Blumiere on Telegram and I can forward those posts to you.
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It's possible that he photoshopped the image he sent me. It can be proven which specific image he sent due to how Telegram works. Then again, Kero has been shown to be extremely dishonest with how he handled the Korhorix thing and the Iranian Superhacker BS.pic.twitter.com/ICXYq3D7Bf
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People also have a tendency to call him "Fox" if they know him well instead of Foxler...but that could be a coincidence.
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If Kero truly cares about furry he'll stop trying to fix his reputation and disappear. His "comeback" depends on zoophilia (and worse) gaining widespread acceptance in the community. Most furs will be forced to leave the fandom if that happens. This is extremely selfish.
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LOL Cat's out of the bag guys. I know this might come as a big shock to some of you, but I've actually been Sam Hyde this entire time.pic.twitter.com/JyVMRcZb6D
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I was able to nab the exchange between Foxler and I. I set up this channel to make it easy to distribute.https://t.me/foxlersupportskero …
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Unbelievable. And totally unacceptable too.
for god's sake, len. stop being so gullible.
Gullible? I can prove he sent those messages.
i would like to see some of the proof. it's just kinda hard to believe.
@ me on Telegram and I can forward the messages. They will link to Foxler's profile when clicked. This cannot be faked.
@ is Blumiere
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He's admitted to having sex with underage girls and even said he knew it was wrong that he did so. He rapes animals and is quite literally a Nazi. He makes basically every Trump supporting furry look bad. He ruined every ounce of reputation I had. This is just status quo for him.
People thought I was blind to what he's done when I started defending him. No...no. I'm not that stupid. But like with the altfur discord I really needed to see for myself what really goes on in that back room. And believe me: Len and Co. have NOTHING on what they do.
Now will I go into detail about all that? That depends on if a certain corsac fox decides to play it smart and leave me and my group alone.
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Kero's guilt seems debatable. Perhaps Foxler's just not buying it. He's not the only one.
Have you yourself reviewed the archive?
No, my view is based on what I've heard from others.
My view comes from looking at stuff for myself. Not all of which is public yet but.. that's the beauty of ops and informants. There's enough out there to prove his guilt already. And it gets much, much worse.
I've seen the stuff Mordecai tweeted in September, as well as Koth's videos about Kero. If there's something more incriminating out there, feel free to share.
Anyways, my point was that someone donating to him isn't necessarily a sign that they want to support actual animal abuse. It could simply be a failure to believe he's guilty, or the failure to see their actions as serious crimes. I admit that I myself feel rather unmoved by it.
There was more of the convo I was able to recover since the original post, since I forgot that I saved most of it the day before. Here he is saying "what the zoosadists do doesn't affect us". And I can forward these messages to prove they're real as well.pic.twitter.com/rh0urqYhQ0
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