
You blocked @phaylen

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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Oct 24

    The most incredible, talented, kind, loving, authentic people I know are Trans and non-binary folks. The traditionalists of society have always tried to dim those whose lights shine with world-changing radiance.

  2. 5 minutes ago

    In 1943, the government issued a educational film warning against propaganda that could lead to leadership like . Here we are 75 years later, and a relentless attack on Immigrants, , folks and exalting hate mentality.

  3. 1 hour ago

    You wanna be like ladies? Well who better to help than moi? Except don't use an extension cord tho.

  4. 2 hours ago

    Folks: "Don't Judge us all by the acts of a few people." Also MAGA folks- "Ban all Muslims! Mexicans are Rapists and Murderers!"

  5. 2 hours ago

    The most terrifying tweet I've seen from him yet. His glowing approval of the new extremist Brazilian President who said women who are raped “deserve it” and he’d be “incapable of loving a homosexual son” declaring himself a "Proud Homophobe."

  6. 5 hours ago

    Minorities keep suing these local and federal overseers for the rights they already have. STOP. Prosecute them. They are undermining democracy. Put them in jail for meddling in an official election.

  7. 8 hours ago

    The US Health and Human Services swapped out "Gender" for "Sex" to emphasis birth assigned sex and eliminate trans identities. This initiative began around the time the New York Times Memo was being passed between agencies.

  8. 9 hours ago

    So much gratitude to the organizations devoted to this service to our community. To my trans* family, stay strong, stay vigilant. Easier said than done, I know, but we're not alone.

  9. 10 hours ago

    New game Bots aren't automated responses. They're workers in another country whose job it is to amplify division and dissent. Their usernames usually end it multiple numerical digits. They tweet on ONLY 1 topic. Their profiles are empty.

  10. 11 hours ago
  11. 22 hours ago

    I agree with this. It's time the media stop ridiculously trying to maintain a forced civility and tolerance while Trump shreds the nation into a million pieces. Trying to remain unbiased and hopeful where he is concerned is not an option anymore.

  12. 22 hours ago

    No one will hold my legs for me while I try this Susan Powter home workout VHS tape I got at a garage sale.

  13. Oct 28

    My heart is aching inconsolably for our LGBT family in Brazil. I fear that will be the USA on November 6th. Stay safe.

  14. Retweeted
    Oct 28
  15. Retweeted
    Sep 6

    Now is the time for our society to champion the empowerment & liberation of people, enabling them to live their genuine & honest lives, engaged & recognised fully as valued & equal citizens. 😀👍🏼 🌈 + 🏳️‍🌈

  16. Oct 28
  17. Oct 28
  18. Oct 28

    What do you think happened that required this?

  19. Oct 28

    Apparently Trump's promise of violence couldn't wait for the election results.

  20. Oct 28

    My elderly dogter, Tutu, has a real issue with me ever taking her 📷 I wanted her to show off her new scarf! These are always my best results.

  21. Oct 28

    A woman who lived to be 97 years old after surviving the Holocaust died in a synagogue in America at the hands of a radicalized Trump supporter. Let that sink in.


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