Rt if you're blocked by @NO_BOOT_DEVICEpic.twitter.com/SPFiUZqS2b
by the way,, since ppl still r bumping this. calling it "furry drama" when actually it is very serious!! that it is called "drama" and not "very serious thing that is bad" means that this happens in furry community all the time! :O
But you DO love insane furry drama. I know that 100%
lol pls!! well yes furry drama is very insane and furries r very insane as well!! so that is why furries are good to laugh at and why EVERYONE in the internet laughs at furries! lol!!! VERY true news :D
The only real furry drama that exists is the drama surrounding your refusal to accept that you’re a furry.
um but i am NOT a furry tho!! so pls! ^-^
You must have Furry Identity Denial Disorder or FIDD.
lol no wrong!! thats not true becos i am 100% NOT a furry!! wow!
It seems you have a strong case of FIDD. I hope you get therapy for it.
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well but other ppl are retweeting it tho and i am just retweeting them!! now pls lol :D
ok what did i come back to lol
my thought exactly
and uhhh... why do people NEED a *hey, look. someone youll never talk to that has a different opinion to you, ban them* because a. your probably never going to talk to these people anyway and b. "we want to be all inclusive" *blocks people because they like something different*
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i know how you feel
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no hey come on now pls lol :D
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