is this legit?
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Wait, so does this mean if isaac was shown first, isabelle would be fighter number 69?
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>Smashboards Yeah no, as someone who's on that site, that place is hell. Not reliable either.
no, hes right. The images of the fighters is split into 6 different
I've been going off analyzing for the past hour but before my brain explodes from information overload I made this image representing where the image cuts off each
what does this mean?
not gonna lie it doesn't mean much. just saying the person on smash boards isn't wrong about the website being split up, which would explain the clipping of macs fist as chances are they didn't think they needed to update that part of the banner.
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Maybe that's why that video had the sprout item because they assumed Isaac would have been revealed by then.
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Wait... So you're telling me... To cover up isaac...nintendo gave us... A p h o t o s h o p p e d l i t t l e m a c ?
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This can't be true. They had to reveal isabelle with the reveal of the new animal crossing on switch. Common sense people
There would of been 2 character trailers in the direct, that's why Isabelle is in the incorrectly cropped version. If there was only going to be Isaac the broken version of the picture would not have Isabelle.
Why would there be 2 characters. Sakurai already said that they would be slowing down reveals and that there wouldn't be very much newcomers. Imagine 2 new fighters on 1 direct.
Dawg he said that AFTER the nintendo direct. The amount of characters announced with isabelle wouldn’t have mattered, because they’ve stayed true to his statement; we still haven’t had any significant news since isabelle
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