gets lost in a sea of entry-level, normie-driven, lukewarm, preaching-to-the-choir content You know, easily consumable, easily digestible lewd content, not particularly detailed or nuanced, just a quick, throwaway fap pic of your favorite, currently IN, waifu of the month [2/3]
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And I think, the reason they think I have a "big ego" is because I don't require anyone individual nor "community"'s validation to push forward and know full well that I'm objectively worth more than "the standard person" for the art and the quality of it that I can bring?
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Whereas nowadays, "communities" or "fandoms" feel they, merely for the fact they a collective, are in a position of zeitgeist power or influence to dictate, bestow, and take away validation, legitimacy and/or importance to artists, based on ultimately idiotic, arbitrary whims?
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They know alone they have no power, so when they know they're many, they seek to exert control over the creative hands that surround said communities/fandoms? And when they see lone powerhouses go their own way and answer to no one but themselves, they just go full on REEEEE?
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I'm sure I've been here for far too long, but back when I was grinding it out, we didn't answer to any capricious fandom or 'community' It's not all 'ego' I'll argue-
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But you damn well better believe I'm going to be proud of the fact I earned my position and my skills. Particularly when you take into account the impoverished and frankly oppressive environment I climbed out of-
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To become the first (or one of the first 2) globally renown, Mexican, 'Furry' artists to come from the 1st wave of the fandom's initial surge online. In a field dominated by anglos! You're damn right I'm going to be proud of what little I've been able to call my own.
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