  ~Toboe ( Member )
Full Name: toboe
User Title: Art Whore
Registered since: Jul 11th, 2006 08:05
Current mood: excited
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Page Visits: 35795
Submissions: 271
Comments Received: 6440
Comments Given: 8637
Journals: 31
Favorites: 11551

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Aidan's First Time uploaded: 5 years ago
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Your Turn by Kenket faved: 2 years ago
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Watched by
zentrev OverVored ShadowCentota
dickie200951 DJ_Bunny_Butt Morkus
IrishWolf115 Zachruff WoofyWolff
d0e Neon_Glow_Husky neonium
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Is watching
FriskalPox Dmitrydraws smiju
Schmozy AyCee jonasafterdark
ShaiderCuteTail Garnetto Phizzy
Pinup_Prince hax PrincessHarumi
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They're all here! I'm too lazy to flood my FA with submissions and FA isn't really the place for it. If you are in one of these photos, feel free to post it on your FA and give me credit for taking said photo.

I may post a review of the convention later, but in summar, great dealers and artists alley but shit crappy hotel and layout and sad they're using the same hotel next year so I probably won't be going back. There's plenty of other conventions for me to attend <3 (the staff was awesome though)
5 years ago    

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  dmitrydraws Dmitrydraws
  Posted: 5 months ago
Thanks for the watch! Love your username!

  terastas Terastas
  Posted: a year ago
Just ignore the Trumpanzee whores. They're just trying to bait you into being shadow-blocked, and they're all just one asshole with a million accounts anyway.

  commie-furs Commie-Furs
  Posted: a year ago
Yeh I spent way too much time trying to debate him lol

  jerreh Jerreh
  Posted: a year ago
very low energy

  jecsh Jecsh
  Posted: a year ago

  inukivanpaw InukiVanPaw
  Posted: a year ago

  taylorthefur Taylor_The_Fur
  Posted: a year ago
Love your art <3

  yoshumakato Yoshu_Makato
  Posted: a year ago
*leaves you a Yoshi plush and cake with a smile* Beware of the Yoshi if your not smiling you'll get snuggled until you do smile hehe^^

  taro-fox Taro-fox
  Posted: 2 years ago
d'aww thank you so much ^////^

  racthetmechanic RacthetMechanic
  Posted: 2 years ago
To your comment i saw, I do think it's necessary somewhat, just like it's necessary to have icons for orientations due to how people perceive everyone as heterosexuals

  codiebores codiebores
  Posted: 2 years ago

  slate-wolf Slate-Wolf
  Posted: 2 years ago
I mean it as in when people say "foxes have magical anal stretching powers" and people who genuinely think they're an animal trapped in a human body. I'm just here for the art really.