~fabercastel's Journals
are roaming the campus
are roaming the campus
are roaming the
clap clap

7 years ago    

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Yay for getting older! Also harry potter <3
7 years ago    

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i'll be there :3

Say hi if you see me!
7 years ago    

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You reached 456 points, so you achieved position 5948 of 1627850 on the ranking list

You type 633 characters per minute
You have 116 correct words and
you have 4 wrong words

I can be a secretary <3
7 years ago    

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7 years ago    

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rov rov tagged me, but 10 people is way too many to tag so I won't.

1) I can and do fall asleep during pretty much anything, anywhere

2) I like caterpillars but I find inchworms horrifying

3) I used to have an obsession with newts when I was a kid

4) I hate those squatting toilets in asia

5) I don't find charlie sheen or charlie sheen related jokes funny

6) I love good chuck norriss jokes

7) I often forget how old I am because I don't celebrate my birthdays

8) My favorite type of meat is (usually) lamb

9) I only started eating raw fish because of Shota no Sushi (将太の寿司), it made me crave it even though I found it gross. But now I love it :>

10) I'm a sore loser so I try not to play anything competitive
7 years ago    

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8 years ago    

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8 years ago    

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Yay I'm old :C


8 years ago    

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I don't know if I can remember everything that happened. Also pre-emptive sorry if i misspell anyone's name or leave anything out.

Drove down from Toronto with patto, alicesama, and demicoeur. Since I'm stupid and don't really look up directions beforehand we ended up taking 7 hours on a trip that should only take 5 and a half ish. Also ended up going through some hicktown with rollercoaster hills and scary white people. Told the customs/boarder person that we were going to a 'fantasy/scifi convention in pittsburgh' and he snorted and was like 'what the heck is a fantasy/scifi convention?'

Arrived at AC at 2pm, went to chillax at my room in the doubletree till like 3 and had a few drinks, then wandered around town alone while tipsy and looking for the con without a map (I'm stupid) and it took me half an hour to finally get there.

Highlights from what I can remember:

- Sharp edge is an awesome restaurant with like 10x the beer selection of anywhere I've been to in Canada. Why don't we have a place like this?

- Putting my name in for Artist's Alley for shits and giggles not expecting to get in (it was a lottery) and panicking when I got called. I didn't plan to sell anything and was just doing it to save space for Patto who actually got a table, too. Thankfully Winddragon told me it was okay to sell digital things so I just did some DS badges. Thanks Kagnar, Cyberwuff, Mousey and Geemo!

- Talking mad chinese with clup but not being able to keep up half the time. So I just laughed and nodded and hoped he wouldn't notice. Also trading little sticky note drawings in the zoo.

- Egging jasonmiller into drawing cubscatporn. Also both of us almost having a heart attack with all the caffeinated thing(s) we had.

- Watching a particularly loud and noisy white haired chick randomly break down into a mess and wail until voln and corkinbusker offered to help her. Then seeing her again that evening with a bra on her head shouting some nonsense.

- James Gurney's panels which were like super ridiculously helpful and informative and worth the time to go to [/fanboy]

- BEERING and Chillin' with friends in the Omni. Thanks for introducing me to all those different beers, guys! Also thanks to goldenboiblaze for bringing so much of it. PROPS

- Black Dynamite (the parts where I was awake) with artdecade, kilmo, mook280, thatoneguy297, hottapwater, jelloftheanticrumb, clup, and jasonmiller

- Hilarious pictochatting on the last evening with kilmo, hottapwater, voln and the other people in the zoo. That was a loooot of fun!

- Having onta see me sitting alone in the hallway waiting for my DS to charge during the pictochat shenanigans and heckling me for it :B
8 years ago    

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I saw other people doing them so I figured I should do one too

• Where are you staying?
Double Tree with inoby inoby ardel ardel and kodadax kodadax

• What day are you getting there?

• Who will you be with?
Will probably find me with inoby inoby rockk rockk f0xx0rz f0xx0rz or patto patto unless I wander off.

• Do you do free art?
I'll probably be willing to draw in someone's sketchbook if I'm bored but don't expect it to be awesome.

• Do you do trades?

• Do you do commissions?
Not until I finish the two that I owe to other people 6_6 (you know who you are)

• What is your gender?
Take a guess

• How old are you?

• Can I talk to you?

• Can I touch you?
If by touch you mean hugs then sure :C

• Can I hang out with you?
Sure why not

• How can I find you?
I'll be one of the asians... good luck.

• Can I buy you drinks?
8 years ago    

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and thus find this mashup of 2009's top 25 billboard hits to be kind of awesome:


(they also have 2008 and 2007)
8 years ago    

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Stolen from kamui kamui

Art Hero Meme!

In no particular order, list FIVE artists (furry or otherwise, contemporary or historical) who you feel have greatly influenced your growth as an artist, along with a link to one piece by each that you feel represents their work! (For those who don't know the tags here, just type [ url = (the URL) ] the artist's name [ /url ], but without the spaces!)

1. Norman Rockwell
2. Bobby Chiu
3. Henry Yan
4. Brom
5. Justin Sweet

I listed them loosely via chronological order but it really was all in a span of a year or two..
8 years ago    

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blueberserker blueberserker opened commissions and he's awesome/needs money

go commission him.

8 years ago    

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New SF character based off of kirkpinar C:
8 years ago    

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This better not have been lotd here a few days ago cause that always happens when I find a funny link :C
8 years ago    

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Who's going to that thing?

I might pop in.
8 years ago    

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Why are they so delicious and inexpensive?

I've got a cold and i'm eating samosas for breakfast.

8 years ago    

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At the request of some dude.

Here you go guys, a compressed video of the drawing/painting process of the latest submission; I probably won't refresh this link once it's down so GET IT WHILE IT'S FRESH.

p.s. I couldn't seem to make the video play any slower than 2 minutes so... it's kind of speedy. I hope it's of some help?
8 years ago    

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I bought like two packs of glow-in-the-dark stars/moons/planet stickers and stuck it all over the walls and ceiling of my room. TAKE THAT, LANDLORD.

I pretty much jizz in my pants whenever I turn the lights off; too bad the things go dim after like a minute /sadface.

In other, less childish news (actually, not really), here is my new favorite online video that I'm sure everyone has already seen already:


I'm going to make a ringtone with this.
8 years ago    

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Updates a few times a month with comic artists and illustrators showing animated gifs of their work as it progresses.
8 years ago    

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8 years ago    

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I have time for one commission during the holidays. Friends suggested doing an auction, so here we go:


HAVE AT IT GUYS (or gals)

Sorry to those who I promised I would add to a commission list; with the way things are right now, I don't really have time to do a series of commissions, only one every once in a while, when time permits. This usually means holidays.
8 years ago    

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I know, i know, months behind everyone else

Finally finished the game. It was pretty rad! Seemed a bit short, though. Finished it in a day.

Also, reminds me of how much i suck at fps games.

When I finished it and started a new game, it was like "man, i can't buy one-shot kill on hard without finishing hard first? this is lame"
friend: yeah but uh, what's the point? if you finish the game on an easier difficulty then buy one-shot kill, the game is just as easy
9 years ago    

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I just downloaded a few seasons of it and I haven't stopped watching it since.

Productivity -50 points.

I have no idea why this series about catching serial killers that follows a strict formula each time is so enthralling and interesting. Every time, the serial killer's introduced, you see them kill someone, fbi finds out about case, profile him/her/them, they find another victim, victim is saved in time at the end. It rarely ever deviates but... but I can't stop watching it

Also downloaded House and am a few episodes in, waiting for more of Criminal Minds to finish torrenting.

I am so fucked, this semester <3 and to think that I took time off work this week and left my ps3 at my parents' so that I wouldn't be wasting time. God I am good at procrastinating.

Dexter is good, too. Speaking of which.. *goes to look for yesterday's episode*
9 years ago    

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Hipsters are roaming the campus (7 years ago)
23 (7 years ago)
AC (7 years ago)
Typing Speed (7 years ago)
Squirrel Launcher (7 years ago)
10 things Journal (7 years ago)
BRRROOOMMMM (8 years ago)
DC Universe Online - Cinematic Trailer (8 years ago)
22! (8 years ago)
Post AC Memelol (8 years ago)
AC Memelol (8 years ago)
I listen to mainstream music (8 years ago)
Art Hero Meme (8 years ago)
Commission this dude (8 years ago)
I say Turkish Wrestling rules (8 years ago)
Gaga in Wonderland (8 years ago)
Furnal Equinox? (8 years ago)
Samosas (8 years ago)
Anteater drawing process (video link) (8 years ago)
Glow in the dark stuff is awesome (8 years ago)
Awesome WIP Blog (8 years ago)
Zordon is a Racist (8 years ago)
Commission Auction UP! (8 years ago)
Uncharted 2 (9 years ago)
Oh god Criminal Minds (9 years ago)