  ~Roketsune ( Member )
Full Name: Roketsune
User Title: Watcher
Registered since: Feb 15th, 2015 12:22
Current mood: pensive
Artist Profile:
Updated 25 October 2018

Icon done by p-aei p-aei

Wartime mobilization on the Dramatic Front in progress! As furrydom seems determined to outdo itself regarding horrifying atrocities while opposing factions immolate themselves and each other over things both legitimate and retarded, I have found myself irresistibly called to action as furrydom's chief pedofurry inquisitional magistrate rather than focus on urgent personal life issues (I have severe ADD and autism- I can't be blamed for being distracted by your insanity!). I am actively compiling evidence on 2 or 3 cases which desperately need a chief tactician/prosecutor who will remorselessly and methodically prove AND disprove accusations against AND from the defendant (they are indeed clusterfucks which so few can look at rationally). I will compose full reports, and intend to promulgate them as intensively and effectively as possible.

I am saying this because:

1.) If I have contacted you here or elsewhere asking for evidence, and you are aware of certain beliefs or proclivities of mine which engender your hatred of me, I implore you to ignore them, as I ignore the same- even outright adversary status and previous hostilities- when I approach people such as you to obtain evidence. I assure you, this is a serious case and we will be far better helped by us exchanging information and allying on this (and preferably, while also not continuing hostilities with each other on other fronts). You will be extremely impressed with how little I care about such details, and my similarities/agreements with defendants, when I'm on my sacred duty of inquisitor-strategist. These are actual, serious cases, and if you don't help me, you only assist child molestors and assorted other bad people- something which I will dutifully note in my final reports.
2.) Whether you're a complainant/accuser or a defendant, whether I have approached you or decided I don't need your testimony (I actually much disfavor this form of evidence, especially on sensitive cases- it's often so unreliable, and the aforementioned shit doesn't help), know one thing: I care only for the truth, and my effectiveness in demonstrating and promulgating it. I am frighteningly objective and dispassionate, and even when I'm not, I perceive details and actions very well. I will perceive and present exculpatory and incriminating evidence, and mitigating and aggravating evidence, with total disregard for your or any community's receptiveness to it. I feel no confliction at all if I crucify and exonerate a person in the same report, or if I harm the reputation of my own demographic. The truth is the truth, even when you or I hate it.
3.) If you're looking to socialize with me, I am and have been even more aloof than usual because fucking furrydom has set itself on fire and my instincts to perceive and present the truth are massively inflamed. And, also, well, I need to fix these life issues during and after this. I'll be lucky if I'm more available to be a friend to people before New Year's. I'm so sorry!
4.) I'm a self-righteous and arrogant doofus who likes seeing myself talk.

A few remaining assorted matters:

Please note that any reports will be composed, issued, and linked to, completely outside of FA. Regarding my dramatic investigative work, all I do here is speak to people on cases (usually privately) when I need or wish to, in manners congruent with this site's poorly fashioned and often misenforced ToS/CoC.
I generally don't publicly mention a defendant/suspect/person of interest before my reports are completed, especially if it hasn't gotten much attention. It's always best to stalk and track someone covertly and quietly, documenting their commentary and behavior while they feel relatively at ease and unindicted, and in the moments after encountering an accusation. This methodology gives minimal incitement to go DFE, and causes maximal damage with one sudden thrust (my reporting) and following secondary actions. The same usually applies to accusers- I like to study them from afar and in times they weren't as capable of fabricating a narrative or inappropriately correcting flaws in their presentations. This is especially critical when the accuser becomes the defendant and guilty party- we've had one case like that this year.
I work extremely methodically and exhaustively, but also very slowly. I just can't seem to increase my efficiency much, especially in multifaceted clusterfuck cases. I might not respond to a PM for days even on a currently active case. Also, I've been repeatedly preempted by new cases which superseded the previous in urgency, as well as IRL matters, so shit from April or May remains in my archives in a very disorderly state. Thus, if you give testimony or tangible evidence that I immediately believe, unless it is a highly imperative and volatile situation requiring my expeditious intervention (the beefcake slave thing with 3 fatalities is about on that level), it may well not be publicly presented for weeks and perhaps you'll be upset or worried. When it is, though, it will be done very adroitly and with all other evidence.
I am inherently neutral when someone makes a exploitation, CSA, or general rape accusation without accompanying tangible evidence or even psych-behavioral evidence to gauge reliability- just as I am on every other accusation. Sexual assault and child sexual predation are not special crimes where the accused should be presumed guilty. I WILL scrutinize an accuser and judge their reliability and trustworthiness- in essence, when I'm presiding, EVERY MAJOR PARTY is on trial! Additionally, even in circumstances where statutory rape/assault are proven, I will differentiate between predatory/abusive/violent and non-predatory/abusive/violent cases while demonstrating the crime was committed regardless. If I have to explain to you why it's imperative to be specific and judicious when making cases which can destroy a person's life, you likely won't be a witness who will do well in my court.

Regarding my usage of the term "pedofurry":

I use this term in a neutral/positive manner, with the definition of a furry who is sexually attracted to fictional AND/OR actual children. I know it has a negative connotation generally, but I like it's textual and phonetic qualities, and I also like notoriety.
When I use it in relation to my dramacraft activities, primarily I mean that actual/perceived pedofurries tend to be my main subject of interest, but also I myself am a hebephilic pedofurry (little attraction to RL humans- I overwhelmingly favor fictional and drawn beings). So, it has both conceivable meanings.
If you're a pedofurry and expect me to overlook your misconduct because I jerk off to the same things you do or agree on AoC reform, you will be extremely disappointed if you ever cross me or incite my negative interest. Conversely, if you're an anti with a legitimate case, you will be awestruck by my willingness to prosecute and the labor I invest in doing so. I am loyal to no group or demographic. All Terran demographics are inferior and verminous.
I argue against censorship, against the absurd and catastrophically destructive maligning of sexual behavior, against excessive child liberation rhetoric and beliefs, and against the maligning of pedo/hebe/ephebophiles as a whole regardless of their sexual ideological affiliations or morality. I would rather ally with the so-called "anti-contact" types against our mutual enemies in these times of hysteria and bigotry, and those within our midst who are dishonorable. Fighting this wing of MAPs when they came and fought for us cubfurs earlier would be a tragic mistake, and the sort of civil war scenario I keep ridiculing and arguing against within furrydom. MAPs, help me deal with our mutual problems even if you hate my ideology, please!

Wow, this is so much longer than what I had envisioned two hours ago.

Greetings, everyone! It is I, the one and only femboy tactician/strategist of furrydom! I actually really hate using FA, but there are some things I absolutely must do here, so I have established a presence here. Actually, I don't have much of an active presence ANYWHERE. Hell, my Inkbunny profile I haven't managed to finish overhauling after I started that, and my hebephilic cub commissions from February have yet to be posted, and that place I really care about!

Besides severely and laughably mismanaging my limited resources, my main hobbies and online activities are:

Researching, documenting, participating in, and generating furry drama. I generally fixate on cases which are both fascinating and highly impactful to furrydom, have not been well documented and/or well explained to the general community, and is a case I am well situated and suited for. I'm notorious for being extremely meticulous and methodical when I present and explain evidence, and even more notorious for not fully and unwaveringly siding with either faction and instead being extremely even-handed and objective.

Also, I'm a newly self-appointed inquisitional magistrate of Furry Twitter District Court, mainly serving in its Pedofurry Circuit. I choose cases which pique my curiosity- usually those which are impactful to furrydom but yet are very poorly understood/documented- and investigate them extensively and without regard for my own or the subject's popularity or other personal traits, then rule on the accusations against any/all parties. I hope to fully complete the new blog and starting docket- which also necessitates the straightening and preparation of all the voluminous assorted evidence on several cases- by the end of July.

Writing an assortment of essays, commentaries, and fictional materials, primarily the former two currently. I can be extremely elaborate/verbose and precise when I write about something which is important to me and/or is a subject on which I have a high level of knowledge and insight which I hope to impart to others.

Abruptly and cavalierly shouting on social media all manner of inscrutable, random, pornographic, and incendiary things when the whim occurs, primarily for my own amusement. Occasionally I can be sent into fits of laughter and mirth IRL purely from conceiving and pondering my own absurd and risible thoughts and schemes. I am a self-aware lolcow who freely admits his own dysfunctionality and his interest in dramatics, so I can laugh derisively at myself one minute and at someone I've made a case against the next.

I am an extremely open and ardent femboi femboy femboy both IC and IRL. I always wear feminine and colorful clothes and furry regalia, especially when I'm outside my home. Fear and repression are unwarranted, and it's terrible so few femboys will crossdress outside of special events (many won't do it at all, even inside their residence!). Also, for me, femboy is both a lifestyle and a fetish, and the furry component massively influences and improves both aspects (I might not even have become a femboy at all if I hadn't been exposed to the concept and aesthetics by furrydom!).

I am also proudly a veggiefurs veggiefurs, one of those extremely sanctimonious and strident atheist-furs atheist-furs, and multiple other things which I'm sure have a group here.

If you wish to better understand me generally or on a given topic, you would be best served venturing to my Inkbunny sanctuary and perusing the many commentaries and essays I've written on a fairly wide range of things. Be forewarned that many of my social and political stances tend to cause revulsion and righteous indignation by average people. I'm quite personable and informative to average individuals in ordinary circumstances, but this isn't always highly apparent from my polemics, general outlook on humanity, and my sociopolitical ideology and stances.
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Telegram: Roketsune
Sofurry: Roketsune
Inkbunny: Roketsune
Twitter: Roketsune


  grayzero Grayzero
  Posted: 10 days ago
After reading your profile, I just wanna ask... Do you also wear a fedora irl?

  dolphanatic Dolphanatic
  Posted: 12 days ago
Hey! I remember you from MLP Forums!

  thaismotosuwa ThaisMotosuwa
  Posted: 12 days ago
love your icon

  ringtailmaster ringtailmaster
  Posted: 3 weeks ago
dont worry, im in many places, and really like when i see friends in both places too n_n

  foxxfire FoxxFire
  Posted: a month ago
sry for late yap back! I'm happy to see another long time fellow as well, thanks for touching base :D Have a good one and i'll yap atcha later! ^_^

  ringtailmaster ringtailmaster
  Posted: 2 months ago
Just saying hi and watching again n_n

  zagthefox Zag_The_Fox
  Posted: 3 months ago
Just wanna say your awesome:3

  supernatural64 Supernatural64
  Posted: 6 months ago
good morning

  nanomoochines nanomoochines
  Posted: 10 months ago
Thanks! Equine dongs are

  yildunstar Yildunstar
  Posted: 10 months ago

  astervera AsterVera
  Posted: 10 months ago
Why thank you very much, glad that you like the art and my sona! And you're welcome.

  weeniewonsh WeenieWonsh
  Posted: 10 months ago
Thanks for the watch ^^