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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Oct 17

    Saudi stops funding terror in Syria as the Arab League prepares to resume ties with Damascus: the time is not yet ripe for retaking Idlib

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  2. 1 hour ago

    During MBS era, sold Palestine & the Palestinians to Trump. No Saudi leader ever dared to go so far. MBS destroyed under the impotent world's eyes and didn't blink an eye. One single crime, , is MBS worse nightmare.

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  3. 2 hours ago

    No World leader is willing to save Mohammad Bin Salman. Even if honesty and dignity have left the Whitehouse since Trump is ruling, still is not able to save the , Crown Prince.

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  4. 2 hours ago

    Who will lead the Islamic World in the future? has no choice but to tell the truth about tomorrow and take the lead of the Islamic World from .

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  5. Oct 20

    Nothing and nobody can remove MBS from his throne except the .... or a coup d'etat.

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  6. Oct 20

    I believe President Erdogan won't sell out his own reputation and will have to unravel the truth with solid proof in . Not an easy choice.

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  7. Oct 20

    Crown prince Mohammad Bin Salman lied when he said Khashoggi left the consulate. He also lied when he said Khashoggi died from a kind of "Karaté fight" with 15 men. It all depends on and only : will Erdogan bring out the truth or plays along the Saudi lie?

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  8. Retweeted
    Oct 19
    Replying to

    So Khashoggi died BOXING.? Was he a karate champion who decided to challenge 15 men and entered into a fight?

  9. Oct 19

    says a fight broke out between Khashoggi and "people" - MBS bodyguard and sec officers - who met him in the consulate and led to his death. After the fist-fighting, each of these "people" took a piece of Khashoggi as a souvenir...Yes...The world believes you.

  10. Retweeted
    Oct 19

    When US foreign policy was virtuous and driven by concerns over American "values."

  11. Retweeted
    Oct 19

    Peter Ford Challenges BBC Panorama over its Latest Syria Propaganda - "The Panorama/BBC Arabic programme on Syria purports to be based on serious research but the research is disgracefully shoddy and biased."

  12. Retweeted
    Oct 19

    The Afghanistan War Is Over. We Lost. - By Good overview of how the Taliban is dictating the terms of America’s withdrawal and defeat, "which is at hand."

  13. Retweeted
    Oct 19
  14. Retweeted
    Oct 19

    Russia is seeking to get the Gulf countries to abandon their hope of toppling Bashar al-Assad’s regime in favor of a political settlement and a focus on battling terrorism. - by

  15. Oct 19

    Lets us see when the relationship with will resume to a normal state. And when it does, a big thanks goes to . is really twisting Saudi's arms in this affair.

  16. Retweeted
    Oct 19

    " stops funding in as the prepares to resume ties with Damascus: the time is not yet ripe for retaking " - says Elijah J. Magnier via

  17. Oct 19

    My article (Saudi stops funding terror in Syria: the time is not yet ripe for retaking Idlib) Translated in : Arab Saudi bất ngờ trở mặt, tung "cú đấm thôi sơn", đẩy phiến quân Syria vào cửa tử

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  18. Retweeted
    Oct 18

    The death of ignited anger at the mainstream, unlike ’s war in which hasn’t draw much global anger, is because the death of one profiled human being personalizes & humanizes complex issues....

  19. Retweeted
    Oct 18

    Pro government Turkish newspaper Yeni Safak : Ankara will not, for the time being, share an audio recording with the United States that allegedly shows clear evidence that Khashoggi was killed inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul

  20. Retweeted
    Oct 18

    Westerners see a conflict between MBS-the-autocrat and MBS-the-reformer. doesn't via

  21. Retweeted
    Oct 18

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