10/9/2018 - Moderator Recruitment Open

~Jarvofbutts' Journals
Hi, to anyone who still follows me and checks journal updates!

So admittedly I've been absent on FA for about a year, which was partially due to a break-up I had to deal with, and after that I was simply too distracted to update my FA, so I was mostly stuck on my tumblr.
However I intend to, starting today, catch up on my missed updates, and keep my FA active again.

I'm planning on uploading several pictures each day, until I am caught up to my tumblr. This is just a heads up.

Either way, if you guys have any questions for me, just ask away, or direct them to my tumblr :P
a year ago    

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Well, first of all; congrats to everyone who managed to catch me in the progress of "secretly" setting up my new FA account, and uploading a majority of my pictures from my tumblr.

In case anyone is interested here is my lewd tumblr, and less interestingly, here is my old FA account.

And to all of those who asked on my main page, yes, I am indeed open for commissions. In fact here is the link to my commission info on tumblr.
I should say however, that with current events it may take some time for me to respond, as I am still in the progress of uploading pictures, and properly setting up my new FA account.

In the meantime, thanks for all the comments, and see you all around! o3o
3 years ago    

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Alive again! (a year ago)
Greetings to all of you o3o (3 years ago)