why you get ban?
"underage" art
tfw you have to move to inkbunny to post your adult characters in peace
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Dang. What will your main gallery be now?
Pixiv and here I guess Tumblr is also dead af unless you're full-on SJW/NPC
Look for decentralized platforms: That is the upcoming internet, and censorship is lesser or non-existent on them. I'm working on that myself to combat the insanity consuming the old internet, which is clearly going down in flames.
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I wouldn't complain at all after that response you got.xD
Hmmm, alrighty.
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@Dragoneer What @0r0chi1 is going through is close to what I went through. There's got to be a better way! -
I mean, even if
@0r0ch1 is "only an INCIDENTAL-loli dabbler" (who also follows@zaush what a coincidence), they also refer to people as SJWs and NPCs. Glad I've got them blocked now.pic.twitter.com/lye8lS7qgp -
Yikes However, the cub-crusade on FA is bullshit, because the way that it's enforced is unsustainable. Admins can arbitrarily decide that a pic is cub, then suspend/ban, WITHOUT notifying the poster, even if the picture is over TEN YEARS OLD. Also no way to "validate" a gallery
FA banned cub almost a decade ago, and that's fine. Private website, they can curate content as they please, even if I vehemently disagree with the decision. It's theirs to make. What I can call attention to, and push to fix, is the enforcement system. We want to comply. Let us.
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I mean let's go the full fucking distance while we're here. Cub porn isn't child porn as it fails to meet the definition of child porn. Ageplay kinks are fine so long as no real children are involved in ANY way. But bring on the hyper-macro tweens with four pairs of balls, tits.
Cub porn is absolutely used to normalize human child pornography, and should be treated as such. (I thought you were defending CP there, might want to be clearer in the future.) FA is a private site too, and I hope they keep cracking down on it or I'd leave again.
Baseball bats are used to kill people, are they considered deadly weapons? Look. Cub porn is an emotional topic, and child porn is a horrific practice that affects millions every day. More can be done to protect kids, but going after cub or ageplay doesn't deliver results.
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I did the same after my last ban, there are way better places
No entiendo, suspenden y ni siquiera revisan?
Y no revisan porque las continuaciones de uno de esos dibujos estaban bien cuando pregunte. Y por ahi hay un screenshot del staff diciendo que no toman acciones por eventos ocurridos en otras páginas
Eso es MENTIRA!!! Si eres muy politicamente incorrecto, su staff perdera valioso tiempo de programacion stalkeando tus cuentas fuera de FA hasta hallar algo malo (malo acorde los valores progre / SJW)
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