10/9/2018 - Moderator Recruitment Open

I was wrongfully suspended from FA, and I have proof    

By the_Roop, 3 months ago
I'll keep this as short and concise as I can.
I was suspended for a week and three pictures were taken down from my gallery. An admin claimed that one was of an uncensored cub, while the other two directed to cub porn on another site. Neither of those accusations are true, and I have proof to back my defense.
Here is a screencap of my supposed violation as proof of what the admin claimed. https://imgur.com/ZgjXR5K

As for the "uncensored" pic, I'm not allowed to show it here anymore so I can't let you decide for yourself based on looking at it, but I have the following:
1. Here is the artist who drew the pic saying it was drawn with the characters being adults. https://imgur.com/RviRUyU
2. Here is a comment I made on the artist's page a month ago (long before my suspension) saying that I had posted it to FA and not another site since it was not cub. https://imgur.com/2BKDdlj
3. The picture was of my boyfriend and me, and it was a present I did for his 28th birthday. He is 28 in the pic, and I am 30, our real current ages. The pic was even titled "b-day present 2018".
4. I have a tattoo in the pic that I got at age 26. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/8761098/ Any picture of me younger than that does not have that tattoo. Aside from that, how many cubs do you know that have tattoos?
5. The body proportions are of adults, and it doesn't even look chibi or cartoony or anything else that could possibly be confused for cub. The characters are both -clearly- adults.
6. The admin claimed to me that it was considered cub because the artist tagged the pic as cub when he submitted it. But on the site where the artist posted it, you can have multiple pictures in a single submission, and other pictures in that set did have cubs. It had an arcanine, an eevee, and Sonic the hedgehog as well, all of which were also in the keywords.
7. The guy who reported me now has said that it was a mistake.

Now as for the other two pics, both of which were NOT tagged for nudity (there was none), but were instead tagged for "directing to uncensored versions offsite".
1. Those two pics got taken down, but there are (there were, until I just deleted them) actually three others in my gallery that are exactly the same as the two removed ones, in that they show cubs that are either fully clothed or are only pictures of their heads (like an icon). Here is a picture of the descriptions I have on those undeleted pics: they are the same thing I had on the ones that were deleted. https://imgur.com/KbjTjxr
2. The imgur link above in #1 shows that no link was made to any other site, no direction was given to any other site, no mention was given to any other site or -what- site any other version of the pics were posted on. I only mentioned the artists that drew the pics by their FurAffinity names (which I redacted along with character names to keep any unneeded BS from going his way). I know the rules for not linking or directing to uncensored cub artwork, and I follow it.

All of the above has been spelled out to the admin handling my case. I have all the proof here that shows I did not break any rules.

So now all cub art, clean, clothed, or just faces of cubs in icons, has now all been deleted from my gallery as a preemptive measure against any future problems. My FA gallery is literally my legacy, cringey as it is, that I can leave behind. As sad as it is to lose so many pieces of my history from my gallery, I cannot risk the whole when there are admins out there that will suspended or ban users for pics that don't even break the rules.

User replies


#link     Posted: 3 months ago

That sucks. At least you weren't banned from the site, it's good to have you back.

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

I'm on a final warning though. I'm going to worried literally every day from now on, because I'll never see the next problem coming, since I never broke any rules with these pics that were taken down this time

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

Geez. I've always been concerned this site had problems, and now with Tanookication going all rogue cop and people getting banned for no reason, I'm starting to wonder if leaving might be a good idea. I mean, the most risqué thing in my gallery couldn't possibly be mistaken for banned subject matter, but still...

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

One thing I've always taken issue with is the idea that we can't link to such things off site...yet we can link to our Inkbunny account which contains such content as a natural part of our main profile. And unlike many sites which let you just create generic links, FA literally has a section just for Inkbunny, meaning it endorses you indirectly linking to cub porn, which means the site is technically violating it's own rules.

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

I've actually always been worried that that will be seen by some rogue admin as me breaking that rule.

Just to be clear though (even if you didn't mean it by your comment) the pics I had just been suspended over did -not- link to any other site or images, or even direct the way to them

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

Might I make a suggestion on asking Dragoneer directly about it, preferably via email? That way his response would automatically overrule any other member of staffs decision.

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

Does he still have that sort of power after FA was sold to IMVU?

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

He's technically the head admin, so he's in charge of all other staff. The only ones that can overrule Dragoneer are some staff at IMVU.

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

The guy who went through the trouble of doing it is kind of a troll and has gotten a few accounts suspended now, and claims he's going to do more.

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

Might be worthwhile to email a sr admin. If a mod is going nuts, it's worth it to bring it to attention. Can't guarantee anything is going to be done about it, but at least you can try.

#link     Posted: 3 months ago


#link     Posted: 3 months ago


#link     Posted: 3 months ago

Don't you hate it when you get falsely accused of something and then banned from FA?

Sucks doesn't it?

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

my journal was for people leaving on their own, over a rule change that targets racists. but nice try.

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

Funny i dont see your guys unbanned. Starting to think you guys are just getting revenge and working with that crazy tanuki dude...

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

This is all just unfair...
For what it's worth - and I'm not sure if you plan on doing so in the future - if things don't work out on this site and you choose to move your content to another, I'll gladly follow your stuff there. Your content is too good to be lost to some incompetent admins and useless trolls.

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

FA needs to be their shit together; if they keep suspending or banning accounts over things that are allowed, pretty soon everyone is going to leave. Another popular artist on this site had the same thing happen to him, I think he moved most of his art to a different site because of it.

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

This is why I never post anything on here.

Nothing there means there's nothing they can twist to use against you.
(Though I doubt this guy is above planting something incriminating anyway if he has admin access to the server!)

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

Your guilty of wrongthink that's all the reason they need

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

Been meaning to reply to this journal sooner.

This happening to you and then to Luke has just been infuriating to see unfold. I saw the picture in question, and there is no way that your character in said picture could conceivably be considered a cub. I'm guessing it was considered one though because of point number 6 that you mentioned regarding the artist and their tags.

I was actually noted by a person about this who I think may or may not have been who has been reporting people, including you guys, but of course I have no definitive proof, and per FA's rules, cannot and will not name drop and call out the person's name. Their logic was incredibly flawed whether they meant well or not, and if it turns out said person really has been behind all these people earning suspensions under false pretenses like this, then I wouldnt blame anyone for being incredibly mad at this person.

I understand why they dont allow name dropping even if it's in the interest of protecting other people from potentially harmful users, especially when the current climate kinda makes it feel like you cant expect to be helped in a timely fashion or in really any capacity of you report it through the proper channels, mostly because some people have a tendency to take what people say, then go white knight for them and start a witch hunt even if the person they're trying to defend asked them not to do that. Unfortunately though I've seen this work against some people who have legit complaints regarding harassment from other users, and often times the person you'd perceive to be the victim in these instances ends up getting in trouble moreso than the harasser, which is sad.

You and Luke have been on this site for probably even longer than I have, and the fact that because of this 4th level offense has been issued over a picture being claimed as cub art that wasnt even cub art in the first place just strikes me as incredibly unfair to you guys who have poured a lot into the community, both you and Luke with your art and your writing and the people you've met. I mean sure you can still create these things even if one day you guys werent on FA anymore, but you shouldnt have to worry about the standing of your accounts in the first place, you two honestly did nothing wrong and did not upload anything against the Upload Policy. I hope this is all resolved for you guys, honestly at the very least I feel like they should look carefully at the details and rescind this final warning. I dont have much confidence that it'll work out that way, but I'm hopeful.

Sorry again you guys are having to deal with this, just know you guys have my support, and good luck with everything.

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

I've talked with the person that has reported me, and he told me that it was in fact a mistake. he also said he sent his notes on the matter to the admins.
all that being said, who knows what they'll do with the proof, both from the guy who reported us and my own.

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

Ah. Well, hopefully the testimony from both sides will put yours and Luke's accounts back in good standing. Even if you guys cant post that particular picture again, I would like to see you guys able to still use the site going forward without having to worry about one minor slip up costing way too much.

Good luck, hopefully you guys get a good response to this. Luke showed me his appeal too, was very well worded and organized, fingers crossed

#link     Posted: 3 months ago

What's happening on this site is beyond frigging preposterous. I wish every artist I followed here was on one of the alternatives such as Inkbunny... artists wouldn't have to deal with this unjustified abuse then.
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#link     Posted: 10 days ago

I know it's an old journal, but I'm gonna echo Mircea's point. Have a backup gallery or two on other sites. I use Eka's and Inkbunny, and I have some stuff on Weasyl as well. Make sure people know about it and know where to find you if anything happens to your account here.

Aside from having a practical backup or two to your gallery, you'll feel a bit better knowing that you won't lose all this art just because some self righteous prick is manipulating site staff to suit his agenda.