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No.435821483 ViewReplyOriginalReport
When the game "The Sopranos: Road to Respect" (only released to the PlayStation 2 (PS2)) was being created, would it have been possible for the developers to have made it better? It has an aggregated score of 42/100 (from 2007, one year after its release). The game is very linear. The player is basically the tool of moving a linear story forward. Virtually the only thing the player can do is be a narrative device/means of storytelling. This is unlike open world games such as GTA game and "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time". Ocarina of Time (OOT) was released in 1998. Consider the large difference in the storage capacity of one Nintendo 64 game (such as OOT) and one PS2 game. Many people would probably agree that "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" is better than Road to Respect, a game made 8 years after OOT. In Road to Respect they better have used the entire PS2 disc space, which seems to be largely occupied by graphics, ergo its lack of nonlinearity?

I guess there are more important things to worry about, such as the murder clearance rate": - "It's not just Chicago. Murder clearance rate is a 'national disaster'"

In conclusion, Joey LaRocca never had the makings of a varsity athletee.