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Pandering to Israel
Time to cut the tie that binds
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    Trump and Bibi

    The ability of Israel and its powerful Lobby to control many aspects of American government while also sustaining an essentially false narrative about the alleged virtues of the Jewish State is remarkable. Politicians and journalists learned long ago that it was better to cultivate Israel’s friends than it was to support actual American interests. They also discovered to speak the truth about the Jewish State often would prove to be a death sentence career-wise, witness the experiences of Cynthia McKinney, Paul Findlay, William Fulbright, Chuck Percy, James Traficant, Pete McCloskey and Rick Sanchez.

    More recently, we have seen the ascent to real political power on the part of a number of politicians whose pandering to Israel has been notorious, indicating that the path to the White House goes through Tel Aviv and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) offices on H Street in the District of Columbia. Nikki Haley, who recently resigned as United Nations Ambassador, gained national attention when she became the first state governor to sign off on laws that would punish supporters of the non-violent BDS movement. Subsequently, as ambassador, she became noted for her impassioned defense of Israel, to include complaining that “nowhere has the U.N.’s failure been more consistent and more outrageous than in its bias against our close ally Israel.” She vowed that the “days of Israel bashing are over” and is now being groomed by the neocons as a possible presidential candidate for 2020. Whichever way it goes, she will be showered with money by Israel supporters as she finds her perch in the private sector, like others before her doing “work” that she does not understand while also making speeches about the importance of the Israeli relationship.

    All of that said, one of the truly odd aspects of the Israeli/Jewish dominance is its ability to change the United States. Normally, a tiny client state attached to a great power would conform to its patron, but in the U.S.-Israel relationship the reverse has happened. When 9/11 occurred Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was pleased, commenting that the attack would tie the United States more closely to Israel in its war against “terrorism,” which to him meant his Islamic neighbors in the Middle East. Since that time, the bilateral “special” relationship has conformed to what Professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer observed in their groundbreaking book “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,” namely that the United States does things in the Middle East that cannot be attributed to national interest. Rather, Washington behaves in a certain way due to the power of Israel and its lobby. There is no other way to explain it.

    The emergence of Israeli practices as models to be adopted by U.S. agencies has occurred, to be sure, to include Israeli training American policemen and soldiers in their “methods,” but the odd thing is that as Israel has lurched to the right and embraced political extremism under Netanyahu, the United States has done the same thing, curtailing civil liberties with the Patriot Acts, the Military Commissions Act, and various updates of the Authorization to Use Military Force. Indefinite detention without trial and assassination of citizens overseas is now acceptable in America and criticizing Israel could soon become a criminal offense in spite of the First Amendment. In short, the United States of America has become more like Israel rather than vice versa.

    With one or two exceptions, there is no one in the United States government, elected or civil service, who has anything that is not wonderful to say about Israel in spite of the numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity being committed by Netanyahu nearly daily, the unfunded costs of the wars fought in part on behalf of Israel, and the thousands of dead American soldiers plus the hundreds of thousands of dead foreigners, nearly all Muslims. Indeed, Netanyahu is treated like a conquering hero, having received 23 standing ovations from Congress in 2015 when he was in the United States complaining about an agreement with Iran made by President Barack Obama. This inside the beltway approval of Israel contrasts sharply with the general view of the rest of the world, which sees both the U.S. and Israel negatively as the two nations most likely to start a new war.

    There are several recent articles that demonstrate pretty clearly the danger in allowing Israel and its friends to have the power and access that they currently enjoy purely because government and the media make no effort to tell them “no” and rein them in. One comes from New Zealand where two women wrote a letter to the pop singer Lorde, urging her to cancel an appearance in Israel due to the treatment of the Palestinians. Lorde posted the letter on twitter, agreed and the trip was canceled.

    The tale would have ended there but for the fact that Israel’s parliament the Knesset has passed a law now making it illegal to support a boycott of Israel ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD [my emphasis]. Enter the group called Shurat HaDin, which is an Israeli government supported lawfare instrument, that seeks to find and sue the perceived enemies of the Jewish state, punishing them through court costs and potentially bankruptcy.

    The lawsuit argued that Lorde’s response on twitter after receiving the letter showed her decision was directly influenced by the New Zealand women’s plea. Three Israeli ticket holders filed the suit, claiming the cancellation had caused emotional distress. The Israeli court awarded damages of $12,000 dollars and their lawyer, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner of Shurat HaDin, boasted that the verdict was “precedent-setting,” sending a message that “no one can boycott Israel without paying for it.” Israeli government agents in New Zealand are taking steps to obtain the money, even though it remains unclear whether the plaintiffs will be able to collect the cash. Darshan-Leitner explained that she will seek to enforce the judgment through “international treaties” and go after the women’s bank accounts, either in New Zealand or if they try to travel abroad. Even if she is unsuccessful, the lawsuits will have a chilling effect on any individual or group seeking to criticize Israel’s brutal behavior by endorsing what once were perfectly legal boycotts.

    A second story is possibly even more bizarre. On October 10th, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that “Israel is everything we want the entire Middle East to look like going forward” while asserting that the bilateral relationship between Washington and Tel Aviv is “stronger than ever.” Pompeo was keynote speaker at an award ceremony hosted by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America in Washington D.C. He also hailed Israel as “democratic and prosperous,” adding “it desires peace, it is a home to a free press and a thriving economy.”

    Pompeo also mentioned Iran, condemning the latter’s “corrupt leaders [who] assault the human rights of their own people and finance terrorism in every corner of the Middle East”. He also announced to a cheering audience that he had that same day denied a $165 million transfer of aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) because of the PA’s “funding of terror.” Pompeo was referring to the PA’s refusal to comply with Washington’s demands that it end the so-called “martyr payments” to the families of those killed or imprisoned by Israeli occupation forces.

    Pompeo, together with National Security Advisor John Bolton, has been the driving force behind punishing the Iranians and Palestinians. Like others in Washington, he understands that success inside the beltway is best guaranteed by binding oneself as closely to Israel as possible. Pompeo certainly knows that Israel is not democratic, does not desire peace and is itself a major source of terrorism. Its government is corrupt, witness the current trial of Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife as well as the charges pending against the prime minister himself. A number of Israeli leaders have wound up in jail in the past few years. To describe Israel as a model for the entire Middle East is absurd, but, then again, Pompeo was speaking in front of the Jewish Institute for National Security and presumably intended to suck up to his wealthy and politically powerful audience.

    How does Israel maintain its control over American politicians? First of all, no politician who wants to get reelected can risk even the mildest criticism of the Jewish state. Anyone who does so will be pilloried in the media before finding him or herself confronted by an extremely well-funded opponent who will oust them from office. And anyone who even suggests that the Palestinians are human beings that are being severely punished by a powerful Israel had best watch his or her back. On October 8th Congressman Eliot Engel of New York spoke regarding liberal Democrat rising star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and three other liberals seeking congressional seats next month, all of whom have expressed sympathy for the Palestinians while also criticizing Israel’s heavy handed repression.

    Engel told a New York synagogue gathering that had been organized and promoted by AIPAC that all Democrats “need to be educated” in support of Israel. “We are going to continue to work in Congress to make sure that we have overwhelming support for Israel on both sides of the aisle… I am certainly cognizant of the fact that people who are coming in as far as I’m concerned on the Democratic side, will be educated and need to be educated. But we have overwhelming support for Israel in the Congress. And… it will continue that way. We will maintain it that way.”

    So, maintaining “overwhelming support” for Israel requires doing whatever is necessary, be it fair or foul, and many Jews and Jewish organizations worldwide, like Engel, are prepared to place alleged Israeli interests ahead of those of the countries where they actually reside. In America, Jewish groups and individuals have succeeded in buying politicians and using their money and control over much of the media to corrupt the entire political system to benefit Israel.

    Israel should be judged by how it behaves, not by how well it buys favor among morally challenged politicians and media shills. Nor should it be seen favorably as it engages, threatens and destroys critics. When private citizens cannot write a letter to an entertainer without risk of being sued, deference to perpetual Israeli victimhood has gone way too far. When an intelligent man like Mike Pompeo finds it in his interest to say something transparently stupid in praise of Israel, something which he knows to be the reverse of the truth, the corruption of our elites becomes clear even to those who choose to remain blind to it. When a candidate for national office has to be “educated” by Jewish politicians to say the right things about Israel it smacks of Stalinism.

    We Americans don’t need any more of this nonsense, which is inter alia destroying our liberties. It is largely driven by the guilt laden “holocaust hucksterism,” as Norman Finkelstein has termed it, that has been giving Israel a free pass for seventy years. It is time for a change in thinking about how we view our “good friend and ally” Israel, a country that is neither. It is time for government to do what is best for Americans, not for Israelis.

    Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is

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    1. Anon[425] • Disclaimer says: • Website

      Nikki Haley, who recently resigned as United Nations Ambassador, gained national attention when she became the first state governor to sign off on laws that would punish supporters of the non-violent BDS movement.

      She is a Sikh. Serving imperialists is in her blood. Her ilk served the British in quelling nationalist uprisings in Asia and Africa. Sikh troops served in China and Africa to shoot natives down to further British interests. Nikki is a Sikh whore in the US who now serves US globo-homo power. Since Zionists rule the US, she is a Sikh warrior who kicks Palestinians to win approval from her bosses.

      It’s in her Sikh blood.

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      • Replies: @Anon
      , @Monty Ahwazi
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    2. Anon[425] • Disclaimer says: • Website

      Normally, a tiny client state attached to a great power would conform to its patron, but in the U.S.-Israel relationship the reverse has happened.

      India was much bigger than UK. But who ruled whom? Brits ruled over much bigger India because Brits had the guns and because India was so divided.

      Same between US and Israel. The real power is actually not with Israel but with the Jewish elite minority IN the US. They are small in number relative to the entire population BUT they hold the Big Guns of media, finance, entertainment, high-tech, and the Narrative(the secular church of righteousness). Also, Diversity works against US solidarity against Jewish power.

      Brits ruled over India for 200 yrs. We shall see how long Jewish rule lasts over the US as the Sole Supremacist Power.

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      • Agree: Colin Wright
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    3. wayfarer says:

      Israel, the Trust Fund Nation.
      Too Privileged to Fail.

      United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018

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    4. Da Wei says:

      “The real power is actually not with Israel but with the Jewish elite minority IN the US.”

      That’s right. The power that sways the USA predated the theft of Palestine for the Jews, the corruption of our politics and our economy by Jews. The “State of Israel” is a locus for our ass kissing more than it is a “Jewish homeland.” The Jews that cornered Balfour, financed the Bolsheviks, recruited Wilson and stole all our money are no more sentimental about that piece of desert than about the Palestinians their snipers shoot with impunity. They are, as they always were, a ruthless network intent on global control.

      Still, it’s worth imagining what the USA would be like if we grew a set and took our country back.

      Just imagine what things would be like if the Jews had accepted the “home” the Brits first offered them, Uganda.

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      • Replies: @lysias
      , @anon
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    5. Good piece. While we’re on the subject, AIPAC does much more than whip Congressmen into line once they’re elected.

      It likes to make sure only those who have got their mind right get elected in the first place. Let’s say you’ve decided to run for Congress. You’ve been a state assemblyman or whatever; time for that next step.

      You’ll get a nice little packet from AIPAC. In that packet will be a request that you write an essay expressing your feelings about Israel.

      Should you prove recalcitrant or even — God forbid — less than unequivocal in your expression of feelings of love, veneration, and unqualified support, why, AIPAC will fund your opponent.

      Obviously, the occasional Ocasio-Cortez slips through the cracks, but in principle, no one enters Congress who doesn’t support Israel from the start. You might as well look for atheists in a Baptist seminary as critics of Israel in Congress. There’re not going to be any.

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      • Replies: @DanFromCT
      , @lysias
      , @chris
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    6. In 1967 De Gaulle stopped French support of Israel, forbade further arms export to Israel.
      De Gaulle condemned the 1967 war.
      Then Israel needed a new support, the USA.
      Hatred of the USA in the Middle East equals hatred of Israel.

      Weird change, long ago the USA was seen as a neutral country in the ME:
      W. Morgan Shuster, ´The strangling of Persia, Story of the European diplomacy and oriental intrigue that resulted in the denationalisation of twelve million Mohammedans’, New York, 1912

      The American Shuster was asked by the newly democratic Iran to organise Iran’s finances.
      Tsarist Russia and Great Britain did not want a really independent and democratic Iran, Shuster was forced to leave Iran, after having been there no more than two years.
      Shuster succeeded in what he was asked to do.

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    7. Anonymous[400] • Disclaimer says:

      We Americans don’t need any more of this nonsense, which is inter alia destroying our liberties. It is largely driven by the guilt laden “holocaust hucksterism,” as Norman Finkelstein has termed it, that has been giving Israel a free pass for seventy years. It is time for a change in thinking about how we view our “good friend and ally” Israel, a country that is neither. It is time for government to do what is best for Americans, not for Israelis.

      Right on, the worm has turned. The parasite will have to face their own fate, for a change.

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      • Replies: @Wally
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    8. @Anon

      Ghandi was quite right, a few hundred thousand British, the rich Britishn ruled the sub continent India.
      Britain is proud on being democratic, it became so just at the end of the 19th century.
      British parliament was mainly land owners.
      A city as Birmingham had no representive in parliament
      George Macaulay Trevelyan, ‘The Life of John Bright’, 1913, London, 1971, Westport, Connecticut
      Douglas Hurd, ‘Robert Peel, a biography’, 2008, London

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      • Replies: @ploni almoni
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    9. Lot says:

      We’ve got Trump, Pence, Bibi, Bannon, and Sessions. Gilardi has cop-slapping Cynthia McKinney and pop singer Lorde and blue-hair campus radicals.

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    10. Bill65 says:

      Another really good article by a true American but will anyone pay it heed ?

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      • Replies: @Andrei Martyanov
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    11. A look at the sites listed by Fakebook shows that any site that allows articles, or even comments critical of Israel, Zionism or any Jews anywhere is blacklisted. This is not just a “they can because they own it” cop-out. The concept of the internet was not from “private fu%%%rs” it was done with US funds all the way back to DARPA. This is censorship, which establishes Fakebook and fellow travelers as a declared enemy of the Constitution, particularly the 1st Amendment, and their fellow citizens. Thanks Guys, we know you are so much smarter than us, and should decide what we do, read or think. I have no doubt at least one person of “none of your business” gender, and green hair, has a a role in this fascist suppression.
      Here is what (F—berg whatever) did to achieve his billions. He jumped on the publicly-funded network, and had male college students rates girls and young women, against each other, without their knowledge. This is the kind of sicko psychopath that is rewarded in our society. Censoring your fellow citizens should get at least 10 years no parole.

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      • Replies: @Them Guys
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    12. Anonymous[101] • Disclaimer says:

      I’m not sure we’re allowed to cut ties. The ties are very strong and may be better described as leg irons and handcuffs. Israel and it’s friends are so deeply burrowed into America’s neural system I doubt they’re going anywhere without a major upheaval.

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      • Replies: @annamaria
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    13. Realist says:

      It is time for government to do what is best for Americans, not for Israelis.

      It’s been time for a long time. What’s the solution???

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    14. Clyde says:

      Tell the Gaza rude boys to stop attacking the border fence. The usual riots and tire burning was going on last week when somehow they hustled a bomb to the fence and blew a hole in it. Five got shot and killed for trying to break into Israel. How much $$$ did their families get for this stupidity?

      “After it exploded and blew a hole in the fence, some 20 Palestinians came through and ran toward Israeli soldiers stationed in a snipers’ position.”

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      • Agree: Lot
      • Disagree: Colin Wright
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    15. We Americans don’t need any more of this nonsense, which is inter alia destroying our liberties…It is time for government to do what is best for Americans, not for Israelis

      In an article about the consequences for Jews of ‘unceasing large-scale non-European immigration’ to America, Stephen Steinlight wrote [under the fourth sub-heading]:

      ‘The white “Christian” supremacists who have historically opposed either all immigration or all non-European immigration…must not be permitted to play a prominent role in the debate over the way America responds to unprecedented demographic change…In good conscience and out of self-interest we must not abandon immigration reform to those who would have kept our forebears out of America, including those sent away to be annihilated in the Holocaust.’

      A Jewish community with the confidence and influence to deny European Americans a say in the future of their country will have no problem in keeping Israel at the top of the agenda. It brings home the truth of Kevin MacDonald’s description of Jews as a hostile elite. Elites are far from invulnerable but I cannot at the moment see how European Americans will take back their country.

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      • Replies: @Durruti
      , @Wally
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    16. @Clyde

      Tell the Gaza rude boys to stop attacking the border fence

      More like a prison fence, where nothing can go in or out without the prison warden’s stamp of approval.

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    17. geokat62 says:

      We’ve got Trump, Pence, Bibi, Bannon, and Sessions.

      Why stop there, Lot? You could have named the entire congress.

      Gilardi has cop-slapping Cynthia McKinney and pop singer Lorde and blue-hair campus radicals.

      How many unarmed protesters has the IOF killed today, Lot? The defenders of the indefensible can no longer hide how the Apartheid state is (mis)treating its indigenous population. It’s just a matter of time before the “occupation regime over Jerusalem [will] be erased from the page of time.”

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      • Replies: @Lot
      , @Lot
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    18. Intriguing how each year on Independence Day, Americans attend one of their favorite (and boring) pastimes, watching displays of fireworks to celebrate an independence with a straight face, knowing deep down their country is owned by Israel Firsters who live in the US, many of whom US citizens, with their hearts in Israel and whose loyalty is always to Israel first. They want – and get – the best of both worlds They have infested and colonized the American body politic to the extent of suffocating it. A shrewd parasite that not only bleeds the host but, like a virus, directs the host DNA to replicate and propagate itself. How long will this obligate intracellular parasite continue to function this way without finally exhausting itself, its host or both?

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      • Replies: @lysias
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    19. Thank you, Phil. Word perfect. Palestine Is Still THE Issue…and the likes of Pompeo and (ugghhh) Bolton, in the depths of their satanic souls, know it.

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    20. Israel has committed at least 6 million crimes against humanity. I can think of six million reasons why Israel should disappear and Israel owes the US at least six thousand million dollars per year for the next ten years.

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      • Agree: druid
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    21. Anon327 says:

      The Israeli occupation of America must be overthrown if this country is to survive. I consider this, in a time of many critical issues, our essential emergency.

      Thanks to Giraldi for his continuing insights.

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      • Replies: @Milton
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    22. Anon327 says:

      I ask the same question, and see it consistently asked on forums across the net that address this issue.

      I would still like to see Ron Unz host a day, or even a week’s, worth of articles dedicated to examining any and all solutions.

      It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that this website could become the starting point for an active national alliance against our Israeli occupiers.

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      • Replies: @renfro
      , @renfro
      , @Realist
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    23. Great column, and of course all very true, but Giraldi has of course been marginalized, will NEVER get mainstream audience, and this farce will continue until the masses awaken and react with vigor. Sad but true.

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      • Replies: @lysias
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    24. Z-man says:

      When an intelligent man like Mike Pompeo…

      Either he’s not as smart as you think or he’s a Christian Zionist, which amounts to the same thing. In the second case his religious zealousness overules his logic.

      Time to cut the tie that binds

      It was time do that twenty years ago.
      There are times where I’m optimistic and think the tide is turning and the American public might see and protest this evil influence and force the Media and the politicians to change their tune and then there’s times I’m pessimistic and I see the invisible hand of the power of the Cabal in all it’s malevolent majesty.
      Unfortunaley lately it’s all bad news. From equating anti Israel views with anti Semitism and of course to almost total control of the MSM by the Cabal and their narrative. This includes Neocon policy of demonizing Christian Russia (Putin) which includes the British being so gung ho with the Skripal ‘poising’ story. Trump doesn’t seem to have the intestinal fortitude to push back against the Neocons thus his appointments of Bolton and Pompeo. But hope springs eternal and we shall see. Or it is as prophesized in the Book of Revelation and the End of Times is upon us but in that case I’m taking a whole different spin from what Pompeo thinks will happen. (Grin)

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      • Replies: @Z-man
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    25. DanFromCT says:
      @Colin Wright

      Despite the loud, clear, but unmentionable message being “We Jews s**t on you Christians,” it seems like for every water boy like Pompeo there are a hundred more waiting to take his place. As Thomas Jefferson put it, no soldier could possibly lose so much of his manhood.

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    26. Phil, you mentioned in the comments section in a previous article that you are a Catholic. I have discovered that the Catholic Church is being subverted by fifth-column agents on all sides. For example, there are individuals like Raymond Arroyo of Fox news and EWTN as well as Trump’s man, Sebastian Gorka. These two pander to Israel, on par with any Protestant Zionist and follow the religion of Americanism. They have effectively betrayed their Catholic faith. Forget about MK-Ultra. The soft programming of Hollywood and mass media have brainwashed the majority of Catholics thoroughly. They are oblivious to the fact that they are in lock step with what the B’nai B’rith, ADL, and SPLC support which is the destruction of the Catholic Church.

      Is there any hope in changing the mindset of over a billion Catholics from pandering to Israel?

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      • Replies: @Anonymous
      , @SolontoCroesus
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    27. @Clyde

      Your mamma should have aborted.

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      • Agree: Z-man
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    28. Che Guava says:

      That is a very poor analogy, if you have an intellect and apply it honestly, you will understand that it is completely inane on many points.

      Not spelling it out, but V.S. Naipaul stated that without the British, something of an Indian renaissance would never have happened, among other points he made.

      Also, the Mugal empire would have slowly forced submission to Islam on most of the place if the British empire had not been there, I think that was one of Naipaul’s.

      There are so many other points on which your analogy is asinine, you may consider it yourself, and read much more.

      For Dr. Giraldi, I read about ‘Lorde’s’ decision not to perform in Israel, and how excited they were by it, I am no fan, pretty by-the-numbers synth-preset and drum machine pop of now, 17 going on 40-something visual style from the start. Sure, not a bad voice.

      Had not heard of the disgraceful legal actions, *that* was a shock.

      How dare they?! How do courts allow such nonsense?


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      • Replies: @anon
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    29. neutral says:

      We’ve got

      Everyone witness the vile mindset of the jew. They don’t even pretend any more, they see the dumb goyim as their cattle to exploit (sadly many people happily oblige and serve the jew).

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      • Replies: @anarchyst
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    30. The key to the Zionist control over the U.S. lies in its control over our money and our tax system , in 1913 the Zionist banking cabal pushed through a corrupt congress the PRIVATELY OWNED FED and IRS , which gave the Zionists control over our money and thus control over not only the government but our lives with the Zionist ability to create money out of thin air and loan this money to the gov and the people and charge interest on this ether created money and to tax the American people for the wars that were to come.

      Nathan Rothschild once said, I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England, the man who controls the money supply controls the British empire and I control the British money supply!

      Here in America the Rothschilds and their cabal ie the Warburgs and Schiffs etc. control our money supply via their privately owned FED and thereby control not only the government but also our very lives and that is the source of their power over America and until the FED is abolished we can never be free of zionist control.

      Therefore since the zionists control both America and Israel and Israel is used as the provocateuer in the wars in the mideast that the U.S. is forced to fight for her zionist controllers and pay Israel trillions in welfare and military aid, the U.S. is a zionist plantation and we are all slaves on this plantation for our zionist masters.

      The first step in ending zionist control of America is to end the UNCONSTITUTIONAL FED and return the money creation power to the U.S. government as it was prior to 1913, and thus the power of the zionists would be ended.

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    31. From the article:

      “…the United States does things in the Middle East that cannot be attributed to national interest. Rather, Washington behaves in a certain way due to the power of Israel and its lobby. There is no other way to explain it.”

      So true!

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    32. JC says:

      as i have stated over and over just recently in a yahoo board the number one problem in the US is jewish media control…that is what most Americans see the most. trump and his jews have been horrible towards the Pals…bit 35 senators sent him a letter condemning his cutting Pals and…no where to be found in US media…matter of fact the jewish media never stops blaming the Pals for their own fate…the zionist are just innocent holicause survivors you see…all a bunch of crap as stated here by Mr. Unz

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    33. anon[226] • Disclaimer says:

      The Kushner–Greenblatt strategy seems to draw heavily from Daniel Pipes in Middle East Forum, the conservative think tank Pipes founded in 1990. The MEF’s “Victory Caucus” initiative calls on Palestinians to admit their seven-decade political struggle is lost and accept a kind of Mideast Marshall Plan. “Palestinians will have to pass through the bitter crucible of defeat, with all its deprivation, destruction, and despair,” Pipes wrote in an MEF paper last year. In a congressional hearing, Pipes later described this as “an alternative to endless negotiations nobody believes in.

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    34. Christo says:

      Nikki Haley will not be a presidential candidate. Vice presidential quite possibly. I see her more as a soon to be Secretary of State. No republican presidential candidate can be an outright “neocon”. The true white conservatives of America will simply not vote for such a candidate, as vociferous support for Israel alienates real Americans , witness both Romney and McCain. The families that have sent their sons to fight for the USA simply do not want to go to the Middle East or fight for anybody there. Trump got elected by lying about that, and to honestly be all for war and Israel, won’t get the white vote in America. Haley has black-balled herself to be elected president. If she does run, you can be certain the reupblican party is guaranteeing the election of whatever democratic party candidate that runs, just as they did for Obama.

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      • Replies: @Colin Wright
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    35. anon[226] • Disclaimer says:
      @Che Guava

      Indian renaissance was an assult – a severe a blow back to the Indian enlightenment which was ushered by the figures like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Tagore family, Haji Mohsin ,Vidyasagar and Ghalib of Delhi and other figures.

      Public display of religiosity and nationalism centered on the Cow Belt of northern India following the defeat of the nobilities and usurpation of power by British following 1957 rebellion were the essence of Indian renaissance .
      Narrow Indian renaissance gave rise to sectarian and religious ethnocentricity on both sides of Hindu-Mulsim divide .Soon Sikhs and Untouchables joined . Even the Anglo -Indian wanted a piece of the pie .

      Mughal empire was in its death bed in 1857 and before that . It had no religion . No nobility at that time professed any religious orientation . Religion was introduced by Britain after 1857 and more forcefully after 1905. They later would take that lesson – to Arab against Ottoman . They continue to embrace the same old macabre technology in fight against any possibility of the emergence of the enlightenment .
      Naipal is talking through his rear end here.

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      , @Wizard of Oz
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    36. Seraphim says:

      Haven’t we heard all that before?


      “3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. 9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. 10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. 15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: 17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: 18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. 19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! 20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: 21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before. 26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. 27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. 29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other” (Matthew 24:3-31).

      “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 13 But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: 14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. 16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, 17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work” (2 Thessalonians 2:1-17).

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    37. @Bill65

      Another really good article by a true American but will anyone pay it heed ?

      “Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence.” Ovid. Very true.

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    38. T. Weed says:

      Here’s a note I sent to The American Conservative:
      I return your Renewal Voucher with a No, I won’t resubscribe. I was dismayed, angered, when you fired Philip Giraldi after he identified America’s biggest enemy: not Russia, not Iran, not ISIS, but the Israel Lobby and its Jewish promoters. You also got rid of Ron Unz, another truth-teller. In other words, you sacked two of our best writers to please…not your readers, but some other entity. I first subscribed to TAC because Pat Buchanan was not afraid to name and blame the Israel-first neocons who pushed us into the disastrous mideast wars. If you are afraid to mention such obvious harmful-to-America truths, if you fail to see the huge gorilla in the room, what good are you? Conservative? Not conservative enough for me. I want to conserve an America run by Americans, not by people with dual citizenship and loyalty.

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      , @renfro
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    39. @Lot

      We’ve got Trump, Pence, Bibi, Bannon, and Sessions.

      Don’t forget Caiaphas, Judas, and Bergoglio, you Jew.

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    40. Che Guava says:

      As an outside observer, I do not believe that to be sufficient, I know that you are not stupid, it is only one step. Take it, a slight improvement, and worth doing, but it does nothing about the curses of cultural manipulation and mass-immigration from which your nation, and many other western-built nations, suffer so much.

      Did you see the news of the bicycle race where a self-identified tranny won?

      I look at the podium photo, just think ‘that is a man’, or at least, what looks like an oversized boy. He sure is making no effort, probably has not had genital mutilation (not that he should, but then, if not, he is a man, not that surgical means would change that, but if he is allowed to compete as a woman, he should at least have simulacra of female external genitalia). On the same point, one of his political obsessions is to oppose the testoserone-level requirements that have replaced the old sex-test system.

      It is worth seeing if you did not, he does not even bother to try to look like a woman at the time, and has neither the body nor face to do it effectively at any time.

      Towers over the women who won second and third place, but the former came close to winning.

      His posts display an absolute lack of consciousness.

      Of course, the jerk is also some kind of cheap Ph.D. and fake academic in ‘gender studies’ or similar.

      The earliest example is arguable, but the Brazilian volleyball team employed a player from the men’s team on the women’s team, ”transition’ between 2000 and 2004, several bitter complaints in the Japanese media and from players at the time.

      World media did not or, in the west, wilfully tried not to notice.

      I saw this man, at least, presumably having had the decency to have been surgically mutilated in the transition from the men’s to the women’s team (don’t know, but seems to have been required at the time), doing many very high spikes. Sure, many of the real women in the Brazilian team are tall, but their tranny player was the real morale-buster for our, and other, teams.

      Not that I care abt. the ‘lympics of now, I am dreading the Tokyo edition.

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    41. Z-man says:
      @T. Weed

      Excellent Mr. Weed.

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    42. @Realist

      Secession. But this implies violence and therein lies the rub.

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      , @HBM
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    43. Z-man says:

      Unfortunaley lately it’s all bad news…

      Included in this is the way The Zionist Entity weasels it’s way into the Western world. Obvious ways are all the European organizations it has already joined or is pushing its way to get in. Subtle ways are like what I just saw on a show my wife watches on TV. Rachel Ray a pleasant enough lady and chef who probably doesn’t have much of a clue about the details of foreign policy had on this Israeli/American chef on with him and her extolling Israeli cuisine and of course his restaurants. A passive way of inserting Israel as the normal state of being, like normal countries, which it is not!

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    44. Che Guava says:

      You are making many nonsensical assertions, I should probably avoid any response to Anon. cowards.

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    45. If the Israeli strategy is to make the Palestinians admit defeat they’re in for a long surprise.
      Jabotinsky already in 1923 wrote that just force can make the Palestinians leave their lands.
      The Palestinian nation is a geographical concept.
      The jewish nation, on the contrary, is a clan or tribal concept, this is demonstrated by jews living all over the world.
      The two concepts have a long background, nomads, not connected to a geographical area, and sedentary people.
      Jews in essence are nomads, as are Muslims, see how ‘Turks’ all over the world see Erdogan as their president.
      This also explains jewish claims ‘that they’ve always been a nation’.
      I does not matter where they live.

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    46. @Christo

      ‘…Haley has black-balled herself to be elected president. If she does run, you can be certain the reupblican party is guaranteeing the election of whatever democratic party candidate that runs, just as they did for Obama.’

      One can hope. However, bear in mind that the Democrats are perfectly competitive in the stupidity department. They may pick a nominee even more repugnant to most Americans than the Republican standard bearer. Witness Trump vs. Clinton.

      For example, suppose it was Haley versus Kamala Harris. Trying to think about this choice without losing my breakfast, but…

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    47. anarchyst says:

      American foreign aid is prohibited from being given to any country that has not signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (the Symington Amendment)or refuses to abide by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) guidelines regarding its nuclear devices. Guess what?? Israel does not abide by EITHER and still gets the majority of American foreign aid. This prohibition also applies to countries that do not register their agents of a foreign government with the U S State Department. Guess what?? Israel (again) with its American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) still gets “foreign aid” in contravention of American law..WHY??

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    48. anarchyst says:

      When Netanyahu addressed both houses of congress, it was sickening to see our politicians slobber all over themselves to PROVE that they were unconditional supporters of Israel. Just who the hell do they work for? Certainly not for the interests of the American people and the United States,they should renounce their United States citizenship and be deported to Israel.

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      • Agree: jacques sheete
      • Replies: @jilles dykstra
      , @Z-man
      , @Lot
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    49. annamaria says:

      “Israel and it’s friends are so deeply burrowed into America’s neural system.”
      – They are the equivalent of Spirochaete.

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    50. Argonne18 says:

      There is really no other way to characterize it other than a malignant fifth column of Jewish supremacists and Israel Firsters. Unless the dark forces of this group are confronted and defeated, we will not have a country at all.

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    51. @anarchyst

      What choice do they have ?
      Not slobber, and they’re out of a job

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    52. Durruti says:
      @Johnny Rottenborough

      “Elites are far from invulnerable but I cannot at the moment see how European Americans will take back their country.”

      We Anarchist Collective, & Sons and Daughters of Liberty, have advanced this Vision as an answer to your KEY Question. You are asking – in essence – how do we (Americans) get out of this mess?

      We have circulated as best we can, this flier (East Coast USA, internet, & to friends in other nations).

      The Key Goal, Solution, if you will, answer to your vital observation/inquiry, from us, to you & all Good Patriotic Americans, is, [and we enclose for your perusal] below. Kindly (you & the other commenters, and readers), respond, if you like or dislike.

      Yes, once the evil is identified – through the process of

      1. Critical observation (complaint).

      2. Identifying the evil (illness/disease/infection).

      3. Advocating/Applying the CURE


      Point #3 is almost never mentioned in the tightly controlled ‘opposition’ media. One may whine, but when it comes the moment to march on Lexington & Concord, (rally loyal armed forces, security agencies, CIA, FBI, Police, citizens), all suggestions for a CURE to what ails us is eliminated from, not only the Mainstream Media, but also the ‘opposition -Misdirection Media.

      Committees of Correspondence, enabled the Sons of Liberty. I believe you get the point.

      Enclosed: Our Flier began as a discussion (of an earlier version – years ago), before my University Students. Actual Flier is adjusted & properly highlighted.


      “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal… governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles…”

      The above is a portion of the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson.

      We submit the following facts to the citizens of the United States.

      The government of the United States has been a Totalitarian Oligarchy since the military financial aristocracy destroyed our Democratic Republic on November 22, 1963, when they assassinated the last democratically elected president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and overthrew his government, in a classic Coup d‘état. All following governments have been unconstitutional frauds. Attempts by Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King to restore the Republic were interrupted by their murder.

      A subsequent 12 year colonial war against Vietnam, conducted by the murderers of Kennedy, left 2 million dead in a wake of napalm and burning villages.

      In 1965, the U.S. government orchestrated the slaughter of 1 million unarmed Indonesian civilians.

      In the decade that followed the CIA murdered 100,000 Native Americans in Guatemala.

      In the 1970s, the Oligarchy began the destruction and looting of America’s middle class, by encouraging the export of industry and jobs to parts of the world where workers were paid bare subsistence wages. The North American Free Trade Act, NAFTA, supported by both political gangs, pays American corporations to close their production facilities at home, and open them abroad. The 2008, Bailout of the Nation’s Oligarchs cost American taxpayers $13trillion. The long decline of the local economy has led to the political decline of our hard working citizens, as well as the decay of cities, towns, and infrastructure, such as education.

      The impoverishment of America’s middle class has undermined the nation’s financial stability. Without a productive foundation, the government has accumulated a huge debt in excess of $20trillion. This debt will have to be paid, or suffered by future generations. Concurrently, the top 1% of the nation’s population has benefited enormously from the discomfiture of the rest. The interest rate has been reduced to 0, thereby slowly robbing millions of Bank depositors of their savings, as their savings cannot stay even with the inflation rate.

      The government spends the declining national wealth on bloody and never ending military adventures, and is or has recently conducted unconstitutional wars against 9 nations. The Oligarchs maintain 700 military bases in 131 countries; they spend as much on military weapons of terror as the rest of the nations of the world combined. Tellingly, more than half the government budget is spent on the military and 16 associated secret agencies.

      The nightmare of a powerful centralized government crushing the rights of the people, so feared by the Founders of the United States, has become a reality. The government of Trump/Pence, as with previous administrations such as Obama/Biden, Clinton/Gore, or Bush/Cheney, operates a Gulag of dozens of concentration camps, where prisoners are denied trials, and routinely tortured.
      The Patriot Act and The National Defense Authorizations Act, enacted by both Democratic and Republican factions of the oligarchy, serve to establish a legal cover for their terror.

      The nation’s media is controlled, and, with the school systems, serve to brainwash the population; the people are intimidated and treated with contempt.

      The United States is No longer Sovereign

      The United States is no longer a sovereign nation. Its government, The Executive, Congress, and the Judiciary, is bought, utterly owned and controlled by foreign and domestic wealthy Oligarchs, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Duponts, to name only a few of the best known.

      The Electoral Circuses will anoint new actors to occupy the same Unconstitutional Government, with its controlling International Oligarchs. Clinton, Obama, Trump, whomever, are willing accomplices for imperialist international murder, and destruction of nations, including ours.

      For Love of Country

      The Restoration of the Republic will be a Revolutionary Act, that will cancel all previous debts owed to that unconstitutional regime and its financial controllers. All debts, including Student Debts, will be canceled. Our citizens will begin, anew, with a clean slate.

      As American Founder, Thomas Jefferson wrote, in a letter to James Madison:

      “I set out on this ground, which I suppose to be self evident, ‘that the earth belongs in usufruct to the living’:”

      “Then I say the earth belongs to each of these generations, during it’s course, fully, and in their own right. The 2d. Generation receives it clear of the debts and incumberances of the 1st. The 3d of the 2d. and so on. For if the 1st. Could charge it with a debt, then the earth would belong to the dead and not the living generation.”

      Our Citizens must restore the political centrality of our constitution, and establish a less powerful government which will ensure President Franklin Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms, freedom of speech and expression, freedom to worship God in ones own way, freedom from want “which…means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peace time life for its inhabitants…” and freedom from fear “which…means a world-wide reduction of armaments…”

      Restored: The Constitution will become, once again, the law of the land and of a free people. We will establish a government, hold elections, begin to direct traffic, arrest criminal politicians of the tyrannical oligarchy, and, in short, repair the damage of the previous totalitarian governments.

      For the Democratic Republic!

      Sons and Daughters of Liberty

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    53. bjondo says:
      @Che Guava

      It is because of lackeys like Naipaul
      the British could rule India.

      Jewmurderka is filled with Naipauls.

      “Normally, a tiny client state attached to a great power would conform to its patron, but in the U.S.-Israel relationship the reverse has happened.” Giraldi

      Don’t skip over “Normally”.


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    54. wayfarer says:

      How would have Mahatma Gandhi handled self-serving Zionist Imperialism within America?

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    55. Lot says:

      Jews are indigenous to Israel. That’s why it is called Jerusalem and Judea.

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    56. renfro says:

      This American would be with Hamas if I were Palestine.
      This American would be with Hezbollah if I were Lebanese.

      So now you know what you have to look forward to in the US when the fat lady finally sings.

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    57. Z-man says:

      Certainly not for the interests of the American people and the United States,they should renounce their United States citizenship and be deported to Israel.

      This reminds me what I just said about Sheldon Adelson somewhere else.

      This Satanic looking…wait what am I saying (smacking forehead) he is the son of Satan, this ‘creature’ should at the least be deported to Israel where he can give all his money to that Satanic enterprise and if it was up to me he’d be ‘drawn and quartered’ and his money and properties confiscated by the US Treasury. (Grin)

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    58. annamaria says:

      Clyde, have you heard about Warsaw Ghetto? Your neo-Nazi Israeli government has been replaying the Warsaw Ghetto on the Israel-Occupied territory. Jewish Lebensraum in the Middle East.

      Meanwhile, your Jewish “rude boys” are very helpful to Ukrainian neo-Nazi:

      Here is a testament to the “moral superiority” and other beauties of the Jewish character:

      “… young wedding guests dancing with guns and knives during the party in Jerusalem. One guest even appears to be dancing with a knife through a picture of 18-month-old Ali Dawabsheh… Toddler Ali and his parents died when their home in the village of Duma in the occupied West Bank was set ablaze… Dawabshe’s mother and father later succumbed to injuries sustained in the blasts, bringing the fatality toll to three. The family is survived by four-year old Ahmad Dawabshe…”

      “Autopsy confirms Palestinian infant was ‘burned alive’ by Israeli Squatters:”

      “Jewish extremists taunt ‘Ali’s on the grill’ at slain toddler’s relatives:”

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    59. annamaria says:

      Don’t you like a smell of a burnt palestinian flesh on the morning?

      This is a long-respected tradition of a Jewish tribe, which was first articulated towards Iranians: “Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks” (Psalm 137:9).

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    60. I have become hopeless about the chances of the USA gaining its National Sovereignty back from AIPAC. BUT it is Unbelievable to me that Christian in America and all over the world remain indifferent to the genocide bein carried out in Israel to our fellow brothers Arab Palestinian Christian in Israel. Most of Christian Palestinians find it dismaying the so called Christian Zionist support for Israeli extermination of Palestinians (semites), demolishing Christian temples…More puzzling is the fact that Israel has openly declared that they will demolish the Dome of the Rock mosque and they will built the so called 3th temple, despite this official FINAL solution…The Western Nations as well as the ArabNations do not sanction Israel. IT is morally, humanly, urgent that the WHOLE WORLD BREAK ALL RELATIONS with Israel,,,Break all relations: commerce, finance, sports, cultural, social, diplomatic, etc, BREAK all realtons with Israel NOW

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    61. renfro says:

      It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that this website could become the starting point for an active national alliance against our Israeli occupiers


      And the fact there are many thousands of people out there from journalist, TV personalities, writers, bloggers , etc who have had their careers ruined by slander and character attacks by the Jewish lobbies.
      Plus the many former politicians who have come out against Israel and the Jewish fifth column and many formers who lost their political careers due to attacks by the lobby and the Jewish media mega phone.

      They should organize their own lobby.

      The reason I wasn’t against the #MeToo movement is because 99% of the men they took down were big pro Israel Jews in the media and Hollywood. More power to them…may they ruin some more.

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    62. @renfro

      Hamas is a Mossad front cutout, a total creation of Israel.

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    63. renfro says:

      I would still like to see Ron Unz host a day, or even a week’s, worth of articles dedicated to examining any and all solutions.

      In one of many day dreams concerning the Fifth Column some patriotic rouge CIA agents do a false flag on Israel and set them to be blamed for some heinous act in the US that would inflame the public and would be impossible for congress to cover up.

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    64. Agent76 says:

      Jun 6, 2017 50 Years After Launching June 1967 War, Israel Continues World’s Longest Military Occupation

      In the final installment of our three-part special on the 50th anniversary of the June 1967 war, author and scholar Norman Finkelstein discusses why the U.S.-backed “peace process” was never meant to end the Israeli occupation, and how, despite the ongoing brutality, mass Palestinian civil resistance could still bring it to an end.

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    65. renfro says:

      the number one problem in the US is jewish media control…that is what most Americans see

      True, true, true…..cant be emphasized enough.

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    66. renfro says:
      @T. Weed

      Good for you….bravo…..more need to do the same to many more cowardly Israel lackeys.

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    67. Che Guava says:

      That is pure nonsense.

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    68. macilrae says:

      ” somehow they hustled a bomb to the fence “

      May we please call it what it is? It’s not a bloody FENCE for Christsake, it’s a dirty great three-meter-high CONCRETE WALL! We only call it a ‘fence’ to further ‘pander to’ Israeli sensibilities.

      Great article, Giraldi!

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    69. renfro says:

      Hamas is a Mossad front cutout, a total creation of Israel

      Not any longer.

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    70. @Martin Luther

      “But it is unbelievable to me…”.

      Maybe this will help you understand, perhaps in part?

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    71. @renfro

      Since when?

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    72. wayfarer says:

      In a sacred sense, the “indigenous” argument is an ignorant argument, as earth proprietorship is granted to no human being, by its infinite creator.

      Yeah right, “god chose us!”

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    73. Milton says:

      “Man was redeemed, and Christ founded His Church upon a rock. Some of the Hebrew people recognized Him as the Messiah, but others – among them principally the Pharisees – did not want to recognize Him. Instead, they persecuted His followers and issued numerous laws obliging the Jews to persecute the Christians. These laws, together with stories and appendixes, became their sacred book called The Talmud around the year 500.

      …In this book Christians are called idolaters, worse than Turks, murderers, impure libertines; they are manure, animals in human form, worse than animals, children of the Devil, etc…the Church is called a house of stupidity and filth; sacred statues, medals and rosaries are called idols. In The Talmud Sundays and holy days of obligation are considered days of perdition.

      …This book teaches, among other things, that a Hebrew can deceive a Christian and steal from him since all the properties of a Christian are – from the text itself – ‘like the desert, the first to take them becomes the owner.’

      …This book, written in 12 volumes and breathing hatred against Christ, is considered by these Pharisees a sacred book, more important than Sacred Scriptures…” – Maximillian Kolbe, Saint of Auschwitz, in his essay The Poor Ones

      At the time of the International Congress of Freemasonry in Bucharest in 1926, Maximillian Kolbe wrote the article “Rycerz Niepokalanej” [The Knight of the Immaculate] in which he addressed the root of the problem facing The West: the control of society by Freemasons who are ultimately controlled by the Synagogue of Satan:

      “These men [the Freemasons] believe that they are the ones who will rule everything, but let us hear what is written in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Protocol n. 11 states: ‘We will create and put in effect the laws and the governments … in opportune moments … by means of national rebellions. … What we want is that the multitudes, disoriented by the revolt, still in a condition of terror and uncertainty, should understand once and for all that we are so strong, so untouchable, so powerful that in no way will we take into account their opinions and wishes. Instead we are ready and able to crush with irresistible power their manifestations at any moment and in every place. … Then, in fear and trembling, they will close their eyes to everything and await the consequences. …

      …For what purpose have we created this policy and insinuated it into the minds of the Masons, without giving them any possibility of examining its underlying meaning? … This is what has served as the basis for our secret organization of Masonry, whose existence is not known or even suspected by these cattle, attracted by us into the army of Masonic lodges.”

      Here, Kolbe directs himself to the Masons, saying:

      “Freemasons, did you hear this? The Hebrews, who have secretly organized and secretly direct you, consider you as beasts, recruited into the Masonic lodges for ends that you neither know nor suspect. Are you aware, Freemasons, of what awaits those among you who will begin to think for themselves. Listen to this in the same Protocol: ‘Death is the inevitable conclusion of every life … We will execute the Masons in a way that no one can suspect, not even the victims themselves: They will all die at the moment it is deemed necessary, apparently because of common illnesses.’

      …Freemasons, you who recently during the Bucharest Congress were pleased by the fact that Masonry is growing stronger everywhere, reflect well and answer sincerely: Is it not better to serve the Creator with interior peace … rather than to obey the orders of those who hate you?”

      …And you, small squadron of Hebrews, the ‘learned elders of Zion,’ who have already consciously provoked so many misfortunes and are preparing yet others, to you I direct this question: What advantage will you gain? … A huge accumulation of gold, pleasures, diversions and power, but none of this makes man happy. And if still it should give some happiness, how long will it last? Ten years perhaps, or twenty … I ask you, Hebrew leaders, you who have let yourselves be seduced by Satan, the enemy of humanity, would it not be better for you also to return sincerely to God?”

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    74. Milton says:

      America needs a Titus as President, not any more Israeli-Saudi ass-kissing, Freemason clowns as President.

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    75. macilrae says:

      I have become hopeless about the chances of the USA gaining its National Sovereignty back

      Me too, and the more so having read Ron Unz’ recent courageous articles – the history of this thing has gone back so far in the USA – long, long before the birth of the actual state of Israel. So many of the levers of power – apart from just the media and the banks – are now under the almost total control of Jewish activists.

      The fact that Ron’s effort has met with so little outside reaction is probably indicative of how secure these people are now feeling and how little they fear a relatively small minority who see them for what they are. There just is no suitable platform – now or in the foreseeable future – from which to present the opposing case because, if ever a group does arise which they consider to be a real threat, it can be almost effortlessly destroyed.

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    76. Art says:

      Thank you Mr. Giraldi and thank you Mr. Unz for writing and publishing these articles. They are being republished on many blogs. More and more anti-Jewish articles are being published by more and more writers.

      People go through many stages of upset and angst as they realize the totality of America’s Jew problem. They go from avoiding the use of the word “Jew” – to total disgust and contempt. The numbers against the Jews are growing – a critical mass is building.

      The Jews think that they are winning – but what they don’t consider is the fact that 99.9% of the American people are not even engaged in the battle against them.

      Their time is coming – true will out!

      Thanks again Mr. Giraldi and Mr. Unz.

      Think Peace — Art

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    77. Art says:

      “After it exploded and blew a hole in the fence, some 20 Palestinians came through and ran toward Israeli soldiers stationed in a snipers’ position.”

      Good for the Palestinians – how can “breaking into your own country” be wrong?

      The Jews are squatters in Palestine – bad things come to squatters.

      Disgust is building for the Jew squatters in Palestine. Same for the Jews in America who support them.

      There will be justice.

      Think Peace — Art

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    78. anon[319] • Disclaimer says:

      Jewmerica: think of that word Americans. A bastardization of a Nation.
      Despite the Founding Father’s best efforts to write a constitution that would see a Nation flourish and grow, it has been perverted by filth.
      What is the remedy?
      A Second Revolution
      A Day of the Rope
      Targeted Destruction of the Enemy
      Taking back All Our Institutions (inch by inch)

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    79. Time to cut the tie that binds?????
      Than what?
      Who will be there to support Israel.
      Israel would be dissolved.
      Jews will have to emigrate!
      To Christianized Russia? (I do not think so!)
      To dangerous place call Europe? (will the Jews want to go there?)
      Only option remaining will be USA.
      Does USA is still missing some more Jews?
      Personally I think every state should Support Israel and encourage their own Jewish minority to emigrate there.

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    80. Breaking news.
      Saudi embassy in Turkey imported from Hungary outstanding cook.
      That was to prepare excellent original Goulash.
      The Goulash was distributed to homeless Turks.
      The mystery was finally solved.

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    81. renfro says:

      FYI……calling all Trump supporters……here’s your America First test for Trump.
      Watch him to see if he amends the US Israel tax treaty to give them more special breaks in taxation to avoid US corporations like Intel, Microsoft, Cisco, Motorola, Applied Materials, HP. etc moving back to the US…. US companies make up 2/3s of Israel’s foreign companies btw

      Home > Israel News > Business

      U.S. Tax Reform Sparks Worries in Israeli Tech Sector
      Legislation could encourage foreign, Israeli firms to move operations to the United States

      Israel’s high-tech sector could be hurt by the tax reform approved by the U.S. Congress last month, a paper prepared by the Israel Innovation Authority and obtained by TheMarker shows.
      The U.S. tax reform is complicated and many of its details are still being ironed out, but government officials and industry leaders have already identified several worrying elements.

      One is the plan to lower the tax on income derived from intellectual property like patents to 12.5% for companies domiciled outside the United States.
      Israel had acted in the past year to lower its tax rate on intellectual property to as little as 6% to encourage more global companies to register their IP in Israel and let the government collect tax on it, but the extra U.S. tax is likely to frustrate the Israeli plan.
      Another concern is a little-known clause in the reform legislation called the Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax, or BEAT, which targets large companies that have been reducing their tax bills through cross-border payments they can then deduct in the United States.

      The BEAT provision, which applies to companies with annual receipts of $500 million or more, aims to circumvent that tax avoidance with a minimum tax of 10% on such income. That measure could raise the tax bill of the biggest Israeli tech and non-tech companies when they import services from their home offices in Israel.

      The reform will likely affect the scores of global companies with at least 50% of their shares held by Americans that have research and development centers in Israel by increasing the taxes on the R&D services they provide. Many companies may decide to return R&D and other functions to America from abroad, the innovation authority fears.

      For startups, American corporate investors – who play a growing role in funding Israeli startups – are expected to pressure entrepreneurs to domicile their businesses in the United States because the reform will face double taxation on their gain when they exit.
      In addition, an investment fund or company that invested in a U.S. company using debt finance could deduct 50% of interest costs. That figure will now fall to 30%.
      The worries are deep enough that some of Israel’s biggest companies, including Check Point Software and drug maker Teva, met a week ago with treasury chief economist Yoel Naveh to discuss strategy. The meeting also included representatives of multinationals present in Israel like Intel and Microsoft.
      Two other meetings were held over the past week with officials from the treasury, the National Economic Council, the tax authority and the innovation authority that included not only executives but officials from Israels biggest accounting firms to assess the tax reforms impact.”

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    82. Antiwar7 says:

      You’ve also got snipers shooting to death unarmed female medics.

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    83. Seraphim says:
      @Colin Wright

      A Nikki Haley as POTUS would clearly signal the lowest point of the ‘Kali-Yuga’, the revelation of Kali, the ‘goddess’ of darkness and destruction. If the American ‘people’ would elect her, it would be the final confirmation that America is the land of the ‘Occident’, of the Sunset, the land of darkness and death.

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    84. Wally says:

      To Ron Unz’s credit, the alleged ‘holocaust’, that has been utterly debunked by numerous Revisionists for decades, has recently been demolished here:

      American Pravda: Holocaust Denial, by Ron Unz:
      on Irving & ‘holocaust’: Ron Unz: A Defender of Truth:

      “Does anybody seriously believe something so totally ridiculous?”

      - Righteous American and Jew, Ron Unz

      The ’6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’ are scientifically impossible frauds.
      See the ‘holocaust’ scam debunked here:
      No name calling, level playing field debate here:

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    85. T. Weed says:

      Thank you, Z-man.

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    86. T. Weed says:

      Thanks, renfro.

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    87. Wally says:
      @Johnny Rottenborough

      “Elites are far from invulnerable but I cannot at the moment see how European Americans will take back their country.”

      I hear you, Johnny, but Rome did fall. All sorts of corrupt, elitist power structures have been swept aside. It happens.

      I feel like Giraldi, it’s the fake ‘holocaust’ which holds the Jew power in place.

      When a few more high profile instances of rejection of the impossible narrative occur, the tide, which has been slowly turning, will simply overwhelm the savage hold of Zionists.
      Who or where that ‘breaking point’ rejection will come from remains to be seen.

      Chin up.

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    88. This is simply becoming unbearable. This man is a monomaniac.

      Y’know, if “the joos” are as powerful as alleged, leading Christendom like a bull with a ring through it’s nose, well, clearly, Christendom is inferior and perhaps we should all be content with being “shabbos goys.” Jus’ sayin’.

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    89. polnick says:

      No other nation but Israel keeps American values intact. Being strong and following the way we are is important. Our competition is the Muslim lifestyle and Chinese imperialism. It is best that the US and Israel remains NASTY than being overwhelmed by the choice of inhuman Socialism. Fairness is self defeating and will not work.

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    90. renfro says:

      how secure people are now feeling and how little they fear a relatively small minority who see them for what they are.

      This is good…let them feel secure so they’ll keep over reaching.
      The more they do to destroy the US the more they get noticed…..the lawsuits against the criminalizing of BDS as a violation of the US Constitution is a good example of what gets people riled up….that it applied to private businesses was a bonus since also raised eyebrows in the business community.

      So much for the conservative claim to be against big gov and gov interference.

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    91. Lot says:

      That burning smell is the Arabs trashing the environment with thousands of burning tires and sending arson kites over the border to burn hundreds of acres of parkland and farms.

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    92. Lot says:

      The love for Bibi and Israel in Congress reflects the views of the American people outside of Muslims, weirdo antisemites/nazi larpers, and blue-hair BDS campus leftists.

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    93. Lot says:

      “Why stop there, Lot? You could have named the entire congress.”

      No, y’all still have girlfriend beater Keith “X” Ellison and that other far left woman in MN with a Somali district.

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    94. Art says:

      Lot boy,

      The words of Giraldi and Unz are force-multipliers waking up America.

      The American people do not know that you Jews are in a surreptitious clandestine war against them.

      They are just starting to find out.

      Poor You!

      Think Peace — Art

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    95. lysias says:
      @Da Wei

      If the Jews had settled Uganda instead of Palestine, the white settler colonies in Kenya and Rhodesia would still survive, Portugal would still rule Angola and Mozambique, and South Africa, along with Southwest Africa, would still be ruled by whites.

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      • Replies: @anon
      , @Da Wei
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    96. lysias says:
      @Colin Wright

      That’s why electing our representatives is a mistake. We should instead use the ancient Athenian system of choosing representatives by lot from the whole citizen body. Then, by the laws of statistics, all segments of the population and all shades of opinion would be proportionally represented.

      Much harder for an elite to control. Which was the Athenians’ intention.

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      , @jacques sheete
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    97. anon[107] • Disclaimer says:

      the white settler colonies in Kenya and Rhodesia would still survive, Portugal would still rule Angola and Mozambique, and South Africa, along with Southwest Africa, would still be ruled by whites.

      Would Soros have funded Black Lives Matter?

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    98. Z-man says:

      ‘The love (lol) for Bibi and Israel in Congress reflects’… the Zionist billionaires boys club ownership of both political parties and the pernicious influence of The Lobby. The vast majority of Americans could care less about Israel or for that matter Palestine but the American public with their sense of fair play would want their government to be an honest broker and more even handed in that conflict, which hasn’t happened in many years.
      Now go back to your kibbutz.

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    99. anarchyst says:

      Not true. Every true AMERICAN that I talk to knows that the United States is Israel’s b!tch to the tune of $10,000,000.00 per day and that every true AMERICAN is aware that they have “the best politicians that Israel can buy”…
      THAT has to stop…

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    100. anarchyst says:

      “No other nation but Israel keeps American values intact”. Ha Ha…You have got to be kidding.
      Your post on “American values” and Israel is laughable. Just look at the debasement of American culture by jewish-run and owned Hollywood, the jewish push for “diversity and multiculturalism, (but only for “goy”) and every other perversion that jewish elements push on the citizens of the U S A…none of which is permitted in “poor little Israel”…
      You are either a hasbara or more likely a member of IDF unit 8200. You, my friend, have just been “outed”…

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      • Agree: jacques sheete
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    101. lysias says:

      A successful parasite allows its host to flourish. Jews are unsuccessful parasites.

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    102. lysias says:

      When the economy collapses, the masses will awaken.

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    103. Anonymous[346] • Disclaimer says:
      @Jon Baptist

      Americanist heresy. How you read or listed to conservative Catholic writer E. Michael Jones on the Jews, neoconservatism, the Catholic Church, etc.? Giraldi is tame compared to Jones, who is a traditionalist Catholic.

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    104. geokat62 says:

      No, y’all still have girlfriend beater Keith “X” Ellison and that other far left woman in MN with a Somali district.

      Don’t despair, Lot. The Lobby is actively working on remediating these two outliers.

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    105. Art says:

      That’s why electing our representatives is a mistake. We should instead use the ancient Athenian system of choosing representatives by lot from the whole citizen body. Then, by the laws of statistics, all segments of the population and all shades of opinion would be proportionally represented.

      Brilliant – thanks for that — Peace – Art

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    106. geokat62 says:

      Jews are indigenous to Israel.

      A small fraction are. The overwhelming majority have come after the turn of the 20th century:

      Regardless, in 1880, before immigration began, Palestine’s Jewish population numbered about 25,000, and had been deeply rooted there for several generations.

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      , @Anon
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    107. @lysias

      Kudos, Multiculturalism proves it.

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    108. Art says:

      The love for Bibi and Israel in Congress reflects the views of the American people

      NOT – it reflects AIPAC and ADL coercion.

      99.9% of the American people do not know this – YET!

      BIG SMILE!

      Think Peace — Art

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    109. @jilles dykstra

      Weird change, long ago the USA was seen as a neutral country in the ME:

      1956, President Dwight Eisenhower may have been the last U.S. President that gave the Israeli’s an absolute NO on there invasion of Egypt to capture the Suez canal along with the French and English. Eisenhower ultimately pressured Britain, France and Israel into agreeing to a cease-fire and eventual withdrawal from Egypt.

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      , @jilles dykstra
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    110. Anonymous[400] • Disclaimer says:

      following the way we are

      We? I’m assuming you have a mouse in your pocket.

      Anyway, congrats on writing one of the dumbest posts I’ve ever seen. Where are (((you))) from?

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    111. @lysias

      We should instead use the ancient Athenian system of choosing representatives by lot from the whole citizen body.

      That would probably work a lot better than the designed-for-criminals system we’re subjected to now, but the idea of representative government is open to question as is that of government itself.

      Since we’re still dealing, fundamentally, with the problems that the ancient Athenians addressed, it’s apparent that we still have not found a solution in >2000 years, purported “representative” government notwithstanding, yet most ‘Merkins would argue and smirk at what I just wrote.

      Anyway, for the sake of argument let’s say that government itself is a legitimate and non-corruptible entity. It’s pretty apparent that representative government only works for relatively small entities such as ancient Athens and is wholly unsuited for a very large and populous nation, and the anti-federalists realized that ~250 years ago.

      Now, in a large extended country, it is impossible to have a representation, possessing the sentiments, and of integrity, to declare the minds of the people, without having it so numerous and unwieldly, as to be subject in great measure to the inconveniency of a democratic government.

      Brutus, (Robert Yates), To the Citizens of the State of New-York, October 18, 1787

      Then there’s this, and it partly explains a reason for the corruption Mr Giraldi so expertly notes.

      9. As every body who supports the Constitution by voting (if there are any such) does so secretly (by secret ballot), and in a way to avoid all personal responsibility for the acts of his agents or representatives, it cannot legally or reasonably be [11] said that anybody at all supports the Constitution by voting. No man can reasonably or legally be said to do such a thing as to assent to, or support, the Constitution, unless he does it openly, and in a way to make himself personally responsible for the acts of his agents, so long as they act within the limits of the power he delegates to them.

      10. As all voting is secret, (by secret ballot,) and as all secret governments are necessarily only secret bands of robbers, tyrants, and murderers, the general fact that our government is practically carried on by means of such voting, only proves that there is among us a secret band of robbers, tyrants and murderers, whose purpose is to rob, enslave, and, so far as necessary to accomplish their purposes, murder, the rest of the people…

      This is the kind of government we have; and it is the only one we are likely to have, until … we will authorize no government to do any thing in our name which we are not willing to be personally responsible for.

      Lysander Spooner, No Treason. No. VI. The Constitution of No Authority [1870]

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    112. lysias says:
      @George Taylor

      JFK opposed the Israelis’ policies. That’s probably a major reason why he was killed.

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    113. Art says:

      How prophetic this article is. Jew power over America rears its ugly head today.

      Surprise surprise – Ivanka stomped her feet – so Trump is protecting the Saudi prince (MBS) over the reporter murder in Turkey. Trump’s actions have to do with the grand plan. Israeli, Saudi, US kissy face comes first.

      Jared Kushner has plans for Saudi to make nice with Israel and dump the Palestinians – and nothing can get in the way of that – period.

      MBS is a bad guy – the whole world knows that. We are making fools of ourselves again. But making Israel great, must come first!

      It is hard today – but Think Peace — Art

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    114. @Z-man

      … the Zionist billionaires boys club …

      And the rube thinks those cats give a flip about him. I guess we goyim are not the only gulls!

      This is the 21st century and one’d think people, especially those from the “high IQ” (Hee hee) crowd, would’ve figured it out already…

      “These people will take you and use you, Bella,” he warned me, “and then they will throw you away.”
      A new period was at hand, a period of extremes, when the united front of Communists and the forces of national unity in the United States were to work together to win the war.

      -Bella Dodd, School of Darkness Chap 9

      Yeah, I know she was writing about the Commies, but Zionists are just a variation on the theme, complete with kibbutzim.

      Note that the US government has a record of siding with the scum of the Earth. I think there’s a message there somewhere.

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    115. @jilles dykstra

      Weird change, long ago the USA was seen as a neutral country in the ME:
      W. Morgan Shuster, ´The strangling of Persia, Story of the European diplomacy and oriental intrigue that resulted in the denationalisation of twelve million Mohammedans’, New York, 1912

      Congrats for reading that book. It’s a “must read” for all ‘Merkins too.

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    116. renfro says:

      Jews are indigenous to Israel. That’s why it is called Jerusalem and Judea.

      No they aren’t .
      First they were a wandering tribe of Arabs before they became Jews, then they were a wandering tribe of Jews.
      Who lived within different ME empires such as Egypt and Rome before they ever got to Israel.

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      • Replies: @Lot
      , @Jeff Stryker
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    117. macilrae says:

      First of all, yes, more and more people do notice – but if somebody tries to bring it up with the media then you know what happens. The greater majority of people in, say US, Canada and UK truly believe what the media are telling them on this topic and even those that don’t are super-reluctant to talk about it. I, myself, though I don’t now have a career to lose, am very, very cautious raising this topic with people I don’t know too well.

      Only recently I discussed it with an old friend, a pretty smart person, and she became so angry she said she no longer respected me – and has been silent ever since.

      They are already over-reaching beyond limits I would never previously have believed possible but I think it will go a whole lot further and, even then, they may still manage to contain the general outrage – because you’ll still need to find a way to get it discussed openly in a public forum.

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    118. @Lot

      We’ve got Trump, Pence, Bibi…blah blah blah…

      As usual you got that backwards since those cats got dupes, fools and useful idiots like you by the short and curlies and they’d no doubt as soon squat on you as even acknowledge your putrid existence.

      Say Lot, can you tell us why the biblical Lot was attracted to Sodom? And what does “your” book say about kings and other rulers????Hmmm?

      PS: I hope you don’t have any daughters!!!

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    119. @ISmellBagels

      She seems to have tried but only managed to damage the brain with the coat-hanger.

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    120. anon[158] • Disclaimer says:
      @Che Guava

      No morion ,you have nothing to support your lies. Don’t talk about the things you don’t know.

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    121. @Realist

      What’s the solution

      I do not think there is a solution, only a relentless struggle, and you just commented on a site that’s no doubt part of the struggle…

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    122. Lot says:

      And most of the Arabs who want to “return” to Israel were born in Jordan/West Bank/Gaza have never set foot within Israel. Jews were there 3000 years ago when Arabs were still confined to Arabia. They are there now. Arabs are a majority of the population in a dozen other craphole countries. They don’t need to make Israel a craphole too.

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      • Replies: @geokat62
      , @jacques sheete
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    123. @ISmellBagels

      Your mamma should have aborted.

      It’s apparent mamma did exactly that. It’s comment is evidence.

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    124. Lot says:

      Giraldi has been saying the same Muh USS Liberty Israel Lobby crap for decades. Unz is literally a recycler of 70 and 100 year old antisemitic balderdash that didn’t catch on then, and nobody cares about right now.

      Unz got so excited that LewRockwell reprinted him. He loves attention so much!

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    125. Lot says:
      @jacques sheete

      I met Mike Pence when he was just a congressman. He was friendly and awesome then and is awesomer now!

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