The ability of Israel and its powerful Lobby to control many aspects of American government while also sustaining an essentially false narrative about the alleged virtues of the Jewish State is remarkable. Politicians and journalists learned long ago that it was better to cultivate Israel’s friends than it was to support actual American interests. They also discovered to speak the truth about the Jewish State often would prove to be a death sentence career-wise, witness the experiences of Cynthia McKinney, Paul Findlay, William Fulbright, Chuck Percy, James Traficant, Pete McCloskey and Rick Sanchez.
More recently, we have seen the ascent to real political power on the part of a number of politicians whose pandering to Israel has been notorious, indicating that the path to the White House goes through Tel Aviv and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) offices on H Street in the District of Columbia. Nikki Haley, who recently resigned as United Nations Ambassador, gained national attention when she became the first state governor to sign off on laws that would punish supporters of the non-violent BDS movement. Subsequently, as ambassador, she became noted for her impassioned defense of Israel, to include complaining that “nowhere has the U.N.’s failure been more consistent and more outrageous than in its bias against our close ally Israel.” She vowed that the “days of Israel bashing are over” and is now being groomed by the neocons as a possible presidential candidate for 2020. Whichever way it goes, she will be showered with money by Israel supporters as she finds her perch in the private sector, like others before her doing “work” that she does not understand while also making speeches about the importance of the Israeli relationship.
All of that said, one of the truly odd aspects of the Israeli/Jewish dominance is its ability to change the United States. Normally, a tiny client state attached to a great power would conform to its patron, but in the U.S.-Israel relationship the reverse has happened. When 9/11 occurred Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was pleased, commenting that the attack would tie the United States more closely to Israel in its war against “terrorism,” which to him meant his Islamic neighbors in the Middle East. Since that time, the bilateral “special” relationship has conformed to what Professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer observed in their groundbreaking book “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,” namely that the United States does things in the Middle East that cannot be attributed to national interest. Rather, Washington behaves in a certain way due to the power of Israel and its lobby. There is no other way to explain it.
The emergence of Israeli practices as models to be adopted by U.S. agencies has occurred, to be sure, to include Israeli training American policemen and soldiers in their “methods,” but the odd thing is that as Israel has lurched to the right and embraced political extremism under Netanyahu, the United States has done the same thing, curtailing civil liberties with the Patriot Acts, the Military Commissions Act, and various updates of the Authorization to Use Military Force. Indefinite detention without trial and assassination of citizens overseas is now acceptable in America and criticizing Israel could soon become a criminal offense in spite of the First Amendment. In short, the United States of America has become more like Israel rather than vice versa.
With one or two exceptions, there is no one in the United States government, elected or civil service, who has anything that is not wonderful to say about Israel in spite of the numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity being committed by Netanyahu nearly daily, the unfunded costs of the wars fought in part on behalf of Israel, and the thousands of dead American soldiers plus the hundreds of thousands of dead foreigners, nearly all Muslims. Indeed, Netanyahu is treated like a conquering hero, having received 23 standing ovations from Congress in 2015 when he was in the United States complaining about an agreement with Iran made by President Barack Obama. This inside the beltway approval of Israel contrasts sharply with the general view of the rest of the world, which sees both the U.S. and Israel negatively as the two nations most likely to start a new war.
There are several recent articles that demonstrate pretty clearly the danger in allowing Israel and its friends to have the power and access that they currently enjoy purely because government and the media make no effort to tell them “no” and rein them in. One comes from New Zealand where two women wrote a letter to the pop singer Lorde, urging her to cancel an appearance in Israel due to the treatment of the Palestinians. Lorde posted the letter on twitter, agreed and the trip was canceled.
The tale would have ended there but for the fact that Israel’s parliament the Knesset has passed a law now making it illegal to support a boycott of Israel ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD [my emphasis]. Enter the group called Shurat HaDin, which is an Israeli government supported lawfare instrument, that seeks to find and sue the perceived enemies of the Jewish state, punishing them through court costs and potentially bankruptcy.
The lawsuit argued that Lorde’s response on twitter after receiving the letter showed her decision was directly influenced by the New Zealand women’s plea. Three Israeli ticket holders filed the suit, claiming the cancellation had caused emotional distress. The Israeli court awarded damages of $12,000 dollars and their lawyer, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner of Shurat HaDin, boasted that the verdict was “precedent-setting,” sending a message that “no one can boycott Israel without paying for it.” Israeli government agents in New Zealand are taking steps to obtain the money, even though it remains unclear whether the plaintiffs will be able to collect the cash. Darshan-Leitner explained that she will seek to enforce the judgment through “international treaties” and go after the women’s bank accounts, either in New Zealand or if they try to travel abroad. Even if she is unsuccessful, the lawsuits will have a chilling effect on any individual or group seeking to criticize Israel’s brutal behavior by endorsing what once were perfectly legal boycotts.
A second story is possibly even more bizarre. On October 10th, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that “Israel is everything we want the entire Middle East to look like going forward” while asserting that the bilateral relationship between Washington and Tel Aviv is “stronger than ever.” Pompeo was keynote speaker at an award ceremony hosted by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America in Washington D.C. He also hailed Israel as “democratic and prosperous,” adding “it desires peace, it is a home to a free press and a thriving economy.”
Pompeo also mentioned Iran, condemning the latter’s “corrupt leaders [who] assault the human rights of their own people and finance terrorism in every corner of the Middle East”. He also announced to a cheering audience that he had that same day denied a $165 million transfer of aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) because of the PA’s “funding of terror.” Pompeo was referring to the PA’s refusal to comply with Washington’s demands that it end the so-called “martyr payments” to the families of those killed or imprisoned by Israeli occupation forces.
Pompeo, together with National Security Advisor John Bolton, has been the driving force behind punishing the Iranians and Palestinians. Like others in Washington, he understands that success inside the beltway is best guaranteed by binding oneself as closely to Israel as possible. Pompeo certainly knows that Israel is not democratic, does not desire peace and is itself a major source of terrorism. Its government is corrupt, witness the current trial of Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife as well as the charges pending against the prime minister himself. A number of Israeli leaders have wound up in jail in the past few years. To describe Israel as a model for the entire Middle East is absurd, but, then again, Pompeo was speaking in front of the Jewish Institute for National Security and presumably intended to suck up to his wealthy and politically powerful audience.
How does Israel maintain its control over American politicians? First of all, no politician who wants to get reelected can risk even the mildest criticism of the Jewish state. Anyone who does so will be pilloried in the media before finding him or herself confronted by an extremely well-funded opponent who will oust them from office. And anyone who even suggests that the Palestinians are human beings that are being severely punished by a powerful Israel had best watch his or her back. On October 8th Congressman Eliot Engel of New York spoke regarding liberal Democrat rising star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and three other liberals seeking congressional seats next month, all of whom have expressed sympathy for the Palestinians while also criticizing Israel’s heavy handed repression.
Engel told a New York synagogue gathering that had been organized and promoted by AIPAC that all Democrats “need to be educated” in support of Israel. “We are going to continue to work in Congress to make sure that we have overwhelming support for Israel on both sides of the aisle… I am certainly cognizant of the fact that people who are coming in as far as I’m concerned on the Democratic side, will be educated and need to be educated. But we have overwhelming support for Israel in the Congress. And… it will continue that way. We will maintain it that way.”
So, maintaining “overwhelming support” for Israel requires doing whatever is necessary, be it fair or foul, and many Jews and Jewish organizations worldwide, like Engel, are prepared to place alleged Israeli interests ahead of those of the countries where they actually reside. In America, Jewish groups and individuals have succeeded in buying politicians and using their money and control over much of the media to corrupt the entire political system to benefit Israel.
Israel should be judged by how it behaves, not by how well it buys favor among morally challenged politicians and media shills. Nor should it be seen favorably as it engages, threatens and destroys critics. When private citizens cannot write a letter to an entertainer without risk of being sued, deference to perpetual Israeli victimhood has gone way too far. When an intelligent man like Mike Pompeo finds it in his interest to say something transparently stupid in praise of Israel, something which he knows to be the reverse of the truth, the corruption of our elites becomes clear even to those who choose to remain blind to it. When a candidate for national office has to be “educated” by Jewish politicians to say the right things about Israel it smacks of Stalinism.
We Americans don’t need any more of this nonsense, which is inter alia destroying our liberties. It is largely driven by the guilt laden “holocaust hucksterism,” as Norman Finkelstein has termed it, that has been giving Israel a free pass for seventy years. It is time for a change in thinking about how we view our “good friend and ally” Israel, a country that is neither. It is time for government to do what is best for Americans, not for Israelis.
Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is
Nikki Haley, who recently resigned as United Nations Ambassador, gained national attention when she became the first state governor to sign off on laws that would punish supporters of the non-violent BDS movement.
She is a Sikh. Serving imperialists is in her blood. Her ilk served the British in quelling nationalist uprisings in Asia and Africa. Sikh troops served in China and Africa to shoot natives down to further British interests. Nikki is a Sikh whore in the US who now serves US globo-homo power. Since Zionists rule the US, she is a Sikh warrior who kicks Palestinians to win approval from her bosses.
It’s in her Sikh blood.
Normally, a tiny client state attached to a great power would conform to its patron, but in the U.S.-Israel relationship the reverse has happened.
India was much bigger than UK. But who ruled whom? Brits ruled over much bigger India because Brits had the guns and because India was so divided.
Same between US and Israel. The real power is actually not with Israel but with the Jewish elite minority IN the US. They are small in number relative to the entire population BUT they hold the Big Guns of media, finance, entertainment, high-tech, and the Narrative(the secular church of righteousness). Also, Diversity works against US solidarity against Jewish power.
Brits ruled over India for 200 yrs. We shall see how long Jewish rule lasts over the US as the Sole Supremacist Power.
Israel, the Trust Fund Nation.
Too Privileged to Fail.
United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018
“The real power is actually not with Israel but with the Jewish elite minority IN the US.”
That’s right. The power that sways the USA predated the theft of Palestine for the Jews, the corruption of our politics and our economy by Jews. The “State of Israel” is a locus for our ass kissing more than it is a “Jewish homeland.” The Jews that cornered Balfour, financed the Bolsheviks, recruited Wilson and stole all our money are no more sentimental about that piece of desert than about the Palestinians their snipers shoot with impunity. They are, as they always were, a ruthless network intent on global control.
Still, it’s worth imagining what the USA would be like if we grew a set and took our country back.
Just imagine what things would be like if the Jews had accepted the “home” the Brits first offered them, Uganda.
Good piece. While we’re on the subject, AIPAC does much more than whip Congressmen into line once they’re elected.
It likes to make sure only those who have got their mind right get elected in the first place. Let’s say you’ve decided to run for Congress. You’ve been a state assemblyman or whatever; time for that next step.
You’ll get a nice little packet from AIPAC. In that packet will be a request that you write an essay expressing your feelings about Israel.
Should you prove recalcitrant or even — God forbid — less than unequivocal in your expression of feelings of love, veneration, and unqualified support, why, AIPAC will fund your opponent.
Obviously, the occasional Ocasio-Cortez slips through the cracks, but in principle, no one enters Congress who doesn’t support Israel from the start. You might as well look for atheists in a Baptist seminary as critics of Israel in Congress. There’re not going to be any.
In 1967 De Gaulle stopped French support of Israel, forbade further arms export to Israel.
De Gaulle condemned the 1967 war.
Then Israel needed a new support, the USA.
Hatred of the USA in the Middle East equals hatred of Israel.
Weird change, long ago the USA was seen as a neutral country in the ME:
W. Morgan Shuster, ´The strangling of Persia, Story of the European diplomacy and oriental intrigue that resulted in the denationalisation of twelve million Mohammedans’, New York, 1912
The American Shuster was asked by the newly democratic Iran to organise Iran’s finances.
Tsarist Russia and Great Britain did not want a really independent and democratic Iran, Shuster was forced to leave Iran, after having been there no more than two years.
Shuster succeeded in what he was asked to do.
Right on, the worm has turned. The parasite will have to face their own fate, for a change.
Ghandi was quite right, a few hundred thousand British, the rich Britishn ruled the sub continent India.
Britain is proud on being democratic, it became so just at the end of the 19th century.
British parliament was mainly land owners.
A city as Birmingham had no representive in parliament
George Macaulay Trevelyan, ‘The Life of John Bright’, 1913, London, 1971, Westport, Connecticut
Douglas Hurd, ‘Robert Peel, a biography’, 2008, London
We’ve got Trump, Pence, Bibi, Bannon, and Sessions. Gilardi has cop-slapping Cynthia McKinney and pop singer Lorde and blue-hair campus radicals.
Another really good article by a true American but will anyone pay it heed ?
A look at the sites listed by Fakebook shows that any site that allows articles, or even comments critical of Israel, Zionism or any Jews anywhere is blacklisted. This is not just a “they can because they own it” cop-out. The concept of the internet was not from “private fu%%%rs” it was done with US funds all the way back to DARPA. This is censorship, which establishes Fakebook and fellow travelers as a declared enemy of the Constitution, particularly the 1st Amendment, and their fellow citizens. Thanks Guys, we know you are so much smarter than us, and should decide what we do, read or think. I have no doubt at least one person of “none of your business” gender, and green hair, has a a role in this fascist suppression.
Here is what (F—berg whatever) did to achieve his billions. He jumped on the publicly-funded network, and had male college students rates girls and young women, against each other, without their knowledge. This is the kind of sicko psychopath that is rewarded in our society. Censoring your fellow citizens should get at least 10 years no parole.
I’m not sure we’re allowed to cut ties. The ties are very strong and may be better described as leg irons and handcuffs. Israel and it’s friends are so deeply burrowed into America’s neural system I doubt they’re going anywhere without a major upheaval.
It’s been time for a long time. What’s the solution???
Tell the Gaza rude boys to stop attacking the border fence. The usual riots and tire burning was going on last week when somehow they hustled a bomb to the fence and blew a hole in it. Five got shot and killed for trying to break into Israel. How much $$$ did their families get for this stupidity?
“After it exploded and blew a hole in the fence, some 20 Palestinians came through and ran toward Israeli soldiers stationed in a snipers’ position.”
We Americans don’t need any more of this nonsense, which is inter alia destroying our liberties…It is time for government to do what is best for Americans, not for Israelis
In an article about the consequences for Jews of ‘unceasing large-scale non-European immigration’ to America, Stephen Steinlight wrote [under the fourth sub-heading]:
‘The white “Christian” supremacists who have historically opposed either all immigration or all non-European immigration…must not be permitted to play a prominent role in the debate over the way America responds to unprecedented demographic change…In good conscience and out of self-interest we must not abandon immigration reform to those who would have kept our forebears out of America, including those sent away to be annihilated in the Holocaust.’
A Jewish community with the confidence and influence to deny European Americans a say in the future of their country will have no problem in keeping Israel at the top of the agenda. It brings home the truth of Kevin MacDonald’s description of Jews as a hostile elite. Elites are far from invulnerable but I cannot at the moment see how European Americans will take back their country.
More like a prison fence, where nothing can go in or out without the prison warden’s stamp of approval.
Why stop there, Lot? You could have named the entire congress.
How many unarmed protesters has the IOF killed today, Lot? The defenders of the indefensible can no longer hide how the Apartheid state is (mis)treating its indigenous population. It’s just a matter of time before the “occupation regime over Jerusalem [will] be erased from the page of time.”
Intriguing how each year on Independence Day, Americans attend one of their favorite (and boring) pastimes, watching displays of fireworks to celebrate an independence with a straight face, knowing deep down their country is owned by Israel Firsters who live in the US, many of whom US citizens, with their hearts in Israel and whose loyalty is always to Israel first. They want – and get – the best of both worlds They have infested and colonized the American body politic to the extent of suffocating it. A shrewd parasite that not only bleeds the host but, like a virus, directs the host DNA to replicate and propagate itself. How long will this obligate intracellular parasite continue to function this way without finally exhausting itself, its host or both?
Thank you, Phil. Word perfect. Palestine Is Still THE Issue…and the likes of Pompeo and (ugghhh) Bolton, in the depths of their satanic souls, know it.
Israel has committed at least 6 million crimes against humanity. I can think of six million reasons why Israel should disappear and Israel owes the US at least six thousand million dollars per year for the next ten years.
The Israeli occupation of America must be overthrown if this country is to survive. I consider this, in a time of many critical issues, our essential emergency.
Thanks to Giraldi for his continuing insights.
I ask the same question, and see it consistently asked on forums across the net that address this issue.
I would still like to see Ron Unz host a day, or even a week’s, worth of articles dedicated to examining any and all solutions.
It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that this website could become the starting point for an active national alliance against our Israeli occupiers.
Great column, and of course all very true, but Giraldi has of course been marginalized, will NEVER get mainstream audience, and this farce will continue until the masses awaken and react with vigor. Sad but true.
Either he’s not as smart as you think or he’s a Christian Zionist, which amounts to the same thing. In the second case his religious zealousness overules his logic.
It was time do that twenty years ago.
There are times where I’m optimistic and think the tide is turning and the American public might see and protest this evil influence and force the Media and the politicians to change their tune and then there’s times I’m pessimistic and I see the invisible hand of the power of the Cabal in all it’s malevolent majesty.
Unfortunaley lately it’s all bad news. From equating anti Israel views with anti Semitism and of course to almost total control of the MSM by the Cabal and their narrative. This includes Neocon policy of demonizing Christian Russia (Putin) which includes the British being so gung ho with the Skripal ‘poising’ story. Trump doesn’t seem to have the intestinal fortitude to push back against the Neocons thus his appointments of Bolton and Pompeo. But hope springs eternal and we shall see. Or it is as prophesized in the Book of Revelation and the End of Times is upon us but in that case I’m taking a whole different spin from what Pompeo thinks will happen. (Grin)
Despite the loud, clear, but unmentionable message being “We Jews s**t on you Christians,” it seems like for every water boy like Pompeo there are a hundred more waiting to take his place. As Thomas Jefferson put it, no soldier could possibly lose so much of his manhood.
Phil, you mentioned in the comments section in a previous article that you are a Catholic. I have discovered that the Catholic Church is being subverted by fifth-column agents on all sides. For example, there are individuals like Raymond Arroyo of Fox news and EWTN as well as Trump’s man, Sebastian Gorka. These two pander to Israel, on par with any Protestant Zionist and follow the religion of Americanism. They have effectively betrayed their Catholic faith. Forget about MK-Ultra. The soft programming of Hollywood and mass media have brainwashed the majority of Catholics thoroughly. They are oblivious to the fact that they are in lock step with what the B’nai B’rith, ADL, and SPLC support which is the destruction of the Catholic Church.
Is there any hope in changing the mindset of over a billion Catholics from pandering to Israel?
Your mamma should have aborted.
That is a very poor analogy, if you have an intellect and apply it honestly, you will understand that it is completely inane on many points.
Not spelling it out, but V.S. Naipaul stated that without the British, something of an Indian renaissance would never have happened, among other points he made.
Also, the Mugal empire would have slowly forced submission to Islam on most of the place if the British empire had not been there, I think that was one of Naipaul’s.
There are so many other points on which your analogy is asinine, you may consider it yourself, and read much more.
For Dr. Giraldi, I read about ‘Lorde’s’ decision not to perform in Israel, and how excited they were by it, I am no fan, pretty by-the-numbers synth-preset and drum machine pop of now, 17 going on 40-something visual style from the start. Sure, not a bad voice.
Had not heard of the disgraceful legal actions, *that* was a shock.
How dare they?! How do courts allow such nonsense?
Everyone witness the vile mindset of the jew. They don’t even pretend any more, they see the dumb goyim as their cattle to exploit (sadly many people happily oblige and serve the jew).
The key to the Zionist control over the U.S. lies in its control over our money and our tax system , in 1913 the Zionist banking cabal pushed through a corrupt congress the PRIVATELY OWNED FED and IRS , which gave the Zionists control over our money and thus control over not only the government but our lives with the Zionist ability to create money out of thin air and loan this money to the gov and the people and charge interest on this ether created money and to tax the American people for the wars that were to come.
Nathan Rothschild once said, I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England, the man who controls the money supply controls the British empire and I control the British money supply!
Here in America the Rothschilds and their cabal ie the Warburgs and Schiffs etc. control our money supply via their privately owned FED and thereby control not only the government but also our very lives and that is the source of their power over America and until the FED is abolished we can never be free of zionist control.
Therefore since the zionists control both America and Israel and Israel is used as the provocateuer in the wars in the mideast that the U.S. is forced to fight for her zionist controllers and pay Israel trillions in welfare and military aid, the U.S. is a zionist plantation and we are all slaves on this plantation for our zionist masters.
The first step in ending zionist control of America is to end the UNCONSTITUTIONAL FED and return the money creation power to the U.S. government as it was prior to 1913, and thus the power of the zionists would be ended.
From the article:
“…the United States does things in the Middle East that cannot be attributed to national interest. Rather, Washington behaves in a certain way due to the power of Israel and its lobby. There is no other way to explain it.”
So true!
as i have stated over and over just recently in a yahoo board the number one problem in the US is jewish media control…that is what most Americans see the most. trump and his jews have been horrible towards the Pals…bit 35 senators sent him a letter condemning his cutting Pals and…no where to be found in US media…matter of fact the jewish media never stops blaming the Pals for their own fate…the zionist are just innocent holicause survivors you see…all a bunch of crap as stated here by Mr. Unz
The Kushner–Greenblatt strategy seems to draw heavily from Daniel Pipes in Middle East Forum, the conservative think tank Pipes founded in 1990. The MEF’s “Victory Caucus” initiative calls on Palestinians to admit their seven-decade political struggle is lost and accept a kind of Mideast Marshall Plan. “Palestinians will have to pass through the bitter crucible of defeat, with all its deprivation, destruction, and despair,” Pipes wrote in an MEF paper last year. In a congressional hearing, Pipes later described this as “an alternative to endless negotiations nobody believes in.
Nikki Haley will not be a presidential candidate. Vice presidential quite possibly. I see her more as a soon to be Secretary of State. No republican presidential candidate can be an outright “neocon”. The true white conservatives of America will simply not vote for such a candidate, as vociferous support for Israel alienates real Americans , witness both Romney and McCain. The families that have sent their sons to fight for the USA simply do not want to go to the Middle East or fight for anybody there. Trump got elected by lying about that, and to honestly be all for war and Israel, won’t get the white vote in America. Haley has black-balled herself to be elected president. If she does run, you can be certain the reupblican party is guaranteeing the election of whatever democratic party candidate that runs, just as they did for Obama.
Indian renaissance was an assult – a severe a blow back to the Indian enlightenment which was ushered by the figures like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Tagore family, Haji Mohsin ,Vidyasagar and Ghalib of Delhi and other figures.
Public display of religiosity and nationalism centered on the Cow Belt of northern India following the defeat of the nobilities and usurpation of power by British following 1957 rebellion were the essence of Indian renaissance .
Narrow Indian renaissance gave rise to sectarian and religious ethnocentricity on both sides of Hindu-Mulsim divide .Soon Sikhs and Untouchables joined . Even the Anglo -Indian wanted a piece of the pie .
Mughal empire was in its death bed in 1857 and before that . It had no religion . No nobility at that time professed any religious orientation . Religion was introduced by Britain after 1857 and more forcefully after 1905. They later would take that lesson – to Arab against Ottoman . They continue to embrace the same old macabre technology in fight against any possibility of the emergence of the enlightenment .
Naipal is talking through his rear end here.
Haven’t we heard all that before?
“3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. 9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. 10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. 15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: 17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: 18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. 19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! 20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: 21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before. 26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. 27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. 29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other” (Matthew 24:3-31).
“Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 13 But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: 14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. 16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, 17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work” (2 Thessalonians 2:1-17).
“Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence.” Ovid. Very true.
Here’s a note I sent to The American Conservative:
I return your Renewal Voucher with a No, I won’t resubscribe. I was dismayed, angered, when you fired Philip Giraldi after he identified America’s biggest enemy: not Russia, not Iran, not ISIS, but the Israel Lobby and its Jewish promoters. You also got rid of Ron Unz, another truth-teller. In other words, you sacked two of our best writers to please…not your readers, but some other entity. I first subscribed to TAC because Pat Buchanan was not afraid to name and blame the Israel-first neocons who pushed us into the disastrous mideast wars. If you are afraid to mention such obvious harmful-to-America truths, if you fail to see the huge gorilla in the room, what good are you? Conservative? Not conservative enough for me. I want to conserve an America run by Americans, not by people with dual citizenship and loyalty.
Don’t forget Caiaphas, Judas, and Bergoglio, you Jew.
As an outside observer, I do not believe that to be sufficient, I know that you are not stupid, it is only one step. Take it, a slight improvement, and worth doing, but it does nothing about the curses of cultural manipulation and mass-immigration from which your nation, and many other western-built nations, suffer so much.
Did you see the news of the bicycle race where a self-identified tranny won?
I look at the podium photo, just think ‘that is a man’, or at least, what looks like an oversized boy. He sure is making no effort, probably has not had genital mutilation (not that he should, but then, if not, he is a man, not that surgical means would change that, but if he is allowed to compete as a woman, he should at least have simulacra of female external genitalia). On the same point, one of his political obsessions is to oppose the testoserone-level requirements that have replaced the old sex-test system.
It is worth seeing if you did not, he does not even bother to try to look like a woman at the time, and has neither the body nor face to do it effectively at any time.
Towers over the women who won second and third place, but the former came close to winning.
His posts display an absolute lack of consciousness.
Of course, the jerk is also some kind of cheap Ph.D. and fake academic in ‘gender studies’ or similar.
The earliest example is arguable, but the Brazilian volleyball team employed a player from the men’s team on the women’s team, ”transition’ between 2000 and 2004, several bitter complaints in the Japanese media and from players at the time.
World media did not or, in the west, wilfully tried not to notice.
I saw this man, at least, presumably having had the decency to have been surgically mutilated in the transition from the men’s to the women’s team (don’t know, but seems to have been required at the time), doing many very high spikes. Sure, many of the real women in the Brazilian team are tall, but their tranny player was the real morale-buster for our, and other, teams.
Not that I care abt. the ‘lympics of now, I am dreading the Tokyo edition.
Excellent Mr. Weed.
Secession. But this implies violence and therein lies the rub.
Included in this is the way The Zionist Entity weasels it’s way into the Western world. Obvious ways are all the European organizations it has already joined or is pushing its way to get in. Subtle ways are like what I just saw on a show my wife watches on TV. Rachel Ray a pleasant enough lady and chef who probably doesn’t have much of a clue about the details of foreign policy had on this Israeli/American chef on with him and her extolling Israeli cuisine and of course his restaurants. A passive way of inserting Israel as the normal state of being, like normal countries, which it is not!
You are making many nonsensical assertions, I should probably avoid any response to Anon. cowards.
If the Israeli strategy is to make the Palestinians admit defeat they’re in for a long surprise.
Jabotinsky already in 1923 wrote that just force can make the Palestinians leave their lands.
The Palestinian nation is a geographical concept.
The jewish nation, on the contrary, is a clan or tribal concept, this is demonstrated by jews living all over the world.
The two concepts have a long background, nomads, not connected to a geographical area, and sedentary people.
Jews in essence are nomads, as are Muslims, see how ‘Turks’ all over the world see Erdogan as their president.
This also explains jewish claims ‘that they’ve always been a nation’.
I does not matter where they live.
‘…Haley has black-balled herself to be elected president. If she does run, you can be certain the reupblican party is guaranteeing the election of whatever democratic party candidate that runs, just as they did for Obama.’
One can hope. However, bear in mind that the Democrats are perfectly competitive in the stupidity department. They may pick a nominee even more repugnant to most Americans than the Republican standard bearer. Witness Trump vs. Clinton.
For example, suppose it was Haley versus Kamala Harris. Trying to think about this choice without losing my breakfast, but…
American foreign aid is prohibited from being given to any country that has not signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (the Symington Amendment)or refuses to abide by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) guidelines regarding its nuclear devices. Guess what?? Israel does not abide by EITHER and still gets the majority of American foreign aid. This prohibition also applies to countries that do not register their agents of a foreign government with the U S State Department. Guess what?? Israel (again) with its American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) still gets “foreign aid” in contravention of American law..WHY??
When Netanyahu addressed both houses of congress, it was sickening to see our politicians slobber all over themselves to PROVE that they were unconditional supporters of Israel. Just who the hell do they work for? Certainly not for the interests of the American people and the United States,they should renounce their United States citizenship and be deported to Israel.
“Israel and it’s friends are so deeply burrowed into America’s neural system.”
– They are the equivalent of Spirochaete.
There is really no other way to characterize it other than a malignant fifth column of Jewish supremacists and Israel Firsters. Unless the dark forces of this group are confronted and defeated, we will not have a country at all.
What choice do they have ?
Not slobber, and they’re out of a job
“Elites are far from invulnerable but I cannot at the moment see how European Americans will take back their country.”
We Anarchist Collective, & Sons and Daughters of Liberty, have advanced this Vision as an answer to your KEY Question. You are asking – in essence – how do we (Americans) get out of this mess?
We have circulated as best we can, this flier (East Coast USA, internet, & to friends in other nations).
The Key Goal, Solution, if you will, answer to your vital observation/inquiry, from us, to you & all Good Patriotic Americans, is, [and we enclose for your perusal] below. Kindly (you & the other commenters, and readers), respond, if you like or dislike.
Yes, once the evil is identified – through the process of
1. Critical observation (complaint).
2. Identifying the evil (illness/disease/infection).
3. Advocating/Applying the CURE
Point #3 is almost never mentioned in the tightly controlled ‘opposition’ media. One may whine, but when it comes the moment to march on Lexington & Concord, (rally loyal armed forces, security agencies, CIA, FBI, Police, citizens), all suggestions for a CURE to what ails us is eliminated from, not only the Mainstream Media, but also the ‘opposition -Misdirection Media.
Committees of Correspondence, enabled the Sons of Liberty. I believe you get the point.
Enclosed: Our Flier began as a discussion (of an earlier version – years ago), before my University Students. Actual Flier is adjusted & properly highlighted.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal… governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles…”
The above is a portion of the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson.
We submit the following facts to the citizens of the United States.
The government of the United States has been a Totalitarian Oligarchy since the military financial aristocracy destroyed our Democratic Republic on November 22, 1963, when they assassinated the last democratically elected president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and overthrew his government, in a classic Coup d‘état. All following governments have been unconstitutional frauds. Attempts by Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King to restore the Republic were interrupted by their murder.
A subsequent 12 year colonial war against Vietnam, conducted by the murderers of Kennedy, left 2 million dead in a wake of napalm and burning villages.
In 1965, the U.S. government orchestrated the slaughter of 1 million unarmed Indonesian civilians.
In the decade that followed the CIA murdered 100,000 Native Americans in Guatemala.
In the 1970s, the Oligarchy began the destruction and looting of America’s middle class, by encouraging the export of industry and jobs to parts of the world where workers were paid bare subsistence wages. The North American Free Trade Act, NAFTA, supported by both political gangs, pays American corporations to close their production facilities at home, and open them abroad. The 2008, Bailout of the Nation’s Oligarchs cost American taxpayers $13trillion. The long decline of the local economy has led to the political decline of our hard working citizens, as well as the decay of cities, towns, and infrastructure, such as education.
The impoverishment of America’s middle class has undermined the nation’s financial stability. Without a productive foundation, the government has accumulated a huge debt in excess of $20trillion. This debt will have to be paid, or suffered by future generations. Concurrently, the top 1% of the nation’s population has benefited enormously from the discomfiture of the rest. The interest rate has been reduced to 0, thereby slowly robbing millions of Bank depositors of their savings, as their savings cannot stay even with the inflation rate.
The government spends the declining national wealth on bloody and never ending military adventures, and is or has recently conducted unconstitutional wars against 9 nations. The Oligarchs maintain 700 military bases in 131 countries; they spend as much on military weapons of terror as the rest of the nations of the world combined. Tellingly, more than half the government budget is spent on the military and 16 associated secret agencies.
The nightmare of a powerful centralized government crushing the rights of the people, so feared by the Founders of the United States, has become a reality. The government of Trump/Pence, as with previous administrations such as Obama/Biden, Clinton/Gore, or Bush/Cheney, operates a Gulag of dozens of concentration camps, where prisoners are denied trials, and routinely tortured.
The Patriot Act and The National Defense Authorizations Act, enacted by both Democratic and Republican factions of the oligarchy, serve to establish a legal cover for their terror.
The nation’s media is controlled, and, with the school systems, serve to brainwash the population; the people are intimidated and treated with contempt.
The United States is No longer Sovereign
The United States is no longer a sovereign nation. Its government, The Executive, Congress, and the Judiciary, is bought, utterly owned and controlled by foreign and domestic wealthy Oligarchs, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Duponts, to name only a few of the best known.
The Electoral Circuses will anoint new actors to occupy the same Unconstitutional Government, with its controlling International Oligarchs. Clinton, Obama, Trump, whomever, are willing accomplices for imperialist international murder, and destruction of nations, including ours.
For Love of Country
The Restoration of the Republic will be a Revolutionary Act, that will cancel all previous debts owed to that unconstitutional regime and its financial controllers. All debts, including Student Debts, will be canceled. Our citizens will begin, anew, with a clean slate.
As American Founder, Thomas Jefferson wrote, in a letter to James Madison:
“I set out on this ground, which I suppose to be self evident, ‘that the earth belongs in usufruct to the living’:”
“Then I say the earth belongs to each of these generations, during it’s course, fully, and in their own right. The 2d. Generation receives it clear of the debts and incumberances of the 1st. The 3d of the 2d. and so on. For if the 1st. Could charge it with a debt, then the earth would belong to the dead and not the living generation.”
Our Citizens must restore the political centrality of our constitution, and establish a less powerful government which will ensure President Franklin Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms, freedom of speech and expression, freedom to worship God in ones own way, freedom from want “which…means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peace time life for its inhabitants…” and freedom from fear “which…means a world-wide reduction of armaments…”
Restored: The Constitution will become, once again, the law of the land and of a free people. We will establish a government, hold elections, begin to direct traffic, arrest criminal politicians of the tyrannical oligarchy, and, in short, repair the damage of the previous totalitarian governments.
For the Democratic Republic!
Sons and Daughters of Liberty
It is because of lackeys like Naipaul
the British could rule India.
Jewmurderka is filled with Naipauls.
“Normally, a tiny client state attached to a great power would conform to its patron, but in the U.S.-Israel relationship the reverse has happened.” Giraldi
Don’t skip over “Normally”.
How would have Mahatma Gandhi handled self-serving Zionist Imperialism within America?
Jews are indigenous to Israel. That’s why it is called Jerusalem and Judea.
This American would be with Hamas if I were Palestine.
This American would be with Hezbollah if I were Lebanese.
So now you know what you have to look forward to in the US when the fat lady finally sings.
This reminds me what I just said about Sheldon Adelson somewhere else.
Clyde, have you heard about Warsaw Ghetto? Your neo-Nazi Israeli government has been replaying the Warsaw Ghetto on the Israel-Occupied territory. Jewish Lebensraum in the Middle East.
Meanwhile, your Jewish “rude boys” are very helpful to Ukrainian neo-Nazi:
Here is a testament to the “moral superiority” and other beauties of the Jewish character:
“… young wedding guests dancing with guns and knives during the party in Jerusalem. One guest even appears to be dancing with a knife through a picture of 18-month-old Ali Dawabsheh… Toddler Ali and his parents died when their home in the village of Duma in the occupied West Bank was set ablaze… Dawabshe’s mother and father later succumbed to injuries sustained in the blasts, bringing the fatality toll to three. The family is survived by four-year old Ahmad Dawabshe…”
“Autopsy confirms Palestinian infant was ‘burned alive’ by Israeli Squatters:”
“Jewish extremists taunt ‘Ali’s on the grill’ at slain toddler’s relatives:”
Don’t you like a smell of a burnt palestinian flesh on the morning?
This is a long-respected tradition of a Jewish tribe, which was first articulated towards Iranians: “Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks” (Psalm 137:9).
I have become hopeless about the chances of the USA gaining its National Sovereignty back from AIPAC. BUT it is Unbelievable to me that Christian in America and all over the world remain indifferent to the genocide bein carried out in Israel to our fellow brothers Arab Palestinian Christian in Israel. Most of Christian Palestinians find it dismaying the so called Christian Zionist support for Israeli extermination of Palestinians (semites), demolishing Christian temples…More puzzling is the fact that Israel has openly declared that they will demolish the Dome of the Rock mosque and they will built the so called 3th temple, despite this official FINAL solution…The Western Nations as well as the ArabNations do not sanction Israel. IT is morally, humanly, urgent that the WHOLE WORLD BREAK ALL RELATIONS with Israel,,,Break all relations: commerce, finance, sports, cultural, social, diplomatic, etc, BREAK all realtons with Israel NOW
And the fact there are many thousands of people out there from journalist, TV personalities, writers, bloggers , etc who have had their careers ruined by slander and character attacks by the Jewish lobbies.
Plus the many former politicians who have come out against Israel and the Jewish fifth column and many formers who lost their political careers due to attacks by the lobby and the Jewish media mega phone.
They should organize their own lobby.
The reason I wasn’t against the #MeToo movement is because 99% of the men they took down were big pro Israel Jews in the media and Hollywood. More power to them…may they ruin some more.
Hamas is a Mossad front cutout, a total creation of Israel.
In one of many day dreams concerning the Fifth Column some patriotic rouge CIA agents do a false flag on Israel and set them to be blamed for some heinous act in the US that would inflame the public and would be impossible for congress to cover up.
Jun 6, 2017 50 Years After Launching June 1967 War, Israel Continues World’s Longest Military Occupation
In the final installment of our three-part special on the 50th anniversary of the June 1967 war, author and scholar Norman Finkelstein discusses why the U.S.-backed “peace process” was never meant to end the Israeli occupation, and how, despite the ongoing brutality, mass Palestinian civil resistance could still bring it to an end.
True, true, true…..cant be emphasized enough.
Good for you….bravo…..more need to do the same to many more cowardly Israel lackeys.
That is pure nonsense.
May we please call it what it is? It’s not a bloody FENCE for Christsake, it’s a dirty great three-meter-high CONCRETE WALL! We only call it a ‘fence’ to further ‘pander to’ Israeli sensibilities.
Great article, Giraldi!
Not any longer.
“But it is unbelievable to me…”.
Maybe this will help you understand, perhaps in part?
Since when?
In a sacred sense, the “indigenous” argument is an ignorant argument, as earth proprietorship is granted to no human being, by its infinite creator.
Yeah right, “god chose us!”
“Man was redeemed, and Christ founded His Church upon a rock. Some of the Hebrew people recognized Him as the Messiah, but others – among them principally the Pharisees – did not want to recognize Him. Instead, they persecuted His followers and issued numerous laws obliging the Jews to persecute the Christians. These laws, together with stories and appendixes, became their sacred book called The Talmud around the year 500.
…In this book Christians are called idolaters, worse than Turks, murderers, impure libertines; they are manure, animals in human form, worse than animals, children of the Devil, etc…the Church is called a house of stupidity and filth; sacred statues, medals and rosaries are called idols. In The Talmud Sundays and holy days of obligation are considered days of perdition.
…This book teaches, among other things, that a Hebrew can deceive a Christian and steal from him since all the properties of a Christian are – from the text itself – ‘like the desert, the first to take them becomes the owner.’
…This book, written in 12 volumes and breathing hatred against Christ, is considered by these Pharisees a sacred book, more important than Sacred Scriptures…” – Maximillian Kolbe, Saint of Auschwitz, in his essay The Poor Ones
At the time of the International Congress of Freemasonry in Bucharest in 1926, Maximillian Kolbe wrote the article “Rycerz Niepokalanej” [The Knight of the Immaculate] in which he addressed the root of the problem facing The West: the control of society by Freemasons who are ultimately controlled by the Synagogue of Satan:
“These men [the Freemasons] believe that they are the ones who will rule everything, but let us hear what is written in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Protocol n. 11 states: ‘We will create and put in effect the laws and the governments … in opportune moments … by means of national rebellions. … What we want is that the multitudes, disoriented by the revolt, still in a condition of terror and uncertainty, should understand once and for all that we are so strong, so untouchable, so powerful that in no way will we take into account their opinions and wishes. Instead we are ready and able to crush with irresistible power their manifestations at any moment and in every place. … Then, in fear and trembling, they will close their eyes to everything and await the consequences. …
…For what purpose have we created this policy and insinuated it into the minds of the Masons, without giving them any possibility of examining its underlying meaning? … This is what has served as the basis for our secret organization of Masonry, whose existence is not known or even suspected by these cattle, attracted by us into the army of Masonic lodges.”
Here, Kolbe directs himself to the Masons, saying:
“Freemasons, did you hear this? The Hebrews, who have secretly organized and secretly direct you, consider you as beasts, recruited into the Masonic lodges for ends that you neither know nor suspect. Are you aware, Freemasons, of what awaits those among you who will begin to think for themselves. Listen to this in the same Protocol: ‘Death is the inevitable conclusion of every life … We will execute the Masons in a way that no one can suspect, not even the victims themselves: They will all die at the moment it is deemed necessary, apparently because of common illnesses.’
…Freemasons, you who recently during the Bucharest Congress were pleased by the fact that Masonry is growing stronger everywhere, reflect well and answer sincerely: Is it not better to serve the Creator with interior peace … rather than to obey the orders of those who hate you?”
…And you, small squadron of Hebrews, the ‘learned elders of Zion,’ who have already consciously provoked so many misfortunes and are preparing yet others, to you I direct this question: What advantage will you gain? … A huge accumulation of gold, pleasures, diversions and power, but none of this makes man happy. And if still it should give some happiness, how long will it last? Ten years perhaps, or twenty … I ask you, Hebrew leaders, you who have let yourselves be seduced by Satan, the enemy of humanity, would it not be better for you also to return sincerely to God?”
America needs a Titus as President, not any more Israeli-Saudi ass-kissing, Freemason clowns as President.
Me too, and the more so having read Ron Unz’ recent courageous articles – the history of this thing has gone back so far in the USA – long, long before the birth of the actual state of Israel. So many of the levers of power – apart from just the media and the banks – are now under the almost total control of Jewish activists.
The fact that Ron’s effort has met with so little outside reaction is probably indicative of how secure these people are now feeling and how little they fear a relatively small minority who see them for what they are. There just is no suitable platform – now or in the foreseeable future – from which to present the opposing case because, if ever a group does arise which they consider to be a real threat, it can be almost effortlessly destroyed.
Thank you Mr. Giraldi and thank you Mr. Unz for writing and publishing these articles. They are being republished on many blogs. More and more anti-Jewish articles are being published by more and more writers.
People go through many stages of upset and angst as they realize the totality of America’s Jew problem. They go from avoiding the use of the word “Jew” – to total disgust and contempt. The numbers against the Jews are growing – a critical mass is building.
The Jews think that they are winning – but what they don’t consider is the fact that 99.9% of the American people are not even engaged in the battle against them.
Their time is coming – true will out!
Thanks again Mr. Giraldi and Mr. Unz.
Think Peace — Art
“After it exploded and blew a hole in the fence, some 20 Palestinians came through and ran toward Israeli soldiers stationed in a snipers’ position.”
Good for the Palestinians – how can “breaking into your own country” be wrong?
The Jews are squatters in Palestine – bad things come to squatters.
Disgust is building for the Jew squatters in Palestine. Same for the Jews in America who support them.
There will be justice.
Think Peace — Art
Jewmerica: think of that word Americans. A bastardization of a Nation.
Despite the Founding Father’s best efforts to write a constitution that would see a Nation flourish and grow, it has been perverted by filth.
What is the remedy?
A Second Revolution
A Day of the Rope
Targeted Destruction of the Enemy
Taking back All Our Institutions (inch by inch)
Time to cut the tie that binds?????
Than what?
Who will be there to support Israel.
Israel would be dissolved.
Jews will have to emigrate!
To Christianized Russia? (I do not think so!)
To dangerous place call Europe? (will the Jews want to go there?)
Only option remaining will be USA.
Does USA is still missing some more Jews?
Personally I think every state should Support Israel and encourage their own Jewish minority to emigrate there.
Breaking news.
Saudi embassy in Turkey imported from Hungary outstanding cook.
That was to prepare excellent original Goulash.
The Goulash was distributed to homeless Turks.
The mystery was finally solved.
FYI……calling all Trump supporters……here’s your America First test for Trump.
Watch him to see if he amends the US Israel tax treaty to give them more special breaks in taxation to avoid US corporations like Intel, Microsoft, Cisco, Motorola, Applied Materials, HP. etc moving back to the US…. US companies make up 2/3s of Israel’s foreign companies btw
Home > Israel News > Business
U.S. Tax Reform Sparks Worries in Israeli Tech Sector
Legislation could encourage foreign, Israeli firms to move operations to the United States
Israel’s high-tech sector could be hurt by the tax reform approved by the U.S. Congress last month, a paper prepared by the Israel Innovation Authority and obtained by TheMarker shows.
The U.S. tax reform is complicated and many of its details are still being ironed out, but government officials and industry leaders have already identified several worrying elements.
One is the plan to lower the tax on income derived from intellectual property like patents to 12.5% for companies domiciled outside the United States.
Israel had acted in the past year to lower its tax rate on intellectual property to as little as 6% to encourage more global companies to register their IP in Israel and let the government collect tax on it, but the extra U.S. tax is likely to frustrate the Israeli plan.
Another concern is a little-known clause in the reform legislation called the Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax, or BEAT, which targets large companies that have been reducing their tax bills through cross-border payments they can then deduct in the United States.
The BEAT provision, which applies to companies with annual receipts of $500 million or more, aims to circumvent that tax avoidance with a minimum tax of 10% on such income. That measure could raise the tax bill of the biggest Israeli tech and non-tech companies when they import services from their home offices in Israel.
The reform will likely affect the scores of global companies with at least 50% of their shares held by Americans that have research and development centers in Israel by increasing the taxes on the R&D services they provide. Many companies may decide to return R&D and other functions to America from abroad, the innovation authority fears.
For startups, American corporate investors – who play a growing role in funding Israeli startups – are expected to pressure entrepreneurs to domicile their businesses in the United States because the reform will face double taxation on their gain when they exit.
In addition, an investment fund or company that invested in a U.S. company using debt finance could deduct 50% of interest costs. That figure will now fall to 30%.
The worries are deep enough that some of Israel’s biggest companies, including Check Point Software and drug maker Teva, met a week ago with treasury chief economist Yoel Naveh to discuss strategy. The meeting also included representatives of multinationals present in Israel like Intel and Microsoft.
Two other meetings were held over the past week with officials from the treasury, the National Economic Council, the tax authority and the innovation authority that included not only executives but officials from Israels biggest accounting firms to assess the tax reforms impact.”
You’ve also got snipers shooting to death unarmed female medics.
A Nikki Haley as POTUS would clearly signal the lowest point of the ‘Kali-Yuga’, the revelation of Kali, the ‘goddess’ of darkness and destruction. If the American ‘people’ would elect her, it would be the final confirmation that America is the land of the ‘Occident’, of the Sunset, the land of darkness and death.
To Ron Unz’s credit, the alleged ‘holocaust’, that has been utterly debunked by numerous Revisionists for decades, has recently been demolished here:
American Pravda: Holocaust Denial, by Ron Unz:
on Irving & ‘holocaust’: Ron Unz: A Defender of Truth:
The ’6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’ are scientifically impossible frauds.
See the ‘holocaust’ scam debunked here:
No name calling, level playing field debate here:
Thank you, Z-man.
Thanks, renfro.
“Elites are far from invulnerable but I cannot at the moment see how European Americans will take back their country.”
I hear you, Johnny, but Rome did fall. All sorts of corrupt, elitist power structures have been swept aside. It happens.
I feel like Giraldi, it’s the fake ‘holocaust’ which holds the Jew power in place.
When a few more high profile instances of rejection of the impossible narrative occur, the tide, which has been slowly turning, will simply overwhelm the savage hold of Zionists.
Who or where that ‘breaking point’ rejection will come from remains to be seen.
Chin up.
This is simply becoming unbearable. This man is a monomaniac.
Y’know, if “the joos” are as powerful as alleged, leading Christendom like a bull with a ring through it’s nose, well, clearly, Christendom is inferior and perhaps we should all be content with being “shabbos goys.” Jus’ sayin’.
No other nation but Israel keeps American values intact. Being strong and following the way we are is important. Our competition is the Muslim lifestyle and Chinese imperialism. It is best that the US and Israel remains NASTY than being overwhelmed by the choice of inhuman Socialism. Fairness is self defeating and will not work.
This is good…let them feel secure so they’ll keep over reaching.
The more they do to destroy the US the more they get noticed…..the lawsuits against the criminalizing of BDS as a violation of the US Constitution is a good example of what gets people riled up….that it applied to private businesses was a bonus since also raised eyebrows in the business community.
So much for the conservative claim to be against big gov and gov interference.
That burning smell is the Arabs trashing the environment with thousands of burning tires and sending arson kites over the border to burn hundreds of acres of parkland and farms.
The love for Bibi and Israel in Congress reflects the views of the American people outside of Muslims, weirdo antisemites/nazi larpers, and blue-hair BDS campus leftists.
“Why stop there, Lot? You could have named the entire congress.”
No, y’all still have girlfriend beater Keith “X” Ellison and that other far left woman in MN with a Somali district.
Lot boy,
The words of Giraldi and Unz are force-multipliers waking up America.
The American people do not know that you Jews are in a surreptitious clandestine war against them.
They are just starting to find out.
Poor You!
Think Peace — Art
If the Jews had settled Uganda instead of Palestine, the white settler colonies in Kenya and Rhodesia would still survive, Portugal would still rule Angola and Mozambique, and South Africa, along with Southwest Africa, would still be ruled by whites.
That’s why electing our representatives is a mistake. We should instead use the ancient Athenian system of choosing representatives by lot from the whole citizen body. Then, by the laws of statistics, all segments of the population and all shades of opinion would be proportionally represented.
Much harder for an elite to control. Which was the Athenians’ intention.
Would Soros have funded Black Lives Matter?
‘The love (lol) for Bibi and Israel in Congress reflects’… the Zionist billionaires boys club ownership of both political parties and the pernicious influence of The Lobby. The vast majority of Americans could care less about Israel or for that matter Palestine but the American public with their sense of fair play would want their government to be an honest broker and more even handed in that conflict, which hasn’t happened in many years.
Now go back to your kibbutz.
Not true. Every true AMERICAN that I talk to knows that the United States is Israel’s b!tch to the tune of $10,000,000.00 per day and that every true AMERICAN is aware that they have “the best politicians that Israel can buy”…
THAT has to stop…
“No other nation but Israel keeps American values intact”. Ha Ha…You have got to be kidding.
Your post on “American values” and Israel is laughable. Just look at the debasement of American culture by jewish-run and owned Hollywood, the jewish push for “diversity and multiculturalism, (but only for “goy”) and every other perversion that jewish elements push on the citizens of the U S A…none of which is permitted in “poor little Israel”…
You are either a hasbara or more likely a member of IDF unit 8200. You, my friend, have just been “outed”…
A successful parasite allows its host to flourish. Jews are unsuccessful parasites.
When the economy collapses, the masses will awaken.
Americanist heresy. How you read or listed to conservative Catholic writer E. Michael Jones on the Jews, neoconservatism, the Catholic Church, etc.? Giraldi is tame compared to Jones, who is a traditionalist Catholic.
Don’t despair, Lot. The Lobby is actively working on remediating these two outliers.
Brilliant – thanks for that — Peace – Art
A small fraction are. The overwhelming majority have come after the turn of the 20th century:
Kudos, Multiculturalism proves it.
The love for Bibi and Israel in Congress reflects the views of the American people
NOT – it reflects AIPAC and ADL coercion.
99.9% of the American people do not know this – YET!
Think Peace — Art
1956, President Dwight Eisenhower may have been the last U.S. President that gave the Israeli’s an absolute NO on there invasion of Egypt to capture the Suez canal along with the French and English. Eisenhower ultimately pressured Britain, France and Israel into agreeing to a cease-fire and eventual withdrawal from Egypt.
We? I’m assuming you have a mouse in your pocket.
Anyway, congrats on writing one of the dumbest posts I’ve ever seen. Where are (((you))) from?
That would probably work a lot better than the designed-for-criminals system we’re subjected to now, but the idea of representative government is open to question as is that of government itself.
Since we’re still dealing, fundamentally, with the problems that the ancient Athenians addressed, it’s apparent that we still have not found a solution in >2000 years, purported “representative” government notwithstanding, yet most ‘Merkins would argue and smirk at what I just wrote.
Anyway, for the sake of argument let’s say that government itself is a legitimate and non-corruptible entity. It’s pretty apparent that representative government only works for relatively small entities such as ancient Athens and is wholly unsuited for a very large and populous nation, and the anti-federalists realized that ~250 years ago.
Then there’s this, and it partly explains a reason for the corruption Mr Giraldi so expertly notes.
JFK opposed the Israelis’ policies. That’s probably a major reason why he was killed.
How prophetic this article is. Jew power over America rears its ugly head today.
Surprise surprise – Ivanka stomped her feet – so Trump is protecting the Saudi prince (MBS) over the reporter murder in Turkey. Trump’s actions have to do with the grand plan. Israeli, Saudi, US kissy face comes first.
Jared Kushner has plans for Saudi to make nice with Israel and dump the Palestinians – and nothing can get in the way of that – period.
MBS is a bad guy – the whole world knows that. We are making fools of ourselves again. But making Israel great, must come first!
It is hard today – but Think Peace — Art
And the rube thinks those cats give a flip about him. I guess we goyim are not the only gulls!
This is the 21st century and one’d think people, especially those from the “high IQ” (Hee hee) crowd, would’ve figured it out already…
Yeah, I know she was writing about the Commies, but Zionists are just a variation on the theme, complete with kibbutzim.
Note that the US government has a record of siding with the scum of the Earth. I think there’s a message there somewhere.
Congrats for reading that book. It’s a “must read” for all ‘Merkins too.
No they aren’t .
First they were a wandering tribe of Arabs before they became Jews, then they were a wandering tribe of Jews.
Who lived within different ME empires such as Egypt and Rome before they ever got to Israel.
First of all, yes, more and more people do notice – but if somebody tries to bring it up with the media then you know what happens. The greater majority of people in, say US, Canada and UK truly believe what the media are telling them on this topic and even those that don’t are super-reluctant to talk about it. I, myself, though I don’t now have a career to lose, am very, very cautious raising this topic with people I don’t know too well.
Only recently I discussed it with an old friend, a pretty smart person, and she became so angry she said she no longer respected me – and has been silent ever since.
They are already over-reaching beyond limits I would never previously have believed possible but I think it will go a whole lot further and, even then, they may still manage to contain the general outrage – because you’ll still need to find a way to get it discussed openly in a public forum.
As usual you got that backwards since those cats got dupes, fools and useful idiots like you by the short and curlies and they’d no doubt as soon squat on you as even acknowledge your putrid existence.
Say Lot, can you tell us why the biblical Lot was attracted to Sodom? And what does “your” book say about kings and other rulers????Hmmm?
PS: I hope you don’t have any daughters!!!
She seems to have tried but only managed to damage the brain with the coat-hanger.
No morion ,you have nothing to support your lies. Don’t talk about the things you don’t know.
I do not think there is a solution, only a relentless struggle, and you just commented on a site that’s no doubt part of the struggle…
And most of the Arabs who want to “return” to Israel were born in Jordan/West Bank/Gaza have never set foot within Israel. Jews were there 3000 years ago when Arabs were still confined to Arabia. They are there now. Arabs are a majority of the population in a dozen other craphole countries. They don’t need to make Israel a craphole too.
It’s apparent mamma did exactly that. It’s comment is evidence.
Giraldi has been saying the same Muh USS Liberty Israel Lobby crap for decades. Unz is literally a recycler of 70 and 100 year old antisemitic balderdash that didn’t catch on then, and nobody cares about right now.
Unz got so excited that LewRockwell reprinted him. He loves attention so much!
I met Mike Pence when he was just a congressman. He was friendly and awesome then and is awesomer now!
Lol no.
To say that a blonde Polish Jew is “Arab” is about as accurate as calling Vermont Micmac Indians “Norwegian”.
There is a small amount of Levant in them just as some New England Indian tribes have turned up some Viking blood.
European Jews might be accurately called Italians.
It would appear that you are already there and are more than content with it.
True again.
People keep asking for solutions. The comment suggest one very important component any treatment if not solution.
Here’s a hint for hose who may need one.
For sure. And I hope he tossed his teevee out the window as well.
But then they will be mis-directed to turn on one another amid food shortages, evictions and chaos.
Wrong and wrong.
Are you attempting to lie or are you just plain ignorant or what?
If you are not an “antee-Semite” then you should stop trolling because you make Jews look bad. I mean really bad.
Your are just another Zionist Fascist otherwise known as a anti-Jew. Real Jews do not support a Jewish apartheid state.
It’s typical of infants to think that they’re “special.” Infantlike, the tribe typically throws fits of rage if something displeases them. They strut around boasting about themselves like 3 year olds as well.
Maybe we adults need to change their diapers or something.
Ex British, Aristocrats, Bankers and Corporations with presence in post Revolutionary America, taught that ratification replaces current sitting governments with new draft governments.
The 1776 government was pushed out; it had elected 11 presidents [1776-1789, name one], written the Declaration of Independence, hired a general, George Washington, and funded his activities against the British, but now the Articles of Confederation government sought to confiscate the lands and property of wealthy ex British colonial gentry[the bankers, corporists] -because the claim of the ARISTOCRAP to his land, property, or contract originated in deeds and documents given from foreign kings, queens, corporations and foreign governments. Imagine a government like that!. d\ n recognize slavery, cancels deals involving foreigners, confiscates million acre estates, distributes spoils of the war and confiscations to its surviving post Colonial Americans?
See Article VII. of the U. S. Constitution. it reads:
The Ratification of the Conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this constitution.
What it does not say, is that if ratified, the existing current government is removed..
You must be referring to the descendants of those who lived through the Nakba – i.e., the 750,000 Pals who were forcibly expelled from Palestine in ‘48. You remember Palestine, don’t you, Lot?
They don’t have to because it was one from the start.
Have you ever read what Hannah Arendt (ex-Zionist) wrote about the dump as far back as 1955?
She called the Izzies the “craziest of peoples” and I guess you’re here to prove her correct.
Please note that she’s also disputing your stupid claim that Jews are indigenous to [the State of Israel], and guess who has more credibility.
The British ruled India with Gandhi’s help. Who benefited from “Passive resistance?” Gandhi also benefited from the British.
Jacques Sheete intervention on behalf of the Neo-Lot: “… then you should stop trolling because you make Jews look bad. I mean really bad.”
So bad, bad, JS, that when I looked back at his comments, Sodom and Gomorrah turned into Epstein’s Pleasure Island.
He said ‘indigenous ‘…..a blond Polish Jew is not indigenous to Israel.
The indigenous Jews were Arabs.
Great find, renfro!
Impressive. I bet he even remembers you!
PS: Don’t count on it!
That’s what Lot’s daughters thought he was! I thought you were going to say that his wife was turned into a pillar of salt!
Them “indigents” are not only perverts, but have very active imaginations too!
Bearing Witness™ Program — An ADL Program
Don’t kid yourself, Lot. As you well know, it simply reflects the shekels that are thrown at these whores by the pimp who goes by the name, Big Zion.
Nabka? Isn’t that a type of cake? Opposing the Jews didn’t work out too well for them, its almost as if we’re chosen by God!
Oh yeah Arabs are known for their honesty, she dindu nuttin, she din had no gun.
That was a joke. Arabians are bad at humor.
Polish Jews would claim to be “indigenous” and just like Vermont Indian tribes have enough Old Norse blood to grow beards a Polish Jew like Barbara Streisand has a Semitic nose (And DNA) indicating Levant DNA from some founding population.
I’ve come to believe that Judaism is a “service-to-self” soul group, as described in the “law of one” (
Use a thesaurus ( and look at synonyms of “selfish” as they will characterize the essence of a “service-to-self” soul group.
On the other hand, antonyms of “selfish” characterize the essence of a “service-to-others” soul group.
Apparently there will always be discord/conflict, between these manifest soul groups.
“apartheid state”
Muslims have 50+ countries of their own. They are either crapholes or tacky oil-money strip mall-laden dictatorships. They aren’t going to poop-up Israel too.
just my opinion, not advocating, but… the solution is the abduction and filmed political assassination of zionists. isis made videos of close-up, slow-mo shotgun blasts to the foreheads of their captured enemies. really fascinating stuff: the victim’s eyes cartoonishly bug out of his head, he goes through a range of extreme facial contortions, and is left looking totally absurd and undignified. a few videos like that starring proud zionists would change everything.
The Mizrahi Jews don’t like the Russian Zionists any more than the Arabs do. And for the same reasons, dispossession and discrimination.
Oman and Dubai were much cleaner, safer, richer-seeming than Southeast Michigan or the part of Phoenix I lived in.
I don’t see how a country with a brand-new infrastructure and skyline is tackier than Southeast Michigan with its rusting bridges and potholed roads or Phoenix.
Speaking personally I was much happier in Oman or Dubai-clean, no crime, nice infrastructure.
I think it a mistake to call the elite “Jewish power”. True; many % of the makeup of the elite are Jewish by race, but the real issue is the underlying source of that power and the intent of those who have access to it that needs a look.
Jewish morality seems to be based in “a take over mind-set” and “I am richer and better than you”. Its culturally and socially organized and maintained, much like the story of the boy with his finger in the dike of the dam (everyone’s duty is to save the rest, when there is no one better to step forward).
The organization that imposes strict obedience to that moral teaching is culture. Jewish power is derived from networking wealth, influence and unlimited access; Jews are born to be the primary beneficiaries of that obedience. Its not a formal organization but it is a social, racial and sometimes protestant commitment to be a lifetime dependent participant of the network. Its a statement of a Jewish self, a commitment, an internal duty and an expectation to be lived up to, a philosophy that Jew is first, it goes something like this ” everything belongs to the Jews if only the Jew remains aware of the network and his or her duty to it”. Obedience protects that Jew; its as if protection in return for obedience were a genetic expression.
Zionism teaches or takes advantage of that Jewish philosophy; it demands allegiance to the behaviors expected of Jews by race and it demands commitment from those whose job or presence or circumstance depends on the latent or realized benefits of Zionism, but Zionism is something more than the Jewish cultural philosophy, it rides on top of the Jewish foundation. So duty of allegiance provides the control factor (organizational discipline) that biases most things in favor the Jews. The duty of allegiance is transparent to nations, religions, race, culture, law, rule, and just about everything else. The duty of allegiance allows the criminal, corrupt, amoral, ambitious, or even I suppose, benevolent factions who gain access to the top of the Jewish power pyramid [Zionism], to use the Jewish foundation embellished in the mind to mind network to control or abuse nation states, local societies, a person, or any organization for that matter for any purpose.
It is this hidden, top down internalized demand that everyone is controlled by duty of allegiance that allows those in the layer on top ( the Zionists) to manipulate and use those beneath, and it is the duty of allegiance that forces those beneath to manipulate or allow everything within their reach to accord with philosophy that every Jew or Jewish interest is entitled to be first no matter its morality.
The Jewish lifetime network serves not only as a fall back for recovery from failure but also it serves as a support system to get ahead. So you are dealing with a reward philosophy, in_grained deeply within the culture and societies in which the chosen present. The commitment is nearly invisible, not even something often on the conscious mind, but when a crisis arises, when a choice or opportunity presents itself, the Jewish network becomes that little bit extra that resolves the outcome nearly always in favor of those attached by commitment of race, religion or circumstance to the philosophy and by commitment to the leaders at the top of the heap (organized Zionism). Example. X a polish Jew of moderate means, c/n speak English, moves his family to NYC, a few years go by, the local bakery business owner dies, his estate offers the bakery for sale, price $1 million.
X has $2000 in the bank, two kids in college, a job as a hamburger flipper and a sick wife, but he announces on the network, or the network discovers, that X, a Jewish person, has this opportunity, to buy this Bakery. Suddenly a local banker appears and lends X the million, a law firm offers to help and the right people are hired. All of sudden X has become a prosperous, wealthy person. until a few years later X is accused of a crime, but within days proper legal assistance appears. Presto the charges are dropped. It is this potential for support when opportunity arises, or crisis happen, that keeps the members of the I am a Jew in line and that keeps on track (organizational and cultural discipline) the Jew is always the winner.
Zionism was born in 1896 in Switzerland (first Zionist Congress) its purpose is arguable, but its history suggest its purpose is to gain possession, control and to profit by privatizing government and acquiring private ownership in resources, private monopoly powers (media, copyright, patent and real estate ownership) and the means to privately produce goods and services where ever possible. The Jewish network has been in place since nearly the beginning. It just gets more and better refined. . What I see is that Zionism is an organization with leadership and a purpose or a set of purposes that plans and coordinates global and local Zionist activities. Zionism is fitted over the top of the Jewish Culture so that the Jewish Culture driven Jewish Philosophy becomes a powerful tool, a defensive or offensive weapon, that Zionist can use as they wish, to control the world or take whatever they desire or mold things to suit their fancy.
The problem seems to be the use of Jewish power by Zionist. Societies have no means to control it or regulate it because societies are local, and Zionism is global. It will take a great deal more understanding about Zionism than has been expressed thus far, to be able to regulate or control it.
LOL! The guys stake a claim at a land and hold it for some 70 years and it goes straight to their heads. Let’s see if they’re still in charge a thousand years from now, then I’ll be impressed.
‘Jews are indigenous to Israel. That’s why it is called Jerusalem and Judea.’
Then a Filipino Catholic is indigenous to the Holy Land as well.
That’s exactly right Colin, this culling process you describe results in only craven lackeys, morons, opportunists, religious nutcases, and just regular nutcases, but no normal people with character being elected to congress. All the easier for Israel to control these misfits as a body.
The ‘silver lining’ being that the contrast between them and the regular population has become more obvious to more people.
I’ve read many of Jones’ works and listened to several of his interviews. All books starting from ‘John Cardinal Krol and the Cultural Revolution’ to ‘Barren Metal’ are top tier. The interview you posted is from a podcast called, ‘Our Interesting Times.’ The host, Tim Kelly is one of the best interviewers out there.
So there it is. JFK’s warning is forgotten. A secret society called the B’nai B’rith has the ability indoctrinate Catholic kids all over the world with biased and extremely flawed historical accounts. The thorough analysis in La Civilta Cattolica, vol. VII, no. XIV, from 1890 has been completely ignored.
What was detailed in 1890 in La Civilta Cattolica, was confirmed this year in Newsweek.
Then why mention it???
That is sick. I don’t think ISIS has the solution to anything.
Why would anyone struggle if there is no solution?
That would be excellent.
Let’s see if they are still in charge 25 years from now. Then I’ll be impressed.
Power can be lost overnight. Look at the Soviet Union. Look at South Africa.Look at all the empires of the past, and our own empire is headed for the trash bin. Israel is running on borrowed time. 6 million controlling 7 billion. You can’t defy the laws of physics indefinitely. Nothing lasts forever. Nothing.
And PM Indira Ghandi’s Sikh bodyguards killed her. Do I detect the nature of your fantasy?
“That burning smell is the Arabs (Palestinians actually) trashing the environment with thousands of burning tires and sending arson kites over the border to burn hundreds of acres of parkland and farms.”……which actually belong to them by any standard of law you care to name and from which they were driven in a calculated and planned program of ethnic cleansing.
Zionist propaganda has habitually used the technique of altering/ignoring the timeline.
The smell of burning tires will be gone with that even greater pollutant, Zionism, before too long if Historical precedents are any indication.
Enjoy your moment Zionista, the Western World is beginning to wake up.
I hate to spoil a good story but have you ever been near the Gaza border? Parkland? Farms that could be burned? Pull the other one.
Such nice looking European models. Why are they posing as Israelis? LOL!
You hasbara trolls are known to spam blogs with pictures of European models posing in IDF garb. It’s a strange obssession.
Yeah, I know, and it’s apparent that’s why you’re here.
PS: The joke is on you and you’re a joker for sure.
PSS: Maybe you should spend more time with your daughters and less time here. I hear they’re amused by certain (ahem) parts you have. But please do wear protection.
Evidence to support the claim can be found in the works of Josephus as well as the late Yuri Avnery, who reported on the enmity between Zionist individuals as well.
Here’s just one example.:
Lot, the joker, probably thinks stuff like that is hilarious.
So that’s what a “Semite” looks like!
Beats me, but we all do it to various degrees. In fact, I think that applies to all living creatures.
Now, if you want the right answer, go and ask the right questions.
Good points. Demographic trends in Israel, young people wanting to leave the country, etc. point to the situation coming to a head within the next 50 years or so. Don’t know what exactly lies ahead, but I certainly hope cooler heads prevail on both sides when it comes to eventually resolving the situation.
Good for you Mr. Weed. I actually had TAC in my Will, but revised it and had TAC written out when they fired Phil Giraldi. It has become just another propaganda organ.
It is great that you do not know how to spell ‘moron’, surely reflecting upon you, anon. coward.
anon[135] • Disclaimer,
Thank you for this thoughtful analysis. I’m printing this response of yours, so I can study it. For now, let me say that your intelligent effort is much appreciated.
Thanks for sharing as well as revising.
These seem to be great answers to the question, “what shall we do?”
Withdrawing support in any way possible hopefully will help in situations such as we find ourselves, i.e., supporting vicious primitive gangs.
Isn’t “renaissance” a misleading word inasmuch as it inevitably points to Europe’s Renaissance as the model for the connotations of the word? Clearly that should mean there was a rediscovery of lost elements of past civilisation which were then adapted and built on to become part of the path to sustainable modernity. By contrast India has managed to become a modern nation – well shakily modern with extraordinary and dangerous throwbacks to truly primitive Hinduism – because it was given the shock treatment of unification and introduction from the West of revolutionary social, intellectual, educational and economic/technological change.
If you go to Israel I promise you that you will be unlucky if you can’t find a real dish with a machine gun slung round her who will be glad to smile while you take a selfie with her – and a choice of blonde, brunette, blue eyes, brown eyes and maybe even black skin though the Falasha aren’t numerous. And you don’t have to be Jewish (I’m not).
I listened to the interview with a protective scepticism about any one expressing such fluent confident assertive views from a conservative Catholic (or any theistic) background. It led me to upgrade my knowledge of Team B and it’s participants and enthusiasts like, Perle, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld. History Commons was very useful, e.g.
What is most striking, and relevant to a lot of Unz Review discussions, is the extraordinary eruption of the neocons in an anti-Soviet Cold War environment long before Jewish attachment to Israel could explain their philosophical and psychological orientation towards threatening military policies which would cause so much economic damage to America and 80+ per cent of Americans, increasingly from 2001 onward. Maybe Churchill’s unrealistic wish to prolong British rule in India gives some clue to the mentality.
Eisenhower ended the British empire forever.
Understood. My point to Realist is that there is no way out short of violent conflict.
As the people of California most recently found out, Mussolini’s dictum applies in the U.S.; no one and no thing shall be outside or against the State.
Game over.
The one and only Muslim country for me is Iran.
In no other country do Muslims have political influence.
‘…And you don’t have to be Jewish (I’m not).’
That makes your support for Israel even less defensible.
The history of N Africa is extremely complicated, including what now is Israel and Lebanon.
No group was firmly settled anywhere, people moved with ease, it seems in hindsight, or driven by circumstances.
Joshua, a jewish general, is mentioned by ancient Arab writers, he drove the Phoenicians to the west, it seems.
But this history is fuzzy, Arab ‘historians’ did not have the western concept of objective history.
They were interested in tribal, family, etc relations.
As I stated before, the western concept of nation is related to a geographical area, not so the ME concept, there nation is the group.
The eternal struggle between nomads and sedentary people.
Mozes, if he was a real person, was a nomad.
E. – F. Gautier, ‘Le Passé de l’Afrique du Nord’, 1937, 1952, Paris
The author was professor at the Algiers university.
Groups of jews, tribal kingdoms, existed in places as present Tunesia.
Muslims did not conquer N Africa as quickly and easily as I thought.
Slightly OT:
Harvesting IP addresses?
Not long after I began posting on UR, I received a thick, official looking packet from
Economics and Statistics Administration
U.S. Census Bureau
1201 East 10t Street
Jeffersonville IN 47132-0001.
The packet was entitled
The American Community Survey
It contained an incredibly intrusive survey 28 pages long. It asks the full name, age, gender, phone number, race, place of birth, and how the persons in my home are related. Worse are questions regarding our domicile:
Mobile home, one-family house detached from any other house, building with x apartments, when was it built, number of square feet, lot size, do I or anyone in the house have a laptop, desk-top, tablet or smartphone, how many automobiles, fuel used to heat the house,
does someone in the house own it free and clear? If not, what is the monthly mortgage, amount of second or junior mortgages on the home? The level of educational attainment of each person in the home? What sort of health insurance does each person have, marital status, where did each person in the house live a year ago, has any resident served in the military, what branch, when and where? Does each person work for pay at a job or business, current or recent job activity, what is the occupation of each person in our home?
The absolute worst set of questions concerned our income and sources thereof. Wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, and tips from all jobs? Interest, dividends, net rental income, or income from estates and trusts, Social Security income, public assistance or welfare payments, and lastly, each person’s total income in the last 12 months.
I wrote to both of my Senators complaining about the survey but they both wrote back saying in effect, “Sorry pal, you gotta do it”. Moreover, the Feds are prepared to fine me $5000 if I fail to respond. It is the law apparently.
None of our dozens of neighbors and friends have ever heard of or received such a survey. I am inclined to believe that I am being set up for persecution (and likely bankruptcy) by lawfare. Have any of you UNZ’ters received anything of this sort?
In fact, as you probably well know, Israel’s nuclear capabilities were likely built largely from “gifts” from the US including money and material pilfered from the US. The clowns in congress even pay obeisance to one of the most filthy of perps, Lot’s beloved Bibi…No wonder the clowns are so full of themselves.
Pretty “funny” stuff, including the pic of the Orange Goof smiling and shaking a paw with the Goon Master itself. I wonder where there other paws are.
They can always give themselves a handj_b; Lord knows they’ve had plenty of practice.
Rabin had no intention whatsoever to abide to the Oslo Accords.
Alas stupid jews did not understand this.
This side of peace’, Hanan Ashrawi, 1995, Simon + Shuster
The day after the supposed beginning of the Oslo accords was a day like all preceding days, nothing changed.
Ron Unz asked ‘where is the ADL’, it seems they sent us Lot, not a very bright fellow.
He confirms, with his remark about the Naqba, what Uri Avnery once said ‘the only language zionists understand is force’.
He explained ‘the zionist solution to a problem is “use forc, if it does not help, use more force, if even that fails use even more force”‘.
I suppose one sees this in the Israeli strategy towards the Gaza concentration camp, force is used, no long term strategy exists.
Israel just exists because of jewish power in the USA, this power may break down at any time, as it broke down in the Weimar Republic.
Just lie on the form. F#ck ‘em. That’s what I would do
What do you regard as my “defence of Israel”? I take it you don’t refer to my expressing my inability to find any excuses for the shootings of all those demonstrators on the Gaza side of the border fence. Are you perhaps referring to my finding more ridiculously bad arguments on UR from the many careless-with-facts anti-Semites than from the fewer commenters who are Israel defending Jews like Tyrion2 or Crimson2?
Routing the Roman garrisons was relatively straight forward and didn’t take much time. The fight against the various Berber rulers and tribes towards the South were prolonged and bloody.
You could try writing back and saying that, owing to advancing age and disability you request that they send someone to help you fill in the forms. Better still have someone write for you. And maybe add the suggestion that to make it possible it would be appropriate to send you $2000 to engage the professional and secretarial assistance needed, absent a helpful visit by a departmental officer.
The strategy wrt Gaza must surely be that, eventually, enough pain will bring down Hamas. Presumably that is meant to lead to recognition of Israel’s right to exist and not to have to allow any Palestinians a right of return.
no doubt.
Well Avnery wasn’t stupid, and besides, lying is a way of life for the mob so how could anyone not know?
Here’s Arendt, an ex-ZIonist on the subject in general.
And here she is regarding the “beloved” State of Israel.:
She was talking about Israel and what a moral pit it was, but the actual term she used was “Near East.” She wrote it after her visit to Israel in the 1950s.
It’s called exercising your “free” speech or something, no?
Ain’t it wunnerful to live in a fwee kuntwy?
Nah, dis ain’t no police state!
>absent a helpful visit by a departmental officer.
Oh yeah. I forgot to add that I could expect a knock on the door from such a visitor if I fail to respond.
Land of the Free? Right.
How Israel and Its Partisans Work to Censor the Internet
by Alison Weir
“… Israel and Israeli institutions employ armies of Internet warriors – from Israeli soldiers to students – to spread propaganda online and try to get content banned that Israel doesn’t want seen … Israel and partisans of Israel have long had a significant presence on the Internet, working to promote the Israel narrative and block facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby, and other subject matter they wish covered up. Opinionated proponents of Israel post comments, flag content, accuse critics of “antisemitism,” and disseminate misinformation about Palestine and Palestine solidarity activists … General Sima Vaknin-Gil told Israeli tech developers to ‘flood the Internet’ with pro-Israel propaganda.”
Jewish Intellectual Activism for Internet Control
July 24, 2018
25 ways (((Silicon Valley))) resembles the former (((Soviet Union)))
by Mike Adams, July 10, 2018
(See: Photo’s and Videos at website All this info came from at: Judaism dot is)…ps. website is a small cap “j” but spell checker keeps making it into a capitol “J” on this unz forum.
Jimmy Wales (above) and Larry Sanger (right)
the Jewish founders of Wikipedia
Meet Philip Cross – [“Christian Zionist”] Rupert Murdoch’s Right-Hand Wikipedian
by Rory Wood, Amity Underground
“Philip Cross edits Wikipedia, all day every day. Over 130,000 edits: Christmas Day, Eid and the Champions League Final no less productive for him. His targets are extremely narrow: critics of the Iraq War, critics of Israel, basically everyone who couldn’t nod along to The Sunday Times opinion section. Most notably, he is completely obsessed with the Scottish politician and radio host George Galloway, having edited, reedited and cut information from Galloway’s page over 1,800 times … Cross is an avid Zionist with a special interest in safeguarding the extremely conservative Board of Deputies of British Jews …”
Galloway’s War of Words With a Mystery Wikipedia Editor
BBC News
“‘Philip Cross’ has made hundreds of thousands of edits to Wikipedia pages. But in the process he’s angered anti-war activists and critics of British and Western foreign policy, who claim he’s been biased against them …The subject of [George] Galloway’s ire is a prolific Wikipedia editor who goes by the name ‘Philip Cross.’ He’s been the subject of a huge debate on the internet encyclopaedia – one of the world’s most popular websites – and also on Twitter. And he’s been accused of bias for interacting, sometimes negatively, with some of the people whose Wikipedia pages he’s edited … ‘His edits are remorselessly targeted at people who oppose the Iraq war, who’ve opposed the subsequent intervention wars … in Libya and Syria, and people who criticise Israel,’ Galloway says.”
Wikipedia Editing Courses Launched by Zionist Groups
The Guardian (Britain)
“Since the earliest days of the worldwide web, the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has seen its rhetorical counterpart fought out on the talkboards and chatrooms of the internet. Now [August 2010] two Israeli groups seeking to gain the upper hand in the online debate have launched a course in ‘Zionist editing’ for Wikipedia, the online reference site. Yesha Council, representing the Jewish settler movement, and the rightwing Israel Sheli (My Israel) movement, ran their first workshop this week in Jerusalem, teaching participants how to rewrite and revise some of the most hotly disputed pages of the online reference site.”
Digital Warfare: Zionist Activists Meet to Counter Anti-Israel ‘Disinformation Apocalypse’
“From the advent of below-article comments, anti-Israel activists have been taking advantage of online forums and social media to sew lies and hateful messaging about the Jewish state. It has taken awhile, but the government of Israel and a powerful network of pro-Israel advocates in the private sector are now proving to be a formidable opponent to the Israel-haters in countering anti-Semitic bias and spreading positive stories that represent the real face of Israel. ‘For the first time, BDS [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions] groups are on the defensive,’ declared Gilad Erdan, Israel’s Minister of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy to a group of more than 60 social-media experts gathered in Jerusalem on Monday and Tuesday for the three-day #DigiTell18 Conference sponsored by the Ministry.”
BUSTED! YouTube Secretly Using SPLC To Police Videos
State of the Nation, February 28, 2018
Israel is paying internet workers to manipulate online content, Judaizing Wikipedia
Israel to pay students to defend it online
Hasbara Spam Alert; Israel’s Campaign For ‘Positive’ Internet Spin
by Richard Silverstein — The Guardian (Britain)
“With Israel’s foreign ministry organising volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israeli comments, Propaganda 2.0 is here. The hasbara brigade strikes again! You always hear about Israeli attempts at media manipulation. Everyone knows it’s going on but usually the process happens through cyber insurgents like those involved with Giyus (and its media monitoring software, Megaphone). Now [Jan. 2009], we know that the Israeli foreign ministry itself is orchestrating propaganda efforts designed to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information.…”
Israel’s Information Ops
When Tel Aviv goes to war, universities and activists are organized to beat back the bad news.
By Philip Giraldi, August 20, 2014
Israeli hires internet soldiers
Saturday, July 18th, 2009
…Straight out of Avigdor Lieberman’s Foreign Ministry: a new Internet Fighting Team! Israeli students and demobilized soldiers get paid to pretend they are just regular folks and leave pro-Israel comments on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other sites. The effort is meant to fight the “well-oiled machine” of “pro-Palestinian websites, with huge budgets… with content from the Hamas news agency.” The approach was test-marketed during Israel’s assault on Gaza, and by groups like Give Israel Your United Support, a controversial effort to use instant-access technology to crowd-source Israel advocates to fill in flash polls or vote up key articles on social networking sites.
“Will the responders who are hired for this also present themselves as “ordinary net-surfers”?
“Of course,” says Shturman. “Our people will not say: ‘Hello, I am from the policy-explanation department of the Israeli Foreign Ministry and I want to tell you the following.’ Nor will they necessarily identify themselves as Israelis. They will speak as net-surfers and as citizens, and will write responses that will look personal but will be based on a prepared list of messages that the Foreign Ministry developed.”
Israel attempts international control of internet content
“The participating countries would be part of a loose coalition that would keep an eye on content and where it was being posted, and members of the coalition would work to demand that the platforms remove the content that was posted in any of their countries at the request of members.”
Israel eyes world coalition to force social media platforms to block incitement
by David Shamah, The Times of Israel, January 19, 2016
Matthew 6:2, 5; 15:7; 22:18; 23:13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29; Mark 7:6; Luke 13:15
“We reject any attempt at censorship,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon. “We support the mayor’s right to make his speech as planned and not omit any word, not even a single letter.”
Poland Censors Israeli Mayor Who Sought to Cite Polish Holocaust Crimes at Event
by Michael Bachner and Times of Israel Staff, The Times of Israel, March 19, 2018
“Just Put the Damn Sunglasses ON, Already!” Rowdy Roddie Piper, from the 1980′s Movie Classic, They LIVE!….back then we never yet knew the movies aliens were really…JEWS!
I view this as a good thing. At a minimum, responding to such jackasses offers a chance to present them with alternate views such as the “anti-Semitic” character of their gangster state.
If you go to Israel I promise you that you will be unlucky if you can’t find a real dish with a machine gun slung round her
“What a country” – their women carry machine guns!
(That is the fate of squatters.)
Think Peace — Art
p.s. Wiz the not-Jew – just made his 6,898,436,469,855,908,507 comment supporting Jews.
Americans must answer U.S. Census Bureau survey by law, though agency hasn’t prosecuted since 1970
By W. Gardner Selby on Thursday, January 9th, 2014 at 1:58 p.m.
Bob Cole, who hosts Austin radio station KOKE-FM’s weekday morning show, said on the air Jan. 7, 2014, that he couldn’t believe the U.S. Census Bureau told him he was legally required to participate in a government survey.
“In a few days you will receive an American Community Survey questionnaire in the mail,” the bureau said in a letter to Cole, which he said he received in late 2013 or early in the new year. The letter said: “Because you are living in the United States, you are required by law to respond to this survey.” Cole gave us a copy of a bureau envelope with this nudge outside: “Your response is required by law.”
The ACS, sent annually in recent years to a sampling of more than 3 million U.S. households, collects detailed information on population and housing, helping to update the information gathered in every decennial census, the bureau says online. “Estimates from the ACS contribute to providing an important picture of America, and an accurate response to the ACS questionnaire is important,” the agency says. “When used in conjunction with the most recently available decennial census counts, information from the ACS documents how we live as a nation, including our education, housing, jobs, and many other issues.”
Bureau cites statutes
The materials received by Cole included an FAQ with this question: “Do I have to answer the questions?”
“Yes,” the bureau’s reply states. “Your response to this survey is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections 141 and 193). Title 13, as changed by Title 18, imposes a penalty for not responding. We estimate this survey will take about 40 minutes to complete.”
That verbiage didn’t lead us to any mandate, but a bureau web page singles out Section 221 of Title 13, which says that any adult refusing to answer a bureau survey shall be fined.
Specifically, the section refers to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, who oversees the bureau, and says: “a) Whoever, being over eighteen years of age, refuses or willfully neglects, when requested by the secretary, or by any other authorized officer or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof acting under the instructions of the secretary or authorized officer, to answer, to the best of his knowledge, any of the questions on any schedule submitted to him in connection with any census or survey provided for by subchapters I, II, IV, and V of chapter 5 of this title, applying to himself or to the family to which he belongs or is related, or to the farm or farms of which he or his family is the occupant, shall be fined not more than $100.”
That’s not entirely so; the fine for refusing to answer a bureau survey can be as much as $5,000, the bureau separately says online, citing Section 3571 of Title 18.
Individuals willfully giving false answers to the government face a fine of up to $500, Section 121 says. But it states that “no person shall be compelled to disclose information related to his religious beliefs or to membership in a religious body.”
Unenforced mandate?
Our search for more information yielded a Jan. 9, 2013, commentary by David Whiting of the Orange County (Calif.) Register quoting a bureau spokeswoman, Jennifer Smits, saying that nobody had been fined for failing to participate to date. By telephone, bureau spokeswoman Stacy Gimbel Vidal told us that remains so; no fines have been levied. The bureau, she said, is “really not in the business of prosecuting people who don’t comply.”
On July 18, 2012, Andrew Reamer, a research professor at George Washington University, told a U.S. Senate subcommittee that the bureau had not prosecuted someone for not responding to a survey since the 1960 census. Not quite: Bureau spokesman Brian Lavin told us by email that no one has been prosecuted for failing to respond to a survey since the 1970 census.
In his testimony, Reamer also explained why the potential fine had escalated from the $100 set in law in 1929. He said that figure was superseded in the 1980s by a comprehensive law stipulating a fine of up to $5,000 for any criminal misdemeanor or infraction.
In 2012, Vidal told us by email, less than 8,000 of the nation’s ACS recipients refused to respond; the survey had a 97 percent response rate and it has had a 97 percent to 98 percent response rate since being fully implemented in 2005, Vidal said by email.
“Because you care about your community, please fill out the form,” Vidal said. “It has so many positive ramifications” related to spending and planning.”
Yep…..Jared’s boyfriend Prince bin Salam has gone from Hero to Zero with one assassination.
Lindsey Graham…
”I know what I’m gonna do, we’re gonna sanction the hell out of Saudi Arabia. You know, we deal with bad people all the time, but this is in our face. I feel personally offended. They have nothing but contempt for us.”.
US Senator Lindsey Graham told Al Jazeera that he has read US intelligence that points to the Saudi government’s involvement in the disappearance of Khashoggi.
“I’ve already seen the intel. It was very unnerving. You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure this out,” Graham said.
”Nothing happens in Saudi Arabia without MBS knowing it. … This guy is a wrecking ball. He had [Khashoggi] murdered in a consulate in Turkey and to expect me to ignore it? I feel used and abused … We deal with bad people all the time, but this is in our face,” said Graham
ONLY and ONLY the WORLD, nations with some minimum of human decency can and should and MUST Stop the genocide of the Palestinian people (children)…BREAK ALL RELATIONS with ISRAEL….commercial, finance, diplomatics etc. The Israeli had declared that they will bomb the Dome of the Rock Mosque and the Worlds Arab Muslim Nations remain silent…the Israeli are demolishing Christian Churches (Nativity) and Christian nations remain silent (Vatican?)….Israel had declared WAR on the WORLD….
Yes, I got the exact same forms about 2 or more years ago…..I filed it out as required, but some of my answers can be considered debatable so to speak. Most of it is a longer version of normal every ten years census forms….Main reason I complied is due to the past census ten years ago, I tossed it out. Then about 4-6 months later, and after a couple census dept. warning letters sent to me, an actual census worker woman arrived at my home. When I asked her what she wanted from me?…She told me I can verbally answer her on census questions, or deal with legalities when more census dept clowns show up. So I agreed and answered her census questions then and there and she left.
However her questions method was much lesser total number of questions compared to paper forms I first got in us mail. She mainly asked my age, full name, address, and how many persons live in my home. So in a way, to answer her in person was far less invasive I’d say.
But that next form like you describe sure has far more questions, and way more invasive type questions. Face facts…Regardless of our Rights as an American, today what matters also, is what happens next if you ignore or refuse and they send FBI or ATF or IRS agents to your home?
Many folks claim as a patriot they will fight to death against such stuff…Well that sounds all swell and fine…until those fed agents actually arrive eh!…Especially if they also send a SWAT FBI team for their backups! I’m too old for such dealings now. And have no desires for a shoot-out with any swat teams. Unless of course many, many more folks are ready to join in at same time, perhaps then a real fight is a real possibility.
I get this and I’m glad Graham is showing cahones (wish he would kick Israel in the face)…but it seems weird that our government is essentially getting involved in a domestic Saudi matter. I mean the guy was a Saudi national and they torture and kill their own people all the time (often with equipment we’ve sold them) so I don’t get why we are sticking our nose in now…
Well with aprox. One dozen at best, awake and good Honest Jews like Ron Unz to be found in America Per every Century aka per 100 yrs…..It don’t seem to work to swell to awaken rabid satanic, crazed, insane Jews which make up the vast majority, so far.
If you go to Israel I promise you that you will be unlucky if you can’t find a real dish with a machine gun slung round her who will be glad to smile while you take a selfie with her
Hey Wiz — here is a real life Israeli Jew “dish” with a machine gun. Check her out!
She may be pretty – but her mind is ugly – just like Israel is.
Think Peace — Art
Hmm? Maybe family business is involved? Son-in-law Jared Kushner needed big time money in 2016. Nary a media mention sense then. How did that get resolved? Jared is very close to MBS the Saudi prince.
Hmm? Trump says we must not prejudge the top Saudis.
Hmm? Is Trump trying to manage the story before it goes viral?
Think Peace — Art
I despise ‘Linda’ Graham but he’s right on this. I only wish he’s get his underwear all in a knot over Israeli war crimes also.
No I have never been to Israel or the middle east.
Well no, it’s an international incident as Khashoggi was a resident of the US and this happened at the Saudi consulate in Turkey.
I get that, but as I pointed out in another thread; embassies are considered sovereign extensions of their countries of origin. Again, I put this as #3456 of deplorable things Saudi has done, but I’m just wondering why so much attention? Saudis have been basically untouchable due to their money influence for decades…and one assassination brings all this down on them? What gives?
Your guess is as good as mine, Art. I think, something bigger is at work here – I simply don’t know what…
I received the same survey. I simply ignored it. In hindsight, it might have been a better idea to just fill it out and be done with it. The Census Bureau was relentless. They called me, mailed letters and left notes on my door for something like two years before eventually giving up. It got to the point where I was in too deep to back down. I never once acknowledged their efforts to contact me. I think you can probably just refuse. Technically you are required by law to participate, but no one has ever been prosecuted for not answering. The DOJ would have to open a criminal case and that’s never going to happen unless you do something outrageous.
‘The history of N Africa is extremely complicated, including what now is Israel and Lebanon.
No group was firmly settled anywhere, people moved with ease, it seems in hindsight, or driven by circumstances…’
The central point is that there are two groups of people: Jews now, and Jews who resided in Palestine in the distant past.
These are not the same groups of people. The Jews who resided in Palestine in the distant past by and large converted to Christianity and Islam; today, they are known as ‘Palestinians.’ The Jews who exist now are almost entirely descended from converts. Why do you think a Polish Jew looks like a Pole but a Yemeni Jew looks like a Yemeni?
This is not some weird theory. It’s been documented in so many ways we might as well be discussing the idea that the moon landings in fact occurred.
Therefore, today’s Jews have no more right to claim Palestine because they regard themselves as Jews than my wife could claim it on the grounds that she’s a Christian. It’s the Promised Land for anyone practising an Abrahamic faith. The Crusaders thought they should have it, and the Quran promises it to Muslims. So if you’re Jewish, so what? You’ve got a better claim than a practising Buddhist, but that’s about it.
There is exactly one group with a legitimate claim to the land that takes priority over everyone else. The Palestinians, who happen to be from there.
Lot, that was a smell of a burnt-alive 18-month-old toddler. You seem to become excited with the image.
A Jewish wedding in Jerusalem celebrates the death of Palestinian toddler Ali Dawabesh burnt alive by the Jewish settlers:
“Far-right Jewish activists chanted slogans cheering for the death of an 18-month old Palestinian outside a courthouse in central Israel as the late toddler’s family walked near them following a hearing Tuesday.
Referencing toddler Ali Saad Dawabshe, killed in a 2015 arson attack carried out by Jewish terrorists, right-wing extremists chanted “Where is Ali? Ali’s dead,” “Ali’s on the grill” :
Few people read Dutch or Flemish, but another tie that should be cut is between Soros and the EU
226 members of the European Parliament support Soros, the Open Society man, who wants massive immigration into the EU.
Hungary just threw him out, with his Open Society, the EU now wants to take away Hungary’s voting right in the EU.
One of Soros’ puppets is Dutch princess Mabel, another Verhofstadt.
Polish socialists call Soros’ followers Sorosjugend.
If the details are true, the Saudi consul as bad as IS.
“No other nation but Israel keeps American values intact.”
– First, your post makes good laugh.
Second, Israel is a most malicious destroyer of American values such as the First Amendment:
“…a federal court blocked Arizona from enforcing a law requiring state contractors to certify that they are not participating in boycotts of Israel. The court agreed with the ACLU that the law likely violates contractors’ free speech rights under the First Amendment.”
“The American Civil Liberties Union won a case in Kansas in January arguing that a Kansas law that required a public school educator to certify she won’t boycott Israel violates her First Amendment rights.”
“According to a document titled “Hurricane Harvey Repair Grant Application and Agreement” from the City of Dickinson, in addition to a requirement that the applicant “must adhere to all applicable rules, regulations, and laws, including building codes, safety rules and securing of all required permits,” there is also a “verification not to boycott Israel” agreement.”
— Your pernicious Jewish Power is a plague on this nation.
Well, you may have a point but this is 2018 and the 24 hour news cycle exposes and magnifies things that used to fade away plus this Khashoggi feller was a relatively famous person, and a ‘journalist’, living in the USA. And the fact that it was so obvious that MBS had this murder sanctioned also makes this episode an international problem as other world leaders, especially Trump, have to deal (or not) with this blatant murderer.
I agree – it does seem that something out of the normal is up. Why is everyone up in arms?
Maybe it is because collectively people are just fed up with the Saudis (9/11 and all). Maybe people just want to slap them down to size.
Here is an article asking the same question.
Think Peace — Art
(My assessment about money and Kushner is pure conjecture.)
I hate the hang-wringing and garment-rending not to mention the actual monomania off-putting and cucky.
You are correct. When dealing with the insane anti-Semites, you are almost always dealing with Roman Catholic cuck males who accept black/Asian priests-popes. They also blame the problems of the RCC on Jews. I’m a former Catholic who left the RCC because I don’t accept black/Asian priests-popes. Jews have nothing to do with the present state of the RCC. I’m still a Christian, but we need a new church for the West. The West is not black/Asian/Jewish/Muslim.
Also, if you ask the insane anti-Semites where we should put the Jews, all you get is crickets. Priests and preachers refuse to preach morality and this is why many people are in bad shape. I don’t need religion to have a morality that is against gay marriage, polygamy, most divorce and most abortion. It is based on biology – IQ/race. Priests-preachers will not touch this third-rail.
They rant about the Jewish media, yet they refuse to start their own Western media.
Until Western cucks start dealing with reality, we will not be able to solve our problems.
When the Iranian oil was a consortium between Iran and Brits, the Sickhs were brought in by the Brits to serve tea and food to the Brits because Iranians refused to serve the Brits! Following Dr Mossadegh’s Nationalization of the oil company and kicking the Brits’ ass out of the country, the Sikhs wanted to replace the Brits and mastering the Iranian workers! Guess what, for many night the workers were taking buckets of hot tar from the oil refinery and pouring them on Sikhs’ heads! After a few Sikhs were killed by the hot tar, all resident Sikhs escaped back to India by many boats from the Persian Gulf to the Indian Ocean!
One of the reasons Nikki hates Iranians! It’s in her DNA
>The DOJ would have to open a criminal case and that’s never going to happen unless you do something outrageous.
Well, I have posted some uncomplimentary things about Israel on The Unz Review. 30 years to life I’m
guessing. 8-(
Absolutley. They and the Hindus hate Muslims thus they suck up to Israel, with Nikki actually performing that procedure. (Grin)
If that were true, then why do they have to police Facebook, Twitter, the comment sections of every news outlet, university faculties, even lowly high school teachers?
Why would there be a need to outlaw boycotts in half of the states, if support were as deep as you claimed? Why bother with Assange, if what he exposed was of little consequence?
The Israeli fifth column in the US will soon have to treat the ordinary American the same as Israel does the Palestinians. Hard power will replace soft power in the US as ordinary people sink further into poverty.
Excellent reply!
Why do you think the countries surrounding the African Jewish State would be stabilized or improved, rather than encroached upon, as Palestine has been? And would they still be raising hell in the Middle East, using USA as their patsy? Pointless question, perhaps.
It seems to me that the only way anything resembling America will survive is for a predominately White state or states as a result of a major crisis secede and immediately close their borders. Obama and company on some level anticipated this scenario and so did their best to ship Somalis and similar cultural enrichers to the Whitest places they could find. And of course Democrats regaining power would mean that we would be quickly transformed into a twin of the suicide cult that is Europe (and Canada under Trudeau), with the US becoming our sociopathic Elite’s dumping ground for tens, hundreds of millions of Africans of various hues and predilections.
The Jews aren’t going to admit what they are doing– “White Genocide” is a myth, like the Palestinian one– or, much less, stop doing it. They (along with well-compensated shabbos goyim) will continue to extract what they can, their ties and influence vis-a-vis China growing in strength as the US and the West finally decline unto destruction under their parasitic stewardship, after which they will make another great egress, having done nothing to deserve the inevitable anti-Semitic fervor that ushers their departure to the East.
It all looks bad. The Left worldwide is insane with the Jewish virus; the supremely moral vilification and dispossession of Whites everywhere, the moral arc of the universe bending towards genocide-by-miscegenation of the Jews’ most capable enemies.
I sometimes wonder if Trump thinks it’s salvageable at this point.
One basic problem is Democracy, a system of government in which we are ruled by those who can buy votes. Called democracy, masquerades as democracy, really plutocracy.
(This problem could not arise in genuine Democracy, the ancient Athenian system of the executive council being elected by lot. Not only were there no votes to buy, but there could be no re-election. Getting elected by lot twice, the same person, was not likely. I haven’t won a million-dollar lottery even once! Who has twice?)
The greatest problem is that in an over-populated world the plutocrats insist on rapid population growth, because that means bigger markets which means more wealth for them.
And it’s not even individual plutocrats. When you have 100 times more money than your family could spend in 100 generations, why do you want more? It’s not individuals, it’s corporations.
But if America were ruled by a hereditary autocrat that would not matter. Such a person is not primarily concerned to obtain more money for himself. He doesn’t want rapid population growth. His primary concern is the welfare of the nation. That is what his survival depends on.
Admittedly, Libya’s happy days under Gaddafi were financed by oil. But even without the oil, if the people had faced hard times, Gaddafi would have been on their side, would have grabbed what taxation he could from them but spent it on the survival and welfare of the country. That’s what hereditary autocratic monarchs always did. Or if they didn’t they faced a French Revolution.
The USA under its autocrat would have free health care and free university education for all, just to mention a couple of issues. (Incidentally, look at China today.)
In such a situation the Jewish lobby has no power. There is still a Jewish problem, but a different one.
So the total fraud called American Democracy is at the heart of the problem.
Admittedly, autocracy by itself is not a compete solution. The Jews would always be seeking to overthrow the autocrat. Creating voter-Democracy, i.e. fraud-Democracy, is the way it’s done. They wouldn’t want lot-Democracy and they wouldn’t want voter-Democracy in which re-election was unconstitutional. There have to be an elite of career-politicians, the layer below the rulers, keeping the rulers hidden.
So the fact that autocratic rule is a blessing and democracy is a curse would need to be constantly kept in mind. (I’m not offering myself as the autocrat, by the way.)
More may be needed. There’s something else that can be done, or could be in a not-overpopulated earlier era. Its achievement is that the Jews then cease plotting to overthrow the autocrat and inflict fraud-democracy.
The way to do is this is: Set the Jews free!!!
That is what the Persians did in about 500 BC. Gave them autonomy under Ezra and Nehemiah. And it’s what the Romans did in about 200 AD. Jewish autonomy. “When by a deal between the Jewish leaders (the dynasty of the Nesi’im) all the Jews of the Empire were subjected to the fiscal and disciplinary authority of these leaders and their rabbinical courts, who for their part undertook to keep order among the Jews.” (Israel Shahak)
The American autocrat could put the top Haredi rabbi of the country in charge of all American Jews and he would require them all to become Haredim. The result would be that all American Jews would become visibly different from Gentiles and live apart from them, Israel would cease to exist so that problem would no longer be a problem, and there would be no Jewish interference in American affairs.
(I’d better now confess that I’m not an American.)
I know these things:
Thomas L Thompson, ‘The mythic past, Biblical archaeology and the myth of Israel’, London 1999
Shlomo Sand, ‘The Invention of the Jewish People’, London, New York, 2009, 2010 (Tel Aviv, 2008, hebrew)
” ever believed that organized lying, as we know it today, could be an adequate weapon against truth.”
When in human history it was different ?
Philip M. Taylor, ‘Munitions of the Mind, A History of Propaganda from the Ancient World to the Present Day’, 1995, Manchester
The poison of British lies about Germany in WWI persists to the present day
Sir Campbell Stuart K.B.E., ‘Secrets of Crewe House, The Story of a Famous Campaign’, 1920, London
Larry Zuckerman, ‘The Rape of Belgium, The untold story of WWI’, New York 2004
“She [Haley] vowed that the “days of Israel bashing are over” and is now being groomed by the neocons as a possible presidential candidate for 2020.”
Neocon goals can’t really be any more clear at this point. These vermin clearly know that Trump is the republican guy but still they want someone even more servile to Israel, republican policies be damned – and even if they have to sabotage the entire republican agenda to get their way. Their sole loyalty: Israel. ALL of their groups should be labeled agents of a foreign government.
The good news is that Haley has no chance. She’d get demolished just like Graham did and she has her own personal baggage (affair rumors in South Carolina).
“The love for Bibi and Israel in Congress reflects the views of the American people…”
Please tell me this guy is just an Israeli and not some “American” with our citizenship. Otherwise, he’d serve as the perfect example of the pernicious influence of a small, dual-loyal group of foreigners residing in our midst. And there would be millions just like him.
“This problem could not arise in genuine Democracy, the ancient Athenian system of …”
That democracy destroyed itself by voting to go to war with Sparta. They then voted to kill their best generals and attack strategically worthless targets, causing them further loss of the life and hastening Sparta’s victory over them. Afterwards, they voted to execute the one man who warned them away from these actions: Socrates. I could go on with the tragedy that was the Athenian Republic, but I’ll stop there. I think a lot of people aren’t willing to give up on the previous system they are accustomed to, so they make fanciful excuses to preserve it: “if only it were this way it would all work out.”
The fundamental problem isn’t “democracy” but people themselves. Humans vary in ability and temperament in any population. Democracy is flawed in this context because it allows those who are more shortsighted, less intelligent, and more self-interested to have equal (or superior by numbers) say over those who are cognitively more capable, reasoned, and more willing to serve the interests of the group as a whole over their own selfish individual wants and desires. If you want a better outcome, you’ll need a better people.
“Admittedly, autocracy by itself is not a compete solution.”
Here’s the best possible solution, no autocracy required: institute a voluntary genetic engineering program to make a better, more worthy people.
1. Increase the average IQ so that it is harder to trick the masses using complicated arguments.
2. Instill a modicum of ethnocentricity into the general population so that the natural condition is for people to be skeptical of foreigners with radical ideas. We can do this by inserting “the Warrior Gene” into a segment of the population (perhaps everyone). That would eliminate the Israel Lobby. One of the biggest reasons why Jews dominate the US is due to their group cohesion and distrust of outsiders against an individualist, open American society.
3. Balance #2 with increased empathy (there is a gene for that).
4. Increase group-oriented behavior and social cohesion with increased propensity for religious thought (there are genes for that).
5. Balance #4 with genes correlated with curiosity and creativity (we don’t want a society of religious maniacs but philosophers who entertain notions explored by religion but not at the expense of conspiracy mongering, delusion, or outright lunacy).
I’ll stop there. If the above factors were measured and overlayed onto a normally distributed, non-engineered, public, only a small percentage of the public would match. Those people, however, would be your Alexander the Greats, your Julius Caesars, …
The point I’m trying to make here is that the ideal democrat in a democracy is only a very small segment of the population, perhaps 2%. Therefore, any democratic system instituted in such a population is fundamentally unstable over the long term. Either fundamental social mores and institutions will erode over time (Rome) or some external threat (environmental, population migrations, etc.) will eventually destroy the system because it will not be able to adapt.
The United States in an example of the latter. Very clearly, changing population dynamics via differential birth rates and immigration will destroy the nation state’s cohesion within perhaps 20 years; even if the country remains intact beyond this point, it will not be the same prosperous, free, high-trust society of the country’s heyday. This fact has been well known since the 1980s. Author Pat Buchanan spent years warning people, but selfish, shortsighted humans refused to acknowledge his fact and trend-based projections; he was even fired from MSNBC for writing about this. Lazy, ignorant humans were more concerned with short-sighted concerns like the current state of the economy (unimaginably good by historical standards) and appearing to be “good people” to their social groups.
Nearly every retort the elite camp up with to promote non-white immigration centered around arguments of labor costs, GDP, average education level, and crime rates. In hindsight, it should be obvious that these short-term advantages to mass immigration were greatly outweighed by long-term costs such as societal degradation. Polls* now show that large percentages, if not outright majorities, of these foreigners and their descendants do not share white Caucasian views on freedom of speech and association, among many other fundamental American liberties. In the future, they will use their domination of the government to fundamentally unmake American freedoms and jurisprudence.
We’ve gotten a glimpse of that with #metoo, social media censorship, deplatforming Alex Jones, and the Kavanaugh hearings…to name just a few. It was also pretty obvious back during the Obama regime. His “allegedly black” attorney general Eric Holder turned the US Justice Department into a department of racial payback: Fergussen, Trayvon Martin, etc. Now, Holder is calling for violence, “when they go low, we kick them.” Obama also removed whites from many government positions (the Librarian of Congress) and replaced them with members of his own ethnicity, blacks specifically. Humans – especially non-whites – are fundamentally tribal, so increasing diversity will inevitably increase tribalism while decreasing societal cohesion.
If humans had been worthy,** they would have realized that all arguments for racially diverse immigration were wrong and outweighed by future costs. The average non-white immigrant could have an IQ of 200, half the crime potential, and three times the education, and that wouldn’t make a difference. The only salient fact that matters is that people of different ethnicities and races living in close proximity don’t get along. The destruction of your country is a high price to pay for a small increase in the GDP or a small dip in the average crime rate. Those nonsense economic arguments should have been rejected and the public should have voted en masse against anyone pushing mass immigration as if their lives depended on it. If they had, the country would have been saved. Instead, stupid humans wrecked the place or allowed it to be wrecked through apathy and ignorance. Humans, fundamentally, are their own worst problem.
Will the end result be the failure of American democracy and a collapse of the remnant into despotism and continual racial strife? I think yes. The now inevitable destruction of the USA will be the greatest tragedy for Western Civilization since the fall of the Roman Empire. Get ready to be ruled by China, a nation that imprisons millions in brain-washing concentration camps – scary. And honestly, that’s a best case scenario. I can easily envision and out-of-control, despotic and anti-white, USA initiating a devastating war against Russia just as the Athenians did in attacking Sparta back in the day.
*Polls are now also showing an unprecedented decline in American patriotism. I would guess this is mainly among whites. Perhaps sot surprisingly, the US military has now missed a major recruiting goal for the first time in 13 years, forcing them to revamp their strategy to focusing on major cities. I would also guess that this recruiting decline comes mainly from whites, which would explain the Pentagon’s panicked response of running to minority-dominated major cities.
**I do not mean to imply “immoral.” My dog is cognitively inferior to myself, but yet I do not wish him any harm. I do not feel any contempt towards him; instead, I rather like him the way he is. The same applies to humans. I’m merely (and honestly) addressing an issue at hand with, admittedly uncomfortable, facts.
And I wonder if Lindsey mentioned Saudi assaults on Yemeni school buses in his snit.
“The American autocrat could put the top Haredi rabbi of the country in charge of all American Jews and he would require them all to become Haredim. The result would be that all American Jews would become visibly different from Gentiles and live apart from them, Israel would cease to exist so that problem would no longer be a problem, and there would be no Jewish interference in American affairs.” — A great plan.
If it speaks like jew, acts like jew, loves jews – then it is probably a jew.
“It seems to me that the only way anything resembling America will survive is for a predominately White state or states as a result of a major crisis secede and immediately close their borders.”
I believe it is well past time for every person to be honest with themselves and openly and unashamedly admit that it is perfectly natural to want to associate
with people like themselves and that no one has a “right” to force them to do otherwise.
Property rights are foundational to a civilized and prosperous society and the courts must also begin to recognize this once again. As it is now, the justice system is an embarrassment to any thinking person.
Secession is the answer to the insanity. I say it implies violence since there are clearly people who will attempt to prevent others from exercising their liberties. I do not say it because it is necessary.
Of course not because that action indirectly benefits the Zionist project of which Linda is a prime booster (boot licker) of.
This observation sums up my point re: secession and property rights perfectly:
As John F. Kennedy warned in March 1962, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
Well, Gandhi was as right as Mandela was. They wanted their nations to rise from a clean slate. They were good patriotic people who underestimated the power of nuisance of rats.
If you want a better outcome, you’ll need a better people.
Oh great – all we need to do is off 80% of the human race – brilliant.
We had a system where the human race made steady progress – it never achieved paradise – it just make things better, slowly but surely.
That system was the Christian philosophy of idealism. The system says that we should act ideally – it says to be hopeful, respectful of life, loving, truthful, forgiving, and graceful. To make progress, history shows that this system does not require that everyone be rocket scientists.
Many pseudo intellectuals have bought into the Jew idea that all that matters is good genetics. These weak-minded individuals have succumbed to the ancient backwards tribal Jew mindset. The Talmudic tribal Jews intellectually disrespect life, truth, and forgiveness. The Jews have these mini-minds, trashing their own heritage of slow steady real progress – what fools.
Think Peace – Art
Israel pretty? Not from my limited experience. Jerusalem, Masada, amazing geological features in the Negev: fascinating but even those, plus experimental wineries, archaeological digs and solar power installations, pretty? No.
“made steady progress”? Which 10 year period were you thinking of in the last 2000?
I hate to spoil your enjoyable fantasy on how to improve on the American plutocracy but you should notice that, historically, autocrats have employed smart outsiders in important positions and, quite often, these have been Jews.
And historically these ‘Court Jews’ have ended up being banished by the autocrats along with all their brethen.
Never Learn.
True, but it’s not just what we want and what’s natural – it’s absolutely essential. I’m a European who’s lived both in the ME and Africa so I can tell you with absolute certainty that their people simply can’t achieve, or even maintain, a 1-st world country. They’re not necessarily bad people but they don’t have the IQ and when they get (((transplanted))) by the millions into high-IQ environments you end up with a permanent, growing, hostile underclass.
And the violence will escalate until one side wins.
You are an imperfect moron .That’s all to it.
Read a historian not a fiction writer .
We don’t “have to” or “need to” actively suppress antisemitism in the USA. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t to the extent doing so is consistent with the First Amendment.
The main thing we need to do to stop antisemitism from growing in the USA is to stop mass Muslim migration, which is a good idea anyway for a thousand different reasons. Fringely weirdo right wing antisemitism has always been with us but shows no sign of growth.
Ghandi’s heir:
Understood. I was specifically referring to how it has become taboo, and, in the eyes of some, “hate-speech”, to state the obvious.
In regards to the circumstances of the vast majority of Middle Easterners and Africans, I have often wondered how much their inability to progress has to do with their inability to let go of their tribal superstitions? Though the west has had to deal with those with their evil Libido Dominandi, we have been quite successful in developing legal and economic systems, etc., that have lifted all of us up in spite of them.
Can the “other” truly love himself, or another “other” without being an antisemite? For example, if I wish that the expansion, “defense,” or funding of Israel would be carried out exclusively by Jews, am I an “antisemite”? If a person believes that an exclusively “Jewish state” should not exist, is he an antisemite?
I’m looking for a boundary for the slippery term “antisemitism”, if such a boundary can exist; likewise, I seek a boundary for the so-called Jewish state, if such a boundary could ever exist. Are there any? I invite you to define such boundaries, if at all possible.
I also remember a historian of 17th-century England writing that the happiest time in all history for the ordinary English people was the Eleven Year Tyranny under King Charles the First, the time when he disbanded the English Parliament and ruled alone. That was before he was beheaded, which was done by the English Parliament.
That was their happiest time!
The core problem is low average IQ. Mean IQ in Muslim countries is 81.
An 81 IQ person in Europe is woefully under-equipped to climb the educational ladder into a better paid job or even run their own business competitively (unless they get significant, unfair, assistance). On a level playing field, most of them are doomed to a life of low wage work, welfare and/or crime.
What’s tragic here is that the “crime” option is a perfectly viable strategy for a relatively young, low-IQ person. He’s not gonna attract a mate with his charm, knowledge or career so why not chose violence and money. In terms of raw, Darwinian competition, when the established game is not favouring you, it’s time to cheat.
And that’s not even taking into account Muslim hostility to out-groups which grows exponentially with their share of the population or the massive, anti-white propaganda (((indoctrination))) sweeping the Western countries.
What do you mean by have the defense of Israel be “carried out exclusively by Jews”? Many Christians want to help. Should they be forbidden? Does my acceptance of Christ mean I can’t be a Zionist?
If you want the definition of a word, I suggest you consult a dictionary. Works fine for me.
I do joke about it, but if you read the Bible I think it is very clear that Israel must be the home of the Jews, and tribe of Christ must be protected there.
You make a persuasive and reasonable sounding argument and some, perhaps even all, of it undoubtedly is true. However, since some of this is outside the scope of my knowledge intellectual honesty forces me to say I cannot definitively say one way or the other.
What I can say definitively is that any government which does not respect individual property rights will foment violence (unintentionally or otherwise) and destroy the creation of wealth (except for said government, it’s agents and bureaucrats and the politically connected).
I appreciate your insight and even tone. Perhaps I will be able to look at the subject closer in the future. As it stands now, my cup runneth over.
What I mean is that the U.S armed forces have become the de facto ground troops for Israel. How many non-Zionists will you put in harm’s way? How many of them enlisted for the “tribe of Christ”? I can’t recall seeing that term on my enlistment contract.
I saw one Jew in a US Army uniform while I was in Iraq; he was a rabbi, a chaplain major, and was there to “catalog the antiquities.” I found it an odd job for a chaplain with no parishioners.
I wondered about that at the time, and I couldn’t believe that others in the “coalition of the willing” knew more about it than I did. There is even a film that mentions it: see “Valley of the Wolves – Iraq”; it’s a Turkish film with English subs.
It blew my mind that this was really going on, and now I read that looting is going on in Syria as well. Remarkably, ordinary soldiers were threatened with big punishments if caught looting anything. Our vehicles were searched throughout. Christian Zionists like yourself are the enablers that allow these crimes to happen. Thanks to the likes of you, the USA is an accomplice.
Nice dodge. You still can’t tell me what the limits of antisemitism are (because there aren’t any), and you can’t tell me where the borders of your beloved Israel are either (because there aren’t any).
‘…I do joke about it, but if you read the Bible I think it is very clear that Israel must be the home of the Jews, and tribe of Christ must be protected there…’
Obviously, you’re very careful about which bits of the Bible you read. The parable of the evil husbandmen, for example, is perfectly clear. In killing Christ, the Jews have finally forfeited their claim to Palestine.
‘…I’m looking for a boundary for the slippery term “antisemitism”, if such a boundary can exist; likewise, I seek a boundary for the so-called Jewish state, if such a boundary could ever exist. Are there any? I invite you to define such boundaries, if at all possible.’
? What’s slippery about the term? ‘Antisemitism’ means to be other than unconditionally and uncritically supportive of Israel or to fail to obey its will in all things. Seems clear enough to me.
‘I get this and I’m glad Graham is showing cahones (wish he would kick Israel in the face)…but it seems weird that our government is essentially getting involved in a domestic Saudi matter. I mean the guy was a Saudi national and they torture and kill their own people all the time (often with equipment we’ve sold them) so I don’t get why we are sticking our nose in now…’
Be that as it may. Only good things are flowing from this. For starters, the odds that we will get frog-marched into a war with Iran have fallen.
‘…We had a system where the human race made steady progress – it never achieved paradise – it just make things better, slowly but surely…’
This can be illusory. Every age is better at living up to its own values than any that have gone before it. Consider what a twelfth-century clergyman from an aristocratic background would think of modern America.
“Oh great – all we need to do is off 80% of the human race – brilliant.”
This comment exemplifies what I meant by “worthy.” The poster here clearly lacked the cognitive ability to draw the intended conclusion from my comment: we alter the genetics of the future population through a voluntary genetic improvement scheme, not mass murder in the present. This guy may have the right mentality, but he lacks both the intelligence and the introspection required to be an ideal democrat. Having the various traits exist simultaneously and in the right degree in any one person is rare.
“We had a system where the human race made steady progress – it never achieved paradise – it just make things better, slowly but surely.”
…before the age of modern science. And lots of societies in the present have rejected this “system” of yours and are better off for it. Japan does quite well with her native philosophies. Why? Because the Japanese have the world’s highest average IQ, 7 points higher than the American IQ. This means that Japan will be a good place to live regardless of philosophy. It’s the population that counts first and foremost.
“That system was the Christian philosophy of idealism.”
A set of Bronze Age superstitions that has no logical connection to anything I proposed. In any normally distributed population, the extent to which that philosophy is adopted will depend upon the subject’s underlying personality, which is in turn determined largely by genetics. Therefore, imposition of this superstition – or anything similar – will fail over the long term. Some will reject the philosophy, some will even undermine it. To maintain it, a police state will be required to crush opposition to it. But as we have seen throughout history, such systems never last.
Fundamentally, the problem with your idea is that … well, it’s just an idea. And ideas change all the time. Look around. Languages change. Accents change. Clothing styles change …. religions change. Even if it worked, it would not work for long.
However, genetics will not change. Or at least not change appreciably under my scheme if done correctly. Therefore, in my scheme the underpinnings of society will be more-or-less permanent, regardless of changing philosophies. My society is stable over the long term. Yours will crumble into dust and be forgotten like the many thousands of civilizations before it.
“The system says that we should act ideally – it says to be hopeful, respectful of life, loving, truthful, forgiving, and graceful. To make progress, history shows that this system does not require that everyone be rocket scientists.”
History has shown that good nations are made by good people, and the most prosperous nations are made by the best people. Otherwise, Christian nations in Sub-Saharan Africa should be superpowers by now.
If one wants good, stable nations, one should embrace better genetics, not superstitions. The way things have been done before modern science does not work or we would not be in the same – or similar – situation countless other civilizations have found themselves in: collapse of the reigning order; therefore, in order to avoid the same outcome as all previous civilizations, we must do something fundamentally different – something no other civilization in history has done before: embrace genetic engineering.
“Many pseudo intellectuals have bought into the Jew idea that all that matters is good genetics.”
The origin of an idea has no impact on its truth. Besides, the idea is supported by tons of evidence, unlike your superstition. What you are attempting to do here is hand wave away an argument you cannot rebut on equal grounds (science, practicality) with a blind appeal to emotion; hence, the use of the word “Jew” when it is not appropriate in this context.
“These weak-minded individuals have succumbed to the ancient backwards tribal Jew mindset. The Talmudic tribal Jews intellectually disrespect life, truth, and forgiveness. The Jews have these mini-minds, trashing their own heritage of slow steady real progress – what fools.”
These are the people voting in your elections ladies and gentlemen. Think about that my fellow 2%. If it’s not some SJW racist, it’s some nutcase internet poster.
“succumbed to the ancient backwards tribal Jew mindset”
Humans are fundamentally tribal by nature. My proposal accounts for this. Your philosophy does not. Hence, yours will fail. Ask the Soviet Union how societies based on principles not in accordance with human nature work out. In fact, you don’t have to. Look around. Your philosophy has failed in the rest of the Western World, too. Rather than revive dead religious dogma (which I can promise you is neigh impossible in this secular society), I think it is time we entertain other options.
The west has the same problem that you are talking about. We are ruled now in the west by 500 BC themes for endless wars. The west’s seven nations to destroy theme for the Middle east comes from Deuteronomy 7.1-2. The west can’t progress if it is stuck in destructive tribal fantasies of 500 BC themes.
Small correction: It states peaceful “Resolution” not revolution in first part of JFK statement. Many make same mistake lately I notice. No big deal, but is still good to correct it I think.
No doubt about that – when properties in question are our children, homelands and future.
Europeans still remember “Judaism”s boycott of Germany. How has such action now become illegal in Israel’s mind?
There is some truth in this. As an American, I find the U.S. governments foreign policy disgusting, repulsive and highly immoral. Ditto on its reliance on the printing press/bankers/financiers to enable it.
Interesting. I actually came across it by incident without sourcing so that’s on me.
I do agree with the spirit of it though and thank you for pointing it out; I’ll look into it.
It used to be you were an anti Semite ‘if you hated Jews’ now you’re an anti Semite if you disagree with them.
Calypso Louie (Louis Farrakhan) has a great new term, ‘anti termite’. (Grin)
It’s a Jewish foreign policy. That’s why you find it repulsive.
Again, it’s a Jewish printing press and their Jewish bankers/financiers who are enabling it.
Welcome to the real world.
Well put – we must see the positives. Anything that puts some distance between our elites and their willingness to go along with Saudi foreign policy (at its current trajectory) is resulting in a good thing…
Am not writing about religious piety – but about Christian philosophy – which has moved humanity into a portion of prosperity and personal freedom.
It is the Christian ideals of being hopeful, respecting life, loving, being truthful, forgiving, and being graceful – that has inched humankind forward to a measure of prosperity and freedom.
Clearly we have much further to go!
Clearly, we must not discard the totality of Christianity because of its imperfections.
Think Peace — Art
“Welcome to the real world.”
I am thankful to God it’s only temporary.