

I was thinking about you whole the time.の意味と恋愛シーンでの使い方。「ずっとあなたのことを考えてた」って英語で言える?


I was thinking about you whole the time..の意味と恋愛シーンでの使い方

英語で I was thinking about you whole the time.は「ずっとあなたのことを考えていた」っていうニュアンスの意味がある英会話フレーズだよ。I was.だから過去のことを話すときのフレーズね。たとえば、昨日の夜のことを伝えるときなんかに使うわね。「昨夜はずっとあなたのことを考えていたのよ。」っていうときもI was thinking about you whole the time.でいいの。

  • I didn't sleep well last night.
    because I was thinking about you whole the time.

なるほどね!I was thinking.で「私は考えていました」ってことね。I’m thinking.だと「今考えている」ってこと?

そうね。I’m thinking about you.だと「今、キミのことを考えているよ」って感じ。その場合はalways.とくっつけるのがおすすめね。
I’m always thinking about you.だと、「いつもあなたのことを考えているよ」になるから恋愛シーンにはぴったりのフレーズでしょ?


  • How are you?
    Good ! because I’m always thinking about you.


  • What are you doing?
    Now...I’m thinking about you...


ではボクとソフィアは実際にどんな場面でI was thinking about you.を使ったのでしょうか?それでは本編をお楽しみください!



ボクとソフィアが実際にI was thinking about you whole the time.を使ったやりとり31日目①

Good morning Sophia have a beautiful Sunday.
thanks for your friendship and everything.
I have an exclusive “music sommelier”.
He became a friend on Facebook.
he has a close relationship with me and my hubby of music is close.
While I was talking, we became friends with nature.
I met him the same as when you and I met.
He chooses tens of songs for me just for everyday and sends it by messenger.
There was this song that he sent me yesterday.
I didn't know this song.
however, I loved it very much the moment I listened it.
it is a little old song.
after that, I was surprised when I looked at the lyrics.
it is a song about true friendship.
this song reached in my heart may be because I can sympathize lyrics as well as melodies.
it's a song called “That's what friends are for”.
I’m moved from the harmonica of Stevie Wonder from the beginning of this song.
Do you know that song? (おはようソフィア。素敵な日曜日を過ごしてね。いつも友情をありがとう。ボクには専属の音楽ソムリエがいるんだ。彼とはフェイスブックで友達になったんだよ。とても仲良くしていて、音楽の趣味が合うんだ。だからね、話しているうちに自然に友達になったんだ。彼と出会ったのはキミに会ったころと同じ時期だね。彼はね、毎日10数曲をボクのためにMessengerで送ってくれるんだ。この曲は昨日彼が送ってくれたんだけど、ボクはこの曲のことを知らなかったの。でもね、聴いた瞬間にすごく気に入ったんだよ。少し古い曲だけどね。聴いたあとに歌詞を調べて驚いたんだ。この曲は本当の友情についての歌だったんだよ。この曲が響いたのは、歌詞にもメロディーにも共感できたからかもしれない。この曲はね、“That's what friends are for”「それが友達ってものだよ」っていうタイトルなの。スティービー・ワンダーの出だしのハーモニカから感動しちゃったよ。この曲知ってる?)

Good morning and welcome back.
you are really early riser.
get sleep well??

Hello. I didn't sleep well.
I don't know why.
I was thinking the whole time.

What were you thinking ?

Ah, a lot of things.
No work tomorrow. my life, some problems.
I was also thinking about you.

Now I'm my mom's driver for shopping.
I will contact you again when I return home!

Of course. talk soon. take care.
drive carefully.

Sorry about that.
I came back. are you busy now??
I also have some programs to solve.
but it is a program that time can be solved.
everything is going well.
I was also thinking about you.
so I got up earlier this morning than usual.

Done already? wow.
Right Now TV says about the typhoon hits Osaka.
is that correct? are you safe?

My district is already sunny.
it was not such a strong typhoon.
I am safe. thank you.

I have some things to do this morning.
I want to hear from you later.
it was nice talking to you so early morning.

welcome to contact you anytime!

I heard the song. I knew it.
but I had never noticed the lyrics.
It's a wonderful song. great song about friendship.

I listened to it many times.
okay good luck with your work.


Please contact me when you done.

sure I will.



















にほんブログ村 恋愛ブログ 婚活・結婚活動(本人)へ

