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    12 Nov 2016

    Dear Followers, This is my feed. I'll write what I want. It's not run by a board or by consensus of the readership. Don't like it, unfollow.

  2. 8 minutes ago
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    Türkiye'de eğitimi ile ilgili kapsamlı bir şekilde düşünmeye erkenden başlamamız gerekiyor. Bu yeni yazımız, güncel duruma çok temel bir giriş yapıyor. 👇

  4. 13 hours ago
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    15 hours ago
    Replying to

    Actually they did not announce any candidate they only shared a video which gives a message 'our candidate is you'

  6. 15 hours ago

    Did the CHP announce their candidate or what? I may have missed it as I’m actually being social on a Friday night for a change but not finding anything...?

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  7. 15 hours ago
  8. 15 hours ago

    FM Çavuşoğlu says Turkey is re-opening its consulates in Basra and Mosul.

  9. Retweeted
    Oct 11

    Sanatçı, küratör, yazar ve akademisyen Emre Zeytinoğlu’nun Yol Halleri Sergisi kapsamındaki söyleşisi, 13 Ekim 2018 Cumartesi günü Siyah Beyaz’da gerçekleşecek. Detaylar ve daha fazla etkinlik için:

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    Major tensions between Turkey and the US remain. But at least now there is room for the two to discuss other divisive issues, including Turkey’s S400 purchase, America’s support for the PKK’s Syrian franchise, and sanctions against Iran.

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    Brunson is free. The generous view: a man spent 2 years in custody on charges that should have been laughed out of court. The less generous view: Erdogan’s government used Brunson to force concessions from the US, got sanctions instead, and released him to avoid further blowback.

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    This longtime US consulate worker, unlike Brunson, has not had the Trump administration advocate for his release. So, you largely will not be hearing about him today, and the allegations against him won’t spontaneously dissipate.

  13. Retweeted
    19 hours ago

    Rahip Brunson’u İnönü bıraktırdı!

  14. Retweeted
    Oct 11

    Testimony from new secret witness in Brunson trial gives a good sense of the legitimacy of Turkey's legal system.

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    19 hours ago

    “Releasing Pastor Brunson is not a structural reform” says leading economist, as Turks realise there are no more excuses left for the tanking economy.

  16. Retweeted
    Oct 6

    Gerçekten o kağıt parçalayıcının orada olduğundan ne koleksiyonerin ne müzayede şirketinin, kimsenin haberi yok muymuş ve yine kimseden habersiz mi tam o sırada çalıştırmış?

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  17. 19 hours ago
  18. 19 hours ago

    Meanwhile for anyone whose remembers Hamza Uluçay - the Turkish national working for the US Adana Consulate who was detained and charged with "being a member of a terror org" - his ongoing trial was today too. Court ruled against his release.

  19. Retweeted
    19 hours ago

    Some Turks in the Arab world probably altered their names just to fit in. In other cases, it likely happened organically. Read in accordance with Ottoman orthography, for example, Arabic "Qawuqji" would likely still have been pronounced "Kavukçu" up into the early 20th century.

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    19 hours ago

    The surname of Fawzi al-Qawuqji, a leading early Arab nationalist, comes from Turkish "Kavukçu" - here's Cumhuriyet calling him "Fevzi Kavukçu" in 1948. These people all had Turkish heritage. So why and how did their names become Arabized?

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  21. Retweeted
    19 hours ago

    Journalist and Nobel laureate Tawakkol Karman hails from a part of Yemen that was in Ottoman hands for centuries. In 2012, she claimed "Ottoman ancestry," via the Turkish province of Karaman, and was granted Turkish citizenship. Here's Yeni Şafak calling her "Tevekkül Karaman."

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