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  1. Retweeted
    11 hours ago

    On the first day of the Jaish al Fateh offensive aimed at capturing Idlib city, Jabhat al-Nusra sends off two BMP-1 SVBIEDs targeting checkpoints surrounding the city. In assisting the assault, Jund al-Aqsa sends another two BMP-1 SVBIEDs (March 24, 2015)

  2. 11 hours ago

    Lots of security inside their "re-education" camps ryte.

  3. 13 hours ago

    Saraya Jund Aqeedah sniper unit eliminated 4 Assadists on Maan front in

  4. Retweeted
    16 hours ago

    مطالبة روسيا بإخراج من ادلب هي رسالة للمغفلين والحمقى ممن كان يطالب بحل الهيئة لتجنيب الشمال مصير غيرها من المدن اتمنى ان تكون الرسالة قد وصلت لكم...

  5. Retweeted
    Oct 11

    It’s sad seeing everyone come together to condemn MbS for his murder of Khashoggi and rightly so but the righteous scholars behind bars have no one to defend them. No one writes pieces in renowned media outlets to raise awareness about their ill treatment at the hands

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  6. Retweeted
    Oct 11

    So many congrats to the badass for winning the ’s Print award last night in London. Read her work uncovering US-led killings of civilians in Somalia:

  7. Retweeted
    Oct 11

    Remember all "analysts" (in fact regime propagandists) who claimed "reconciliation" was the best option of Syrians civilians leaving in opposition area. Now even water becomes unaffordable in Busra.

  8. Retweeted
    Oct 11

    S. : turns out Moataz Abu Ali killed by on front 3 days ago was ex leader of FSA Ahmed Abdu. He joined & led an assault group. Some of his men report. KIA/missing. He's 1st ex-Rebel fatality documented on this front.

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  9. Retweeted
    Oct 11

    New footage released by Boston Dynamics shows the latest capabilities of the Atlas robot

  10. Retweeted
    Oct 9
    Replying to

    About this report... this is the response of Ammer to the claims against him in this post. If accuracy matters.

  11. Retweeted
    Oct 10

    1/2 2017 he reconciled with the regime and became head of the national reconciliation in Barzeh! was honored by Russia and the regime for fighting ISIS in Hama countryside. Now he is in some mukhabarat dungeon after few people sued him for of crimes including deliberate killing.

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  12. Oct 9

    Of course Neda & its western circle isn't going to go "omg protesters against NLF, nlf is eating their babies!!"

  13. Retweeted
    Oct 9

    S. : taking advantage of pause in Offensive on front, carrying out small attacks w/ Inghimasis. Regime also preparing for attrition war, building outposts & receiving reinforcements. IS released pics of previous ambushes.

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  14. Retweeted
    Oct 9

    - Regime forces target the town of Morek in north Hama with artillery shelling and heavy machineguns. - Opposition battalions sniper two regime troops on the axis of Ma'an village, east of Hama.

  15. Retweeted
    Oct 9

    This defense contractor is trying to sell the Army plastic jihadis for training who come with baskets of plastic fish and plastic naan

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  16. Oct 8

    Mostly for the cameras. It's not going down the way russia dreams for.

  17. Oct 8

    HTS freed 2 kidnapped by ISIS near Marat Masreen, & also frees a White Helmets prisoner & vehicle kidnapped by Gang impersonating HTS from S.E. - after HTS patrol clashed with the criminals in Kafr Awuyd, however managed to escape towards S. Ghab - .

  18. Oct 8

    murabiteen in Lattakia.

  19. Oct 7

    All areas of being attacked by Assadist regime.

  20. Retweeted

    Shaykh Muhammad al-Hasan ad-Dadū: “They [today’s rulers] are not the Khulafā’ (successors) of Rasūlullāh (ﷺ). Rather, they are the Khulafā’ of Colonization.”

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