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    Welcome back sur mon blog de Bagdad à Jérusalem, l'Orient indiscret (après une longue absence, c'est vrai...) >>

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    MbS seduced the West with implicit promises of big money projects and lucrative contracts, very few of which have actually materialized. He promised Pres. Trump $110 billion dollars in arms sales, yet the Saudis have not concluded one single major arms deal. Remember Aramco IPO?

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    Oct 11
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    Excellent work by BBC, , tracking the recent changes ISIS made on the boundaries of its local areas of operation:

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    Erdogan to receive a high-level delegation led by Prince Khaled al-Faisal, special adviser to king & elder brother of Khashoggi’s former boss, Prince Turki al-Faisal, former intelligence chief &ambassador to US does not go unnoticed - Effort to isolate King Salman from events

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    In his disappearance and probable death, journalist may have done more to get Washington to see the troubling reality of ’s Saudi Arabia than he ever could have done in his writing, writes for :

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    Senate unanimously passed the Hizballah International Financing Prevention Amendments Act of 2017 (S. 1595). In September, the House of Representatives adopted the legislation.

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    The website for the saudi Future Investment Initiative conference no longer has a ‘speakers’ tab and the Program schedule now has no names, just the conversation subject (h/t )

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    20 hours ago

    Doing research in the Middle East is becoming dangerous. If this does not change, institutions and individuals will be increasingly cautious with fieldwork and this will impoverish our capacity to understand, explain and foresee.

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    13 hours ago

    Jamal Khashoggi’s Friends in Washington Are in Shock The Saudi journalist, allegedly murdered in Istanbul, is mourned by friends and associates who knew him here in exile as more of a Saudi patriot than a dissident.

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    12 hours ago

    "What has reportedly happened in Turkey around the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, if proved true, would clearly change the ability of any of us in the West to do business with the Saudi Government," Branson said in the statement.

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    12 hours ago
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    Oct 11

    "Senators in both parties are gearing up to force a vote on scrapping U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia amid mounting frustration over the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi" via

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    19 hours ago

    After CNN, FT, New York Times and LA Times owner all pull out, will be interesting to see what Bloomberg do -- especially given their $90 million 10-year joint venture with the Saudi Research and Marketing Group, an entity closely associated with the family of King Salman.

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    Arab media coverage of Khashoggi's apparent murder has really exposed the partisan leanings and unprofessionalism of many outlets. Sky News Arabia, al-Arabiya, local Saudi & Emirati channels all spreading ridiculous conspiracy theories.

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    15 hours ago
  18. Ce qu'Emmanuel Macron disait récemment de MBS à un groupe d'ONG réunies à l'Elysée: "je ne fais pas partie du choeur des convertis à MBS, je ne vais pas l'encenser, mais je ne vais pas le plomber". Dans Le Figaro.

  19. Enfin, E. Macron sait très bien tout ce que la France, ses dirigeants ou ses comptes doivent en aides financières apportées par l'Arabie, les EAU et le Qatar, depuis plus de 30 ans, dans l'Hexagone ou en Afrique. C'est là aussi où nous sommes demandeurs.

  20. Macron a probablement un peu moins raison qd il dit : "je n'ai jamais installé la diplomatie en fonction de critères commerciaux". Même si sa mise au point vise surtout la "diplomatie éco" de Hollande et de Fabius, infructueuse, et qui a conduit Paris à avaler bcp de couleuvres.

  21. Macron dit aussi avec justesse: "maintenant il faut être clair, nous avons avec l'Arabie et les Emirats un partenariat de confiance dans la région qui n'est pas commercial mais stratégique". Sous entendu nous luttons ensemble contre l'influence iranienne au Moyen-Orient.


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