No really, Thurry just helped him move in last weekend, it's good to hear you finally get to be with him now, now hurry up and pack all that crap you got, bro =P
well long as its not death vally arizona XD. had firend that lived there painter gryph was the name on furcadia.. and sounded like she was liveing in one of thos military silo's or somthing but good luck. if passing through texas is in carrollton :D hehe
You picked the wrong time of year to move to Phoenix. ;)
At least, that's what everyone told me when I moved here in the middle of June two years ago. I managed to survive the experience despite the fact that I've always preferred being cold to being hot, so chances are that you'll be fine too. And I was only moving for a job, so I had much less motivation to put up with the Phoenix summer than it sounds like you will.
Hehe, I know the tempts. 110-120F around that time. I'll be good though. Made sure I can afford to pay the bills for a good few months so I can just stay in the house and relax before finding myself a job =)
That's great bro. ^^ I have no clue were in US it is, could check the maps but no need. *chuckles* Will still be a few years before I got the chance to get to US and visit Altie and the gang.
Oh no. I moved further away from my mate when I moved to here(cape cod). Was offered MUCH better living conditions and a decent paying job. My mate at the time was far from in any position to be able to live with. No room in his apt, and couldn't afford anything bigger, so all I could do at the time was visit him as much as possible. Lol, I must have spent over 3k visiting him over the past 3 years 0.o
My condolences... I'm a little south of Tucson myself, and hear that the humidity's quite a bit worse in the north part of the state. You're just in time for summer.
I'm here in Tempe and haven't run into that bad of humidity so far. Only right after the one day it rained.. Either way this place is hell when you're used to northern climates.
There are, though I'm not really going for one. I've found I can't stand working as a PC tech as long as I have a head tech above me. THey're all old ass people that are stuck in there old ways of handling problems. Given, there ways worked very well back in the day =p But today, it mostly just wastes a bunch of time>.< So it wickedly bugs me, lol. I'm going to try and get a job at Cox Communications answering customer service calls. Friend of mine works there and makes like 19 an hour, and the gig starts you off at 14, so I'm more then happy with that =)
Hey, i noticed from my journal notification that your moving to az, i personally live in tucson =P
but prepared to meet the heat, phoenix is usually like 10 degrees hotter then tucson cause of all the pavement....but im sure you will get used to it ;)
Squeee.. I'm so happy for you Athus. ^^' I surely hope I'll be able to come visit sometime soon, once I get things situated myself hehe. Lots of love. =)