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    Welcome back sur mon blog de Bagdad à Jérusalem, l'Orient indiscret (après une longue absence, c'est vrai...) >>

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    Virgin and Richard Branson freeze Saudi ties over Khashoggi disappearance. Suspect many other companies will follow under public opinion pressure.

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    Repeating again: If MBS gets away with this, then none of us are safe. Everything changes for us. Everything.

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    This, a thousand times this -> "Badr Basalmah, a former Yemeni transport minister who lives in the city, said he is especially worried about soaring unemployment among the biggest segment of the population: young people."

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    22 hours ago

    's deployment of S-300 missile defense systems to might not necessarily change the overall balance of forces with regard to

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    15 hours ago

    The recent Regional Security Dialogue in Tehran is an indication that sees security multilateralism as a mechanism to confront pressure and maintain the regional balance of power in its favour

  7. Retweeted
    2 hours ago

    "Abou Dhabi est passé maître dans l’art de la double opération « communication/répression » en employant une armée de firmes de relations publiques pour démonter les accusations"

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    2 hours ago

    En livrant les noms des suspects du meurtre de , la Turquie a mis la pression sur MBS et l’Arabie Saoudite .Si les saoudiens ont pris si peu de précautions c’est qu’ils voulaient que leurs opposants reçoivent un message clair.

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    2 hours ago

    Putin wants to see the international community come together and help Syria.

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    10 hours ago

    Russia Winning Information & Electronic War Over Syria, US & UK Generals Warn

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    If Khashoggi murdered, Trump notes: • In Turkey, not in US. • US resident, not US citizen. • Saudis spend $110B on US exports, not a few bucks at the local bodega.

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    2 game changer developments out of in past 6 hours: 1) spies on consulate in & allegedly has video of murder; 2) potential breakthrough in relation with near release of Pastor

  13. Retweeted
    9 hours ago

    Le Koweït annonce une coopération militaire avec la comme l’a fait le Qatar après avoir été attaqué par l’Arabie Saoudite les Émirats Arabes Unis, le Bahreïn et l’Égypte.

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    8 hours ago

    The more this unfolds the more I believe the Saudis wanted to send a message, there is no other reasonable explanation to torture Khashoggi before killing him.

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    I’m terribly distressed by the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and reports of his murder. I will no longer be participating in the Future Investment Initiative in Riyadh.

  16. Retweeted
    11 hours ago

    Apparently the Saudi ambassador to Washington (MbS' younger brother) is en route to Riyadh for consultations. It is very difficult to predict what the next phase of the US-Saudi relationship will be.

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    5 hours ago

    Israel and Qatar have been growing closer over the last few months as a result of their joint efforts to save Gaza from collapse

  18. Retweeted
    8 hours ago

    Interesting Harbour Group has represented Abu Dhabi in DC for a decade. When they started doing work for Saudi Arabia in 2017 it was consistent with Saudi-Emirati coordination in other fields. Wonder if this reflects a company decision or Abu Dhabi distancing itself from Saudi

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    9 hours ago

    UN envoy to meets with officials from the al movement, the Hadi government, and to discuss the peace process.

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    7 hours ago
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    7 hours ago

    The doesn't hold back: Kushner tried “to promote MbS to skeptical national security officials, who have long viewed him as an impetuous and ruthless leader who has an overly simplistic view of the complex challenges” US faces in Middle East


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