フックが優勝するらしいね 見てないけど
Dogura's face with his adorable daughter
yamcha buff nappa buff gotenks nerf
I watched the stream archive.Developer said about gotenks like this "Like other characters,gotenks gets some buffs,and his other parts get nerfed" I cant say clealy its "nerf"
Do you have a link to the archive? I tried searching for it and couldn’t find it. Was there base Goku and Vegeta gameplay?
no gamelay and japanese only so you don't have to watch the archive. https://www.openrec.tv/live/q64VWp1grzc
DOA6 is better in graphics.
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DBXqAMlVoAAVsJZ.jpg Fuudo supported his crime obuviously.
Never heard anything like this, what exactly has he done?
sorry "sexual miscondcut" was an exaggeration.LUL I heard kuroda spam DM to his followers randomly for the purpose of sexual things.
http://k.pd.kzho.net/1530196783444.jpg Bonchan is confrimed in the audience
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