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  1. 14 hours ago

    Yet that would be a turning point. Clumsy kidnapping of Hariri was still "old" KSA: bully, but not to the extent of killing a Lebanese Prime Minister Syrian style.

  2. 14 hours ago
  3. 14 hours ago

    Grand Mufti of that time was going berserk and asked government (i.e. Quwwatli among others) for special powers to act against new sects. There's hardly anything comparable in today's Syria.

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  4. 14 hours ago

    As for "Gods": Quwwatli's time was marked by the emergence of new religions, sects and cults like the Murshidiyya, Ahmadiyya, al-Albani's Salafiyya, plus some weird groups such as the purported nudist cult of Tuma al-Harastani.

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  5. 14 hours ago

    Political "prophets" in today's Syria aren't even Syrian: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Abdullah Ocalan, Khomeyni/Khamenei.

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  6. 14 hours ago

    Even among armed groups few leaders managed to build strong charisma. Zahran 'Allush and al-Jolani are exceptions, and anyway didn't claim to be the political equivalent of a Prophet like the aforementioned Aflaq/Saade did in the mid-20th century

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  7. 14 hours ago

    The current opposition's many leaders are mere (sometimes petty) politicians, there's an obvious absence of charismatic visionaries among them.

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  8. 14 hours ago

    Now, "Prophets": I assume Quwwatli was using it as a metaphor for ideologues like Michel Aflaq and the late Antoun Saade. Latter were product of their time and there's hardly any equivalent in post-2011 Syrian politics.

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  9. 14 hours ago

    One might draw a parallel with highly factionalised/personalised character of opposition politics in post-2011 Syria, but its origins are entirely different: it resulted from 50 years of eradication of political life by the regime, which prevented any genuine party politics

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  10. 14 hours ago

    First, "national leaders": by 1958, Syria had a profusion of ambitious politicians because it was a democracy, whereas Nasser's Egypt was a one-man dictatorship

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  11. 14 hours ago

    With due respect to my esteemed friend and colleague , I think, on the contrary, that this quote is "mortal", that is, context-specific. I feel it's often used to imply that Syria's problems are rooted in an exceptional/intangible political culture, but it's misleading

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  12. Retweeted
    Oct 5

    The decree n°16 that's causing panic in explained in : Many have equated the decree with religious extremism and the end of secularism, but it's "pure fantasy", says

  13. Oct 4

    Decree doesn't make regime less secular, just more authoritarian. It strengthens control of Ministry over religious field only (not culture) at expense of Grand Mufti. Moral panic among hardcore regime supporters is unfounded

  14. Oct 3

    Very interesting chart, but it's not every minority-dominated regions; rather, provinces with large Alawite population, be they a local majority (Tartous, Latakia) or not (Hama, Homs). Suwayda is minority (Druze)-dominated but it's not over-represented.

  15. Retweeted
    Oct 2

    Nous publions aujourd'hui ce texte de , un hommage à Amer, révolutionnaire capable de traverser une frontière en guerre pour apporter un verre d'eau

  16. Retweeted
    Oct 1

    Powerful - Syrian artist recreates his suffering in 's prisons. drawing and condemning what he saw - and reminding the world what unspeakable crimes the Syrian regime is continuing to commit against its own people

  17. Retweeted
    Oct 1

    French communist MP Ian Brossat in court Tuesday, sued for defamation by Bashar al-Assad's uncle Rifaat for describing Paris property as 'ill-gotten' and bought with money stolen from the Syrian people (1984 of Rifaat al-Assad)

  18. Sep 29

    "Syrian government guarantees" = oxymoron

  19. Retweeted
    Sep 28

    Judiciary in , declares that Ahrar al-Sham cannot be considered a terrorist organization. And yet neighboring is debating [laughably] to consider labeling the ’s 13th Division, 51st Division, al-Jabhat al-Shamiya & Suqor al-Jabal as terror groups.

  20. Sep 28

    "De l’architecture malmenée au soulèvement" : à propos du livre de Marwa al-Sabouni, The Battle for Home, The Vision of a Young Architect in Syria (pour le projet ANR Shakk)


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