Okay, so first I was pissed. I was like DAMNIT FA and threw a bit of a tantrum but now that I thought over it... yeah, I agree with the mods on this one.
You see there was this fascist posting racist memes, pepe the frog, etc on FA and I reported his posts which violated at least two AUP rules and the mods would argue with me how they're okay. Granted, this was before the new code of conduct rule, but still they were stolen art and it was still hate speech.
Going back and forth at least 10 times they decided to not remove him. A couple weeks later, I visit this fascist's page, and OMG HE"S SUSPENDED! Finally! His gallery was emptied and he seemed permanently banned. Then FA posted about the code of conduct changes and I was like HOORAY WE WIN!
So I was caught up in the right side of history winning again (we beat the nazis btw... a little something called... WORLD WAR II). My stupid-self thought it'd be clever to post on the banned user's "Bye, bitch!"
That was dumb and got me suspended. Maybe "Bye, Felicia!" would have been better.
Honestly, I've been pissed since FA:U when sales for my business were so abysmal, I lost money. I also was stranded in DC because of Hurricane Harvey and just generally pissy at everything. The suspension made things worse.
Anyways, I feel better and not going to rage quit FA or anything. I'm glad FA is trying to make positive changes and police the community so that FA is a safe space for all genders, orientations, ethnicities, etc. (I know fascists want to think they are special and count as a class but they don't... you aren't born a fascist).
A great video I think everyone should watch is a Contrapoints video about fascisism and their tactics in winning over "centrists" and young impressionable people.
The whole video is just one big strawman argument. Donald Trump is not a fascist. I honestly laughed when they tried to equate the index finger pointing up as a fascist symbol because conservative speaker James Allsup had it in his twitter name.
The arguments made by her "strawman" are arguments I've seen from fascists. Do you have an example of a statement she made as her nazi character that nazis and nazi sympathizers didn't make?
Also Trump is a fascist. The first thing he did ON DAY ONE was start signing excutive orders. He did 18 in 12 days. Now you may go "Obama did more!" Yes, he did one more. And Trump criticized him for it xD https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump.....39756105207808
Our president is a fucking moron.
But maybe you're right he may be a fascist but he's a bad one since he can't get anything passed. He's too busy golfing.
"Do you have an example of a statement she made as her nazi character that nazis and nazi sympathizers didn't make?" So anyone that makes any of the arguments in the video are immediately a fascist? Some Nazis probably do make this argument, but I assure you, not everyone that says those arguments, is a nazi. I hate Nazis and KKK clansmen, they are both truly terrible and racist people.
"Also Trump is a fascist. The first thing he did ON DAY ONE was start signing executive orders. He did 18 in 12 days. Now you may go "Obama did more!" Yes, he did one more. And Trump criticized him for it xD " So Obama is more of a fascist than Trump. It sounds like the number of executive orders signed means the more likely of a fascist you're going to be. I know Obama is not a fascist, I Trumo is not a fascist.
"Our president is a fucking moron." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWdd6_ZxX8c You're free to hate Trump, you're free to like him as well, this is America where we can have opinions
"But maybe you're right he may not be a fascist, but he's a bad president since he can't get anything passed. He's too busy golfing."He nearly got Obamacare repealed, but the vote failed 49-51, so its not like he is not trying to do anything. He also isn't golfing 24/7, he has been seen confirmed golfing 24 times since inauguration, that is about 3 times per month he as gone golfing. I will agree that his comments on Obama golfing during his presidency are not ok, as Trump has indeed gone golfing more than Obama at this point.
"This is something a fascist would say! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBbOs0O8K1A"; I don't think that makes him a fascist though, he is saying that murderers shouldn't be given common courtesy, which I agree. I have 0 tolerance for criminals. But, they should only be treated like that when they are found guilty in court because everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
I don't think you, or the person in the video are terrible people, I am just stating my opinion.
Was the point of the video really directed more at Trump, or towards the would-be fascists that support him and the tactics they use to try and seem like reasonable people with their own view points and opinions (I don't mean that as a jab at your last line, Cargolon) when what they really are is a bunch of neo-nazi white nationalists? Like, I don't think the video is trying to say that Trump doing that "okay" sign with his hand is a wink and a nod to neo-nazis, but that neo-nazis adopted that as a wink and a nod to each other because Trump happens to do that with his hands so often. Maybe that's just me, it just seems like the point of the video has been kind of lost in this.
The video was trying to paint President Trump and his followers as fascists. I saw a few conservative commentators (Lauren Southern, James Allsup, Baked Alaska) being labelled as fascist by the transgender woman in the video, when there is no evidence that they are fascist at all. That is my issue with the video. I will not deny the Alt-Right violence at Charlottesville, but we can't deny the other times Antifa has been violent as well.
And maybe I travel in good groups, but I've not heard anyone denying that Antifa has had some bad in it's past too. The difference to me being that Antifa is the result, not the cause. Take away the neo-nazis and klansmen and Antifa, with nobody to fight against, goes away. However, take away Antifa and the neo-nazis and klansmen will remain. To me that makes the alt-right neo-nazis and klansmen a priority. The current dialogue of "Well sure they're bad, but what about Antifa?" seems like kind of a waste of time and/or a tactic to divert attention away from the real problem facing the country at the moment, no? That's why when we're talking about a neo-nazi that drives a car into a group of people and Trump says, "Yeah, but what about Antifa! What are we gonna do about them!", we get irked, because there's a time to talk about them, which we have and will continue to do, but now is not the time. Right now we're talking about someone running into a crowd with a car. And the answer to what we're going to do to stop Antifa, is that we're going to stop the neo-nazis and KKK. I hate to slip into metaphor (I'm lying, I'm mildly addicted to it, haha), but if I get cancer in my throat, and develop a harsh cough from it, I don't want my doctor to say, "Well, this cancer is a bad thing and all, but why is nobody talking about that cough of yours!" Cure the cancer and the cough goes away, right?
I didn't realize this comment from the other night, so I know its a little late.
"And maybe I travel in good groups, but I've not heard anyone denying that Antifa has had some bad in it's past too." When Donald Trump first condemned the violence on both sides during the Charlottesville incident, people still took to social media saying that he didn't condemn the KKK and the Neo-nazis. That raises a red flag for me, because it sounds like other people don't care about the violence antifa is causing. Violence is bad, no matter who or what you are, it has no place here.
"Take away the neo-nazis and klansmen and Antifa, with nobody to fight against, goes away. However, take away Antifa and the neo-nazis and klansmen will remain." If we get rid of neo-nazis and klansmen, Antifa will remain. They are all an issue.
"To me that makes the alt-right neo-nazis and klansmen a priority." All 3 of them are a priority. I only see people with opinions, and people that want to beat/kill people over their opinions.
That's why when we're talking about a neo-nazi that drives a car into a group of people and Trump says, "Yeah, but what about Antifa! What are we gonna do about them!" Trump blamed the violence on both sides, called the driver a cold blooded killer, and called the girl that died at Charlottesville "a beautiful, innocent woman". The only time I heard him ask "What about the Alt-Left (Antifa)" is when a reporter asks him about the alt-right violence.
"I hate to slip into metaphor (I'm lying, I'm mildly addicted to it, haha), but if I get cancer in my throat, and develop a harsh cough from it, I don't want my doctor to say, "Well, this cancer is a bad thing and all, but why is nobody talking about that cough of yours!" Cure the cancer and the cough goes away, right?" It is kind of hard to rid a cancerous tumor in the patients neck if they keep coughing. If we give the patient cough medicine during surgery, we can get rid of the cancer.
President Trump and most of his followers are fascists... You've been paying attention right? Just the things he says on camera is abysmal about murdering terrorist's families, bombing North Korea, focusing on the "alt-left" when a white nationalist murdered a peaceful protester, not mentioning the black gentleman that was beaten half-to-death outside a police station, Trump coming to my state of Texas to hold a fucking campaign rally-like speech FOR FLOOD VICTIMS etc etc.
he's obsessed with himself and only cares about himself.
If the fascists go away, so do antifa. Fox News is doing a great job as painting the antifa as also terrorists but was America terrorists during WWII against Germany? Well... I think we were on the right side of history then.
"President Trump and most of his followers are fascists" You have no evidence of that, the video doesn't show evidence of that. Again, the video just throws out strawman arguments.
"You've been paying attention right?" Have YOU been paying attention, North Korea has been threatening the USA, sending missiles over Japan, but you get mad at Trump "Just the things he says on camera is abysmal about murdering terrorist's families, bombing North Korea, focusing on the 'alt-left'" when he wants to protect us (including YOU).
"Trump coming to my state of Texas to hold a fucking campaign rally-like speech FOR FLOOD VICTIMS" He's trying to boost morale after a storm, but you can only get more mad at him, what will it take to please you people?
"not mentioning the black gentleman that was beaten half-to-death outside a police station" I never heard of this story, do you have the news article relating to this story? I'd like to know more about it my self.
"Fox News is doing a great job as painting the antifa as also terrorists" Actually I think they're doing a good job themselves. CNN (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUu46J_OHQ4) actually calls them out on their terrible behavior. We can't also forget they were deemed "Domestic Terrorists" by the Department of Homeland Security. I'm not going to deny that fucking White Supremacist prick running over a crowd and killing that girl. Both sides are at fault, and are both, enemies to our free nation.
"If the fascists go away, so do antifa." We are not fascists ffs. Stop labeling us as such, and if you reference from the video "I'm not a fascist, is exactly is what a fascist would say", you should also keep in mind people that aren't actually a fascist, would say the exact same thing.
You haven't brought a case on how Trump is actually a fascist, the video's definition of a fascist, does NOT match up with Trump at all.
Alright so I watched the video and I wasn't quite sure what I was suppose to learn from it.
The video doesn't explain how to actually recognize a fascist and in fact the even said themselves they sometimes can't tell if someone is at center leaning or a fascist 18:54. The video does try to explain how they spread ideas but it doesn't really help to identify fascists but instead muddy the waters. But then at the end of the video the only ways they tell you to resist fascists is by not allowing them to talk unless it's on a one to one basis like friends.
I really don't support the idea of stripping people of their rights especially of that of the right to free speech. I am surprised more people don't take offense as this video says "unless you agree with our side then your not informed enough about these topics so we don't want to even let you hear these ideas because they are to dangerous for you".
Why we need to allow these people that are labeled as fascists to be able to speak freely is because fascists cannot exist without violence. This also goes the same of other groups like antifa, both of these groups use each other as an excuse to their own existence. Germany at the time the Nazi party came to power was because they didn't have the freedom of speech like we do today, they were able to gain total control with violence and censorship.
I watched the two videos there is a lot of good points she makes. But I would have to disagree with restricting a group of people of their freedom of speech based on their ideas. One time to note that our Freedom of speech has allowed minorities to speak out in the past like the civil rights movement and woman rights issues because legally they had that right. People who tried to shut them down with physical violence eventually failed because they had no right to do so. In the end they were able to convince the majority to consider and address these issues.
One reason I believe freedom of speech works it because it doesn't have to rely on the moral values of the current society and but not allowing a group of people control another with violence such as forming militias to shut down anyone that disagree with them. What is does is that it gives everyone the same amount of power, but like in the videos you link sometimes people will over step boundaries to silence people with their voices. The good thing is that they could not be legally stopped from sharing ideas or form peaceful protests in public areas to gain more supporters. But this part only works when they spread ideas that people are willing to agree with and support.