~Inkmaven's Journals
Hey all! Just a quick update for everyone.

I'm trucking away and making progress on my commission queue, but due to the large nature of the three things on my list, I have nothing really to post here yet to show for it. That will come soon! If you are one of the commissioners waiting for something, feel free to poke me and I can send you some WIPs. I think have sent some fairly recently to all of you but chances are I've done more work on your project since we last spoke.


Exciting things are ahead for me at the end of this month/beginning of next, but those things will be keeping me quite busy from the 24th Feb-4th March. I am attending FurSquared in Milwaukee as well as GDC in San Francisco back to back, both are planned to be business oriented trips for me. Fursquared I plan to artist alley it up all weekend so if I get in and you're attending, look for me there!

Secondly and even more stress inducing is GDC, the largest (?) game developer's conference in the states. People come from all over to go to summits and talks and explore the expo floor. My senior capstone and personal game concept Everend (http://thatowlgame.com/) got into Intel's Student Game Competition this year, which means we'll be presenting at GDC this year! Cool because I love to talk to people about my game, not cool because we're a very small drop in the water compared to the competition which is intense! Regardless I'm happy to be involved and very honored to have been selected.


Some of you may know my character Ruska whose mask was made by the lovely Magpiebones. I've been slowly working on a kickstarter for the past few weeks between other projects and tasks, and I'm glad to say it's finally ready to launch! I won't divulge too much more information, but for now know that the kickstarter will be up tomorrow at 6 PM CST and you can bet your furry butt that I will be advertising the heck out of it here because I'm really excited/proud of the work that went into it! I hope you all will be excited for it too.

Thanks for reading, I hope this update was helpful/informative! Keep being awesome!

a year ago    

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Decided to do a raffle over on twitter--I need one more of these headshots for practice and also because 4 of them is a nice number to post here when I get around to it.

If you want one, check it out: https://twitter.com/inkmavenart/sta.....45744240750592
a year ago    

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Hey all!

As I'm constantly curious about your opinions, I have a question I've asked before.

How do you feel about NSFW content on my page? I know a good portion of you here really appreciate my illustrations and general content, and not so much my NSFW stuff. I also know there are some of you who prefer the explicit stuff.

In the past, I've made a page specifically for more fetishy/nsfw content, but it was hard to maintain the two galleries and it was just not something I was commissioned for often. Now that I'm starting to both open up toward it but also get more interest from commissioners in it, I'm considering splitting my gallery again, but only if it's something that benefits you guys.

On my end of things, I'm starting to use the name Inkmaven in places synonymous with work that is not exclusively furry, so I'd be more comfortable having an extra level of departure from this name when it comes to really explicit content or nudity, but at this point it's not a large enough concern for it to be worth curating two galleries.

What are your thoughts on my content? Is there art you watch me for, and stuff you don't specifically find yourself interested? Should I keep everything here?
a year ago    

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I've cleared my queue of smaller projects, which is great! ...But not so great because now I have nothing to use as a warmup before working on the larger pieces I have yet to finish.
I don't want to take on any extra commissions to be fair to those on my waitlist and current queue but it would be really nice to have a couple smaller projects to get me going/energized/practice a bit before bigger work sessions.

So, anyone interested? I'd probably be interested in the following:

Icons (full color, maybe animated?)
Sketches (colored or uncolored)
Pinups (knee up or something simpler)
Any suggestions!

Feel free to note me or post examples here! I'd love to see your work :) I'll note you back if I'm interested.

a year ago    

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Been a bit unproductive in the last week because I'm struggling with the beginnings of a UTI. It makes working pretty difficult and I don't have my laptop fully set up yet.

Please bear with me as I take care of this, then I'll be back to work!

a year ago    

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My friend Ezra Ezra just recently moved accounts and is trying to scare up some commission work and activity on their page. Go check them out!

Their art is really cute, they drew Ink for me a while back and I like it a lot. Plus their prices are a complete and total steal (really undercharging imo). Go show them some support!

Thanks for looking <3

ezra ezra ezra ezra ezra

a year ago    

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patreon patreon patreon patreon patreon

Keeping this poll public because I want the best data spread I can get.

Please go give it a vote! If you're unfamiliar with the characters, they're briefly described on the main page of my patreon.


Apparently you have to have a patreon account to vote which is kind of dumb. Maybe I'll do a strawpoll or something in the future.

a year ago    

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My friend AgentMoose has a NSFW orgy YCH up for sale, with really affordable slots. they're $25 each, and two slots have yet to fill:


Go get 'em while they're still open!
a year ago    

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I'm seeking some advice here.

Roleplay has been something I've done and been interested in since I was a kid. Even back before I had access to computers, I'd come up with characters for my toys and stuffed animals, give them backstories and personalities, etc. So it was just natural for me once I started using the computer and going on websites (Neopets, GaiaOnline, IM clients) to take those characters and write stories with others involving their characters as well.

Now that I'm older, some of those roleplays have on occasion taken on a sexual connotation, sometimes leading to downright explicit content, though that was not the original intention of starting the scenario. I'm asexual so I take very little pleasure in the situations when they happen, but they can be quite a powerful catalyst for drawing ideas/illustrations.

My question to you is: Do you roleplay? Do you roleplay in a NSFW setting? When you do, is it a thing you reserve specifically for your significant other, or is it something you do with others casually as well? Does someone you are dating have a right to be jealous about text roleplay of the NSFW variety? Do you have an SO and specific arrangements with them about how you roleplay?

I've personally roleplayed with a variety of people and characters, but usually the characters are not ones I use to represent myself (i.e. Ink). They're generally a character I separate from myself, and just want to learn more about their personality, how they act, etc. through putting them together with another person's characters. I can learn a lot about how I want to build a character based on the things that are done and said by another character, and having to respond to them. I also don't see any harm in NSFW content with any person, though I reserve roleplay in general for those I know somewhat well and am comfortable conversing with. AS the characters I use are not *me* I see no harm in letting the content get a little racy, because we can both walk away from it and point fingers at the characters and go, 'they're cute together, this is a good thing' without being like 'we're cute together, this is a good thing'.

edit; let me also clarify when I say roleplay I mean writing long paragraphs between myself and at least one other participant to create a scenario where multiple characters interact. I'm not talking yiffy RP or RP JUST for the sake of the NSFW content. I roleplay for very different reasons than that.

What do you think?
a year ago    

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I visited a friend for his birthday this weekend, and then forgot that I had an appointment at home this Tuesday, where I went for that and then cranked out my half of a trade with Sinthall Sinthall. He's been very patient with me so I wanted to give him my best.

I am now home again, with access to my computer so digital work will resume tomorrow! Thanks for being patient with me everyone.
Expect furious arting in the near future!

a year ago    

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Visiting a friend this weekend, so I'm away from my computer for a couple days... Unfortunately something unexpected came up and he's busy for the foreseeable future so I'm away from my computer and twiddling my thumbs. I'd rather be productive.

I'm offering Pay-What-You-Want, wing-it sketches for the evening. Will be done traditionally, as all I have access to currently is my sketchbook. Unlike when I usually do this, I WILL do nude/NSFW work for offers above $20.

Additionally any offer above $20 can add $10 for digital color, which I will apply when I'm back home.

$5-10 - $20 - $30 - $50 - $60

When you order a sketch, I need:

Character reference(s):
Price (color?):
A general profile of the character: what are they like? What do they like/dislike? (So I characterize them properly)

Any questions just ask! Comment below if you want one.

1. Poo-ky (12) sketched
2. bloodstarkittycat (40) sketched
3. RyokoWolf (5) sketched
4. AlexisVelvet (50) sketched
5. Kifomaru (60) sketched
6. Cigfa (20) sketched
7. RamTheDragon (15)

a year ago    

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Hey everyone!

Today is fairly cold in my area, -22 farenheit without wind chill. Our apartment, while nice, was not made very well so it's not insulated completely, meaning right now I have our radiator going, two space heaters (one pointed directly at me) and the door to the room I'm in totally closed, and it's still so cold that my hands are stiff and freezing. So, just a warning I'm not sure how much work I'll be getting done until this cold passes, because I'm considering either a long, hot shower or just crawling into bed to keep myself warm at this point.

Work will resume either when my hands are warmed up enough to be able to work, or when the cold passes. Until then, stay warm :,D
a year ago    

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Hey all!

I officially closed commissions today. I just want to catch up with what I have on my queue before taking any new work, as it's starting to get to a point where I can no longer assure a quick turnaround, which is something I generally prefer to keep up. I have all in-tandem commission requests added to my queue, but if for whatever reason we were in the process of working something out and you don't see yourself on my list, feel free to note me. My queue, as always, is in my journal footer.

I've had a pretty large amount of requests for reference sheets recently, so when I reopen I'll be offering those first. Keep an eye out here for when I open again, but also on my submissions (it's been a while since I've made a reference sheet price guide so that'll likely be in the future as well). I might also do another round of traditional sketches while I'm closed, just to stay loose and warm up.

Thanks for all your interest! It's a good thing for sure that I have so much work I have to close for a while.

a year ago    

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Hey Everyone, hope your holidays were enjoyable. I got to visit both my own family and Dash's, it was quite busy but still fun. Let's jump into it, I have a lot to say! c:

Commission Work

A bit of info about my current commission schedule to follow:

I have a few badges left from MFF that I need to focus on, and so this will be my main priority. I hope to have them all done and mailed out by the 4th of this month, and later on this week my queue for digital work will continue as regularly scheduled. I'd also like to try and start streaming more, maybe with the possibility of multi-streaming (so if you're interested in multi-streaming with me, totally let me know!

Character Resolutions!

I had one new years resolution this year (two actually), but of which involve the fandom here. I've been getting a bit more involved in the fandom from a physical, face-to-face standpoint and I've been really enjoying it, so my first resolution is to try and get out more, and do more art for people in person at cons, meets, etc. I really love meeting you guys and seeing everyone face to face has been a very fulfilling experience so far.

The second resolution is entirely personal. I've developed some older characters a bit more this year, and I've also created new ones to add to my collections. I tried to start up Sink or Swim last year which proved to be too much work for the small amount of time I had to devote to it alone. This year, my resolution is to revamp all of my character's reference sheets and have them all in my style (so I can work out inconsistencies, markings, etc) but also so that I can get everything ready to get Sink or Swim launched once and for all.

patreon Patreon! patreon

Since art is still my only means of income, I've launched a patreon which will be very character-centric. It'll be a place for you guys to tell me which of my characters you like, what sort of scenarios you'd like to see them in, and I'll tailor the work I put out accordingly. Even the $1 tier (That's $12 a year) allows you to vote on polls for what characters you'd like to see in my work more often. The first thing the money goes to is helping me with my resolution: to revamp all of my character's reference sheets. Once that is done, I'll start up work with Sink or Swim again! I'd appreciate it if you guys checked it out and shared it around <3


That leads me to my last and final thing: my friend Royalty Royalty agreed to help out with Sink or Swim, so once we get some income generated through the patreon and the reference sheets are done, she and I will collaborate to create the comic pages! I feel much better about the project having involved another artist--I'll have someone to help keep me on task who can also help with the workload and the worldbuilding. I'm extremely happy to have her on board c:

That's about it for now! Happy 2017.
a year ago    

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I'm feeling exceptionally accomplished today as I got a lot done, I'd like to give back to you guys a little bit!

I'm going to be streaming and drawing a random number for each person who comments 'Happy Holidays!' on this journal. No need to post your refs, I will only ask for them if you're in the stream and your number gets drawn!

So again, all you have to do is post 'Happy Holidays!'. Nothing else.
I will only draw from a reference, SFW or NSFW is okay.
You must be present in the stream for me to draw your character.

Go forth and be merry!

Tips Tips are always appreciated, but not expected.

a year ago    

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With the addition of telegram stickers to the type of commission work I offer, I've revamped my commission info tab here on my profile.
The 'Commission Info' tab will now link to all infographics I have posted regarding commission types that I offer whenever I'm open. Reading these graphics -should- answer your questions, but if they do not, always feel free to email or note me. All of my contact info is on my main page.

I'm focusing mostly on digital work for the rest of this week to crank out what I can. My laptop bit the dust earlier last week and so with it gone, I can no longer transport my digital work. That means MFF badges and other traditional work will get taken home with me over the holidays so that I can finish it while visiting with family (don't worry, I'll have plenty of time to visit, too!)

I hope you all have a great break and upcoming week, and if you're in the midwest and just got pelted by that winter storm, stay warm, safe, and out of the ditches.

<3 INK
a year ago    

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Probably YCH stuff, maybe some smaller commission stuff like stickers, sketches, etc.

Come on in and chat, keep me company c:
a year ago    

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Hey everyone. I've been trying to be professional about this and to not have to make an announcement about it but everything is kind of coming to a head right now and I feel like I need to offer an update. My response time has been much longer than usual lately because I'm going through a major upheaval of my relationship status, which also is dragging possibilities of my living situation, finances, and other things changing as well, as they are rooted in the relationship I am currently in.

Without going into great detail, I've recently had to come to learn that I am polyamorous, something I've struggled to see and accept my entire life. Now that I've put everything in perspective, I understand myself that much more, but it's also endangering the bond between my current monogamous partner and I. Internally I am struggling with what I've come to understand as 'normal' and 'safe', where I've seen my life going in the future, and the choices I have in front of me. I've been spending a lot of time out of town, visiting friends, trying to talk everything out. I'll also, like most, be leaving town this weekend for Thanksgiving to visit my family, which hits home as well with the loss of my grandmother-type figure late last month.

I just want to apologize to everyone that my turnaround and response times have lagged a bit due to this. I will NOT drop off of the face of the earth because of this issue, I will continue to take and complete commissions, but if for whatever reason you've contacted me about a commission or won an auction (with the exception of the Dance of Plenty) that you would like a refund for, just note me and I can drop it and send you your money back. I do plan to get things done as fast as I can, but I simply cannot work on digital art when I am away from home, which has slowed me down recently.

I plan to make an actual announcement about this as well, but I'll be going to MFF this year and I'll likely start some badge commissions in the next couple of days so that I have something I can work on on-the-go. They'll be for MFF delivery, or I can also mail them out early December as well. So keep your eyes out for that.

As always, no matter what, I am constantly humbled, surprised, and comforted by the amount of support I get from this community. You guys mean the world to me and I can't express to you enough just how much I appreciate your patience, your kind words, and your continued support.

So, from the bottom of my heart, Thank You. Each and Every one of you.

- I N K
a year ago    

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Hey everyone! a Friend and I recently found out, embarrassingly enough, that I had written my email wrong on my main page. If you used it to try and contact me about commissions, I am so sorry *___*

My email is inkmavenart [AT] gmail.com. I've since corrected it.

I'm back from visiting family/the funeral. It was a bit rough, but I also got to see where my great-great grandparents are buried. They came directly from Germany, so it's cool to be able to trace back my family's origins like that, and see the headstones of the first settlers in my genetic line.

Commissions, as I'm sure you've seen already, are back in full swing. Expect plenty of updates this week.

a year ago    

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Hey everyone.

My birthday weekend went well for the most part. I spent two days making fixes to my fursuit only to find that it ended up raining out the event I was going to wear him to.
I also got news this Saturday that there was a death in the family, a very dear person to me, essentially the grandmother I never had/should have had.
She had Alzheimer's before her passing, which was a first stage of grief for us, her family. Now that she is passed, we're all grieving again.

Her funeral is this Thursday and will complicate my commission turnaround for the next week or so. I apologize for the inconvenience.
In an effort to push through this and keep myself working, I've worked up a specific queue so you all know what I'm working on and in what order.
First I plan to get anything mildly NSFW out of the way, as this is not content I can work on around my family.
After that, my obligations to SFW content/pieces I can easily work on my laptop to finish, i.e. stuff I can take with, will be done.

Here's what my micro-Queue looks like at the moment:

• Headshot Sketches (from last batch and freebies from raffle, needs to be scanned)
• Knee-Up Sketch for CiceroTheOrator
• Nauta Sketches (2)
• YCH Refinement-Sketch (All characters blocked in, gender/clothing changed, passed on to the slot holders for OK)
• Alex Sticker pack (work on while I'm gone until they're finished)

I apologize that this arrangement is a bit jumbled up from my normal queue order but I think it will allow me to get things done in the most timely manner for everyone.
Thanks for reading and thank you for your continued support and patience. This has proven to be a very weird time of the year for me.

2 years ago    

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Hey everyone! I probably should have posted this Friday, so I apologize for being a couple days late.
My birthday is this upcoming Thursday, and I'll be out of town this weekend. Between now and then, my time will largely be spend doing costume repairs for halloween. I've been intending to make these repairs for months now and I can't wait any longer, though I don't think they'll take more than one or two days tops.

At any rate, all of these factors will mean that I'm going to be pretty unproductive in the next week. I still plan to crank out small commissions, and do small WIPs for everything but I doubt I'll be posting as much as I do when I'm firing on all cylinders.

I hope you all have a great week! On a side note, I'm curious to know what you're dressing up as for halloween? o:

My repairwork is only partially for myself (fixing my old fursuit tail, and making new holes in the body to wear it with) but also helping friends fix stuff too. I'll be wearing Ruska for halloween this year, my Magpiebones mask. I have some awesome autumn pictures of her to share with you guys sometime.


2 years ago    

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MosaicsGrace Drew a number for the raffle, and it was #10!

Looking back at the forum, #10 is AyaVale AyaVale! Congratulations!

If you'd like to see proof, please check out this screenshot.

Thank you so much for everyone who entered! I wish I could do more/offer more, I was really humbled by the number of people who entered so Mosaic and I decided to spread the love a little more and announce two runner ups as well.
These runner-ups will be receiving a headshot of their character from me, and they are #13 and #90:

spookyspooks spookyspooks and Shades-of-Grey Shades-of-Grey

Congrats guys!

Again thank you to everyone who entered, and welcome to all of the new followers! I appreciate your support and views.
Expect plenty of updates on this YCH to come, it'll keep me busy for a while!

2 years ago    

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Just a final reminder About the YCH auction and RAFFLE, both of which will be ending tonight at 12 PM CST (about 3.5 hours from the timestamp of this journal).


Bids are reasonably low, so now is a great time to check them out and bid! Also your last chance to show it to friends, enter the raffle if you haven't yet, etc.
At Midnight MosaicsGrace and I will be reviewing submissions one last time, drawing a number, and posting a winner.

Good luck to everyone and thanks for looking and sharing!

2 years ago    

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Switching things up and putting the form in a submission instead of a journal. Not sure if this will work out but we'll see, head on over there to check it out.

These start at $5, and are PWYW.

Thanks for looking!

2 years ago    

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This lady's auction has just a little over 5 hours left on it.
Check her out, share her with your friends!

I really hope she goes to a great home <3

2 years ago    

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Update: Excite! Cons, Kickstarter?? (a year ago)
Teeny Raffle Thinger (a year ago)
How do you feel about my NSFW work? (a year ago)
Anyone interested in a Trade? (a year ago)
Small Update, Sick (a year ago)
Go watch this awesome artist!! (a year ago)
[POLL] Who is your Favorite Character? (a year ago)
Check Out This Awesome YCH! (a year ago)
[Question] Do you Roleplay? (a year ago)
Busy Week, Home Now, Commissions Resuming! (a year ago)
PWYW Sketches (Closed) (a year ago)
Too Cold to Work Today... (a year ago)
Commissions Closed; Reopening Soon (a year ago)
Commissions, Resolutions, and Patreon [Please Read!] (a year ago)
[CLOSED] (a year ago)
Commissions + Holidays! (a year ago)
Streaming Live! Come Join~ (a year ago)
The Holiday, My Life, and Commissions [PLEASE READ] (a year ago)
Incorrect Email on my Main Page! + Update (a year ago)
Family Death + Commission Plan (2 years ago)
Commission Update + Birthday! (2 years ago)
YCH Raffle WINNER (2 years ago)
Raffle ending soon, YCH slots for $70 or less! (2 years ago)
Doing some Pen Sketches! $5+ [OPEN] (2 years ago)
[Reminder] Mist Feline Auction ending Soon! (2 years ago)