The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has decided to award

the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly to


James P. Allison
Tasuku Honjo

for their discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation

Coming up

Physiology or Medicine - Monday 1 October, 11:30 a.m. at the earliest
Physics - Tuesday 2 October, 11:45 a.m. at the earliest
Chemistry - Wednesday 3 October, 11:45 a.m. at the earliest
Peace - Friday 5 October, 11:00 a.m.
Economic Sciences - Monday 8 October, 11:45 a.m. at the earliest

Times listed are local time in Sweden.


The Swedish Academy has decided to postpone the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature.


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Quick facts

108 Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine have been awarded between 1901 and 2017.

12 women have been awarded the Medicine Prize so far.

32 years was the age of the youngest Medicine Laureate ever, Frederick G. Banting, who was awarded the 1923 Medicine Prize for the discovery of insulin.

87 years was the age of the oldest Medicine Laureate ever, Peyton Rous, when he was awarded the Medicine Prize in 1966 for his discovery of tumour-inducing viruses.


More facts and figures about the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

The announcement of the Nobel Laureates and the Laureates in Economic Sciences for the year is made on the same day that the Nobel Prize awarding institutions choose from among the names recommended by the respective Nobel Committees.

Information for media

News & Insights

A new English translation of Alfred Nobel's will - the document that sparked the creation of the Nobel Prize - has now been completed, making Nobel's original thinking even more accessible.


Here, Lars Heikensten, the Executive Director of the Nobel Foundation, answers questions about the latest translation and explains why Nobel's intentions and values are more relevant than ever.


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9 December 2018

Water is essential to the survival of humanity. Every drop is precious. The Nobel Week Dialogue is a free of charge, full-day event bringing together Nobel Laureates, experts and the public. This year’s dialogue will put the spotlight on the importance of water, and why and how we can make a difference together.

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