Shutdown command (cmd) not working


  • I was tinkering with creating shortcuts to pin to the Metro.  This bug has occurred on two machines thus far that I tested it on.

    I was doing a simple shutdown -r -t 00 and shutdown -t 00 to create a Restart and Shutdown shortcut.  The Reboot shortcut works fine but then things got weird.  The Shutdown shortcut does not work, it quickly opens/closes a Command Prompt with the shutdown /? text.

    I tried opening a command prompt and doing a plain old shutdown and it gives me the same response (shutdown /? text).  I went into the System32 folder and double-clicked the shutdown executable, same result.  Tried rebooting, no help.  Seems like I managed to break the shutdown command lol.

    I also tried using shutdown /r /t 00 as well.  I tried a variety of tests, none worked.

    I tried the whole process again on another PC and the same results occurred.

    • Edited by cjt20one Wednesday, March 7, 2012 10:57 PM
    Wednesday, March 7, 2012 10:57 PM
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  • have you tried using the "s" option ? you don't mention that one.

    shutdown /s/t 0

    Alsx Verboon www.verboon.info

    Wednesday, March 7, 2012 11:42 PM
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  • I just ran both commands on Windows 8 and can verify that:

    shutdown -r -t 0
    shutdown -s -t 0

    Work perfectly fine, no issues with reboots. I tried this on two Windows 8 machines, one virtual one physical with identical results.

    Thursday, March 8, 2012 7:14 AM
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  • The commands should work.  What also works is hitting the  Win Key +R (saves me from pinning all kinds of things to clutter the start menu and saves me going to the start menu) and typing in

    shutdown /r (for reboot)
    shutdown /l to log off
    shutdown /s shutdown system
    shutdown /g to reopen most applications that were previously open

    There are a number of other more detailed switches for shutting down  remote computers, or for using the shutdown event tracker.

    You can type shutdown /? at the command prompt for further details.


    Thursday, March 8, 2012 9:19 AM
  • I was tinkering with creating shortcuts to pin to the Metro.  This bug has occurred on two machines thus far that I tested it on.

    I was doing a simple shutdown -r -t 00 and shutdown -t 00 to create a Restart and Shutdown shortcut.  The Reboot shortcut works fine but then things got weird.  The Shutdown shortcut does not work, it quickly opens/closes a Command Prompt with the shutdown /? text.

    I tried opening a command prompt and doing a plain old shutdown and it gives me the same response (shutdown /? text).  I went into the System32 folder and double-clicked the shutdown executable, same result.  Tried rebooting, no help.  Seems like I managed to break the shutdown command lol.

    I also tried using shutdown /r /t 00 as well.  I tried a variety of tests, none worked.

    I tried the whole process again on another PC and the same results occurred.

    I had the same issue with Windows 8 RTM.  If you're using UAC, you need to start the command prompt with administrator privledges in order to run the shutdown command from the command prompt.  When you aren't an admin and you type shutdown it doesn't work and you get no response in the console window to indicate why.

    That was the only way I was able to get it to work (then, it works normally as it always has in the past).

    Reference:  http://www.open-db.info/OpenDb/Article.aspx?ArticleId=124&CategoryId=3

    Tuesday, August 28, 2012 5:48 PM
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  • Hi all,

    I too am struggling with shutdown commands - but these work when typed into a cmd prompt but not when using .bat or .cmd files.

    When ran - then .cmd/.bat just runs the 'echo' operation and the window then hangs (its possible to ctrl+c to end the batch job). It seems using .cmd  and .bat to run shutdown and restart isn't working.

    I simply have 'shutdown /r' and 'shutdown /s' in the files with a single echo before it.


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