• ”I put my wife in a headlock, so fuckin' what.”


Discussion in 'Lolcow General' started by idate, Oct 3, 2017.

  1. She'll sexually assault all those dogs. She needs to be sent to a death row prison, so she'll never touch a dog ever again.
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  2. I think that's a bit extreme friendo. I'm pretty sure the dog appreciated the blowy joey. It's gross, ya, but that's why we laugh at it instead of killing her.
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  3. Pretty sure it's a female dog. That she made lick/eat her out.

    Given that she doesn't fucking bathe, that is absolutely animal cruelty of the highest degree.
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    Hypodermic Johnny

    Hypodermic Johnny I fucknut. You fucknut. He/she/we, fucknut.

  4. dogs eat their own shit
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    yawning sneasel

    yawning sneasel Manager
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  5. lmao like theres a difference
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    yawning sneasel

    yawning sneasel Manager
    Staff Member Manager True & Honest Fan

  6. p r e f a c e
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    True & Honest Fan

  7. Dogs aren't as oily.
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    LazarusOwenhart Terrainist Shitlord!

  8. I don't get it.
    • Feels Feels x 4
    A Hot Tranny

    A Hot Tranny yeah... oh, no shame, no shame in these farts
    True & Honest Fan

  9. Whats the idea here?
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    Valiant Salty Space Bitch
    Staff Member Moderator True & Honest Fan

  10. Look, I'm just asking someone to give me a well-reasoned explanation about why you shouldn't fuck a cow
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  11. im going to preface this by saying i like the idea of fucking dogs. i would also like to say that i would never actually fuck a dog in real life (or look at bestiality porn involving real things) as that is animal abuse and the very idea of it happening irl makes me feel sick. this is a thing that has been there all my life, and i would consider it an intrinsic part of me that cannot be changed. i've tried to hide it, tried to quash the feelings and thoughts down but they dont go away, and if i try too hard to ignore them, it flips he other way and i just cant stop thinking about it, ending up in a vicious cycle of "stop thinking about it" "shit i cant stop i need to try harder" etc etc.
    other people with paraphilias (things like necrophilia, paedophilia, zoophilia et al that are more than just a passing curiosity) ive talked to have the same problem of overthinking and self hatred over these feelings, and it frequently causes neuroses and suicidal thoughts. sexologists are actually starting to agree that these things - and general kinkiness - are legitimate sexual orientations, too. that doesnt mean we should be lobbying for [xyz]philia to be totally ok like homo/bisexuality, but it should be seen as something un-fixable, yet able to be handled safely.
    the overwhelming majority of people with philias do not like the idea of acting upon these fantasies in real life - for example a lot of paedophiles despise themselves for even thinking of it, and often refuse to be near children for their safety. unfortunately its hard for people to find therapists willing to deal with these things, as they fear being ostracized and cast out with no help at all, so they turn to shota/lolicon. i don't actually see a problem with this, as it is not real, and in the majority of cases, is plenty to help keep the person on the straight and narrow. if a paedophile actively harms children (either through porn or otherwise) they are looked down upon by people who do actually understand that fantasy =/= reality. kind of how jeffrey dahmer isnt representative of all homosexuals.
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    Dr. Meme

    Dr. Meme Hardworking Libertarian Trans Woman
    True & Honest Fan

  12. Better to be a dog-fucker than a pedo imo.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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    #14 WhatNemesisMeans, Oct 3, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2017

    WhatNemesisMeans Acquitted

  13. ....which is it?
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    Transvaalan HMMMMMMMMMMMM

  14. Cause they are fat.
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    A Hot Tranny

    A Hot Tranny yeah... oh, no shame, no shame in these farts
    True & Honest Fan

  15. Until you've both sniffed each others' butt hole, it's not consenual.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  16. true, just I don't want her on this planet. Send her to the moon, I need to take a shower after reading the things she did. Yuck. :cryblood:
    • Feels Feels x 1
  17. dis is y i only fug snek bussy
    • Informative Informative x 3
    #19 ICametoLurk, Oct 3, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2017

    ICametoLurk Flying space Nephilim riding on doomsday asteroids
    True & Honest Fan

  18. Don't be beta.
    • Feels Feels x 2

    Hyperion D E A D
    True & Honest Fan

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