Outside counsel tells Republican senators 'reasonable prosecutor' would not bring Ford case against Kavanaugh

By Ariane de Vogue, CNN Supreme Court Reporter

Updated at 0353 GMT (1153 HKT) October 1, 2018

This prosecutor will question Christine Blasey Ford 00:57
This prosecutor will question Christine Blasey Ford 00:57
Washington (CNN)In a memorandum to Republican senators, Rachel Mitchell says a "reasonable prosecutor" would not bring a case against Brett Kavanaugh based on Christine Blasey Ford's sexual assault allegation given the evidence presented to the Judiciary Committee.
But Mitchell, the sex crimes prosecutor hired by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans who questioned Ford last Thursday, also notes, "A Senate confirmation hearing is not a trial, especially not a prosecution."
Mitchell cites inconsistencies in Ford's statements to the committee, The Washington Post, and her therapist about the alleged assault, which Ford alleges took place when she and Kavanaugh were in high school.
Mitchell also notes the lack of corroboration of Ford's account, including recalling details that could back her story.
Mitchell says Ford's account of her age at the time has varied, and raises questions about her recollection of some events, but noted her inability to remember details such as how she got to and from the party where the alleged assault occurred.