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    A senior Iraqi official tells The Post the decision to close the consulate in Basra appeared political & not driven by any credible threat from Iran or its militias. "We are not aware of any intention by Iran or its friends in Iraq to attack [US] diplomats or the consulate."

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    9 hours ago

    Senator Coons tells that at one point in anteroom mtg w/ Flake, that the AZ Senator spoke to Rod Rosenstein on the phone

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    16 hours ago

    The problem in our politics is not polarization. It is a Republican Party that has become so radical and devoid of compassion in its pursuit of power that it ignores facts, turns a blind eye to abuse, and submits to the whims of an unstable leader.

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    Join us October 9 for an event with in conversation with Philip Merrill Center Senior Fellow Laura Blumenfeld on "How to Thrive in Our Age of Accelerations." RSVP here!

  5. 8 hours ago
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    8 hours ago
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    Analysis: Jeff Flake stumbles into taking a stand

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    Analysis: Kavanaugh’s evasive testimony probably wouldn’t have been allowed in his own courtroom

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    Wait - wait - one was “credible” but the other was “incredible”?

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    "The accusations against Kavanaugh—and his angry, defiant response—have made him a fitting champion for the Party of Trump," writes :

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    E-mails show Republican Senate staff stymied a Kavanaugh accuser's effort to give testimony. "I’ve never encountered an instance where the Committee has refused even to speak with an individual or counsel. I am perplexed as to why this is happening here":

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    BREAKING: Republicans just defeated our motion to subpoena Mark Judge, the individual Dr. Blasey Ford places in the room during her assault. They have no interest in the facts or the truth.

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    14 hours ago

    LIVE — Pakistani diaspora has seen rule of law, and that was “not being delivered” back home, says newly-elected Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Pakistan Foreign Affairs Minister with . with hashtag

  14. Retweeted
    Sep 27

    The rage Judge Kavanaugh displayed, apart from its bearing on his judicial temperament, exposed the dark side of a guy who seemed fully capable of getting sloshed, doing exactly what Dr. Ford described, laughing as he did it, and barely remembering the next day what he had done.

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    16 hours ago

    As a father I find this "boys-will-be-boys" nonsense unexpectedly hard to take. It's an insult to all decent men who were decent even when they were young and drunk. And you know what, it doesn't even take an effort.

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    15 hours ago

    WATCH LIVE AT NOON, ET, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Pakistan's new Minister of Foreign Affairs, will speak with . Tweet questions for with hashtag

    Shah Mahmood Qureshi
  17. Retweeted
    17 hours ago

    The decision by is proof, if proof were needed, that the Republican Party, to which I belonged until 2016 and two of whose Presidents I proudly served, is irredeemable. True conservatives need some other party than this collection of the vicious and the spineless.

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  18. 17 hours ago

    Excellent interview with on his strategy for ending the war in

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    19 hours ago

    Truth was not the goal nor will it be the outcome.

  20. Retweeted
    Sep 27

    "For a brief, majestic moment, Ford showed us what American politics might look like if Americans truly saw the people our society usually silences and grinds underfoot. If only we lived in that country every day," writes :


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