ProgMP is a programming model for Multipath TCP scheduling. It provides powerful abstractions to develop own application- and preference-aware schedulers. This page provides a getting started tutorial, scheduler examples, an overview of the extended socket API and the language primitives. Check out our paper on ProgMP at ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware 2017 for more details. If you use ProgMP in scientific papers, please use the following citation.
A Programming Model for Application-defined Multipath TCP Scheduling
by Alexander Frömmgen, Amr Rizk, Tobias Erbshäußer, Max Weller, Boris Koldehofe, Alejandro Buchmann, Ralf Steinmetz
If you want to evaluate different schedulers with extensive experiments, you might benefit from MACI. MACI is a framework for the management, scalable execution, and interactive analysis of extensive network experiments.
Check our interactive demo and use our online editor to write own MPTCP scheduler.
You are just 5 minutes away from your first Multipath TCP scheduler. We propose to use Ubuntu for the following steps:
dpkg -i linux-image-4.1.20-ProgMp.deb
and reboot your system with the new Kernel (check the offical MPTCP Linux Kernel page for additional details).sudo python -f illustratingMinRtt.progmp
(requires Python). Activate ProgMP with sysctl -w net.mptcp.mptcp_scheduler=rbs
.MIN(sbf => sbf.RTT)
with MIN(sbf => sbf.RTT_VAR)
and renaming the scheduler from illustratingMinRTT
to illustraingMinVariance
at the top of the file. Load the new scheduler.Multipath TCP allows you to use multiple subflows for a single Multipath TCP connection, e.g., to aggregate bandwidth of different network paths or handle a handover between WiFi and LTE. This article provides a good overview of today's commercial Multipath TCP application scenarios.
The Multipath TCP scheduler decides which packet should be transmitted on which subflow.
The receiver ensures that packets are forwarded to the application in-order. Bad scheduling decisions might force the receiver side to wait for missing packets.
There are many good reasons. Consider, for example, a Multipath TCP connection with multiple heterogeneous subflows. Packets on a high delay subflow might force the receiver to wait and thereby slow down the connection.
The following research papers contributed to ProgMP or used ProgMP.
In the following, we provide illustrating scheduler examples, e.g., schedulers with different retransmission and redundancy strategies. More examples are available in our papers. Please contact us in case you want to add your scheduler to this list.
Name | Paper | Link |
Default minRTT | link | |
Default minRTT with backup mode | link | |
Round robin | link | |
Redundant | Middleware 2017 Figure 10 | link |
Opportunistic Redundant | Middleware 2017 Figure 10 | link |
Redundant if Q is empty | Middleware 2017 Figure 10 | link |
Selective compensate at end of flow | Middleware 2017 Figure 12 | link |
Selective compensate at end of flow (TOP) | Middleware 2017 Figure 12 | link |
Retain throughput targets | Middleware 2017 Figure 13 | link |
HTTP-aware scheduler (requires adapted webserver, see here) | Middleware 2017 Figure 14 | link |
RTT- and preference-aware | Middleware 2017 Demo | link |
RTT- and preference-aware flavor 2 | Middleware 2017 Demo | link |
Active RTT probing | ICC 2018 | link |
Control backup usage from application (see here) | link |
We provide ready-to-use evaluation setups.
/* * Scheduler sending packets on the subflow with the lowest RTT which has cwnd. */ SCHEDULER illustratingMinRTT; VAR sbfCandidates = SUBFLOWS.FILTER(sbf => sbf.CWND > sbf.SKBS_IN_FLIGHT + sbf.QUEUED AND !sbf.THROTTLED AND !sbf.LOSSY); IF(sbfCandidates.EMPTY) { RETURN; } IF (!RQ.EMPTY) { VAR sbfCandidate = sbfCandidates.FILTER(sbf => sbf.HAS_WINDOW_FOR(RQ.TOP) AND !RQ.TOP.SENT_ON(sbf)).MIN(sbf => sbf.RTT); IF (sbfCandidate != NULL) { sbfCandidate.PUSH(RQ.POP()); RETURN; } } IF (!Q.EMPTY) { sbfCandidates.FILTER(sbf => sbf.HAS_WINDOW_FOR(Q.TOP)).MIN(sbf => sbf.RTT).PUSH(Q.POP()); }Download Example
In the previous example, retransmissions were handled with the following code snippet.
/* Retransmission snippet */ IF (!RQ.EMPTY) { VAR sbfCandidate = sbfCandidates.FILTER(sbf => sbf.HAS_WINDOW_FOR(RQ.TOP) AND !RQ.TOP.SENT_ON(sbf)).MIN(sbf => sbf.RTT); IF (sbfCandidate != NULL) { sbfCandidate.PUSH(RQ.POP()); RETURN; } }Download Example
Retransmissions, however, have a strong impact on the tail latency for many application scenarios. The following code snippet uses higher redundancy for retransmissions.
/* Retransmission on all subflows with cwnd */ IF (!RQ.EMPTY) { VAR retransmissionCandidates = sbfCandidates.FILTER(sbf => sbf.HAS_WINDOW_FOR(RQ.TOP) AND !RQ.TOP.SENT_ON(sbf)); IF(!retransmissionCandidates.EMPTY) { FOREACH(VAR sbf IN retransmissionCandidates) { sbf.PUSH(RQ.TOP); } DROP(Q.POP()); } }Download Example
The previous example might not use full redundancy, e.g., in case a retransmission is handled and only one subflow has unexhausted congestion window. The following code snippet uses full redundancy for retransmissions.
/* Retransmissions on all subflows */ IF (!RQ.EMPTY) { IF (!SUBFLOWS.FILTER(sbf => !RQ.TOP.SENT_ON(sbf)).EMPTY) { DROP( RQ.POP()); RETURN; } ELSE { VAR retransmissionCandidates = sbfCandidates.FILTER(sbf => sbf.HAS_WINDOW_FOR(RQ.TOP) AND !RQ.TOP.SENT_ON(sbf)); IF(!retransmissionCandidates.EMPTY) { FOREACH(VAR sbf IN retransmissionCandidates) { sbf.PUSH(RQ.TOP); } RETURN; } } }Download Example
In the previous section, we saw different redundancy flavors for retransmissions. Redundancy might be helpful even for non-retransmission packets, e.g., for thin, latency sensitive flows. The following scheduler specification is (nearly) similar to the existing redundant MPTCP scheduler.
/* * Redundant scheduler. */ SCHEDULER redundantScheduler; VAR sbfCandidates = SUBFLOWS.FILTER(sbf => sbf.CWND > sbf.SKBS_IN_FLIGHT + sbf.QUEUED AND !sbf.THROTTLED AND !sbf.LOSSY); /* handle retransmissions (see discussion above) */ ... FOREACH(VAR sbf IN sbfCandidates) { VAR skb = QU.FILTER(skb => !skb.SENT_ON(sbf)).TOP; /* are all QU packets sent on this sbf? */ IF(skb != NULL) { sbf.PUSH(skb); } ELSE { sbf.PUSH(Q.POP()); } }Download Example
The redundant scheduler faces a choice whether to prefer new packets or old packets. The following scheduler utilizes for redundant transmission only the subflows which are available at the moment when the packet is scheduled for the first time.
/* * Redundancy flavor. */ SCHEDULER redundancyFlavor; VAR sbfCandidates = SUBFLOWS.FILTER(sbf => sbf.CWND > sbf.SKBS_IN_FLIGHT + sbf.QUEUED AND !sbf.THROTTLED AND !sbf.LOSSY); IF(sbfCandidates.EMPTY) { RETURN; } /* handle retransmissions (see discussion above) */ ... IF(!Q.EMPTY) { /* PUSH it on all currently available subflows */ FOREACH(VAR sbf IN sbfCandidates) { sbf.PUSH(Q.TOP); } DROP(Q.POP()); }Download Example
The source of our ProgMP runtime environment for the Linux kernel MPTCP implementation is available here. Feel free to contact us in case you experience any problems. A github version of the source is provided by joh2511 here. Separate patches for the receiver side and the one-way delay-estimations are available.
ProgMP provides an extended Socket API and helper libraries for Python and C. The extended Socket API allows a configuration of the scheduler, e.g., by setting register values or packet properties.
Download our Python library
for a convenient interaction with the scheduler. The following Python 2.7 example shows how to dynamically load and select a scheduler as well as how to configure the scheduler by setting registers and packet user properties.
import socket from progmp import ProgMp s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(("", 8080)) schedulerName = "python_api_example" with open("python_api_example.progmp", "r") as src: schedProgStr = try: ProgMp.loadScheduler(schedProgStr) except: print "Scheduler loading error." try: ProgMp.setScheduler(s, schedulerName) except: print "Scheduler not found, maybe no MPTCP?" ProgMp.setUser(s, 2) ProgMp.setRegister(s, Progmp.R1(), 5) s.send("Multipath is awesome!")Download Example
The scheduling API enables writing application-specific schedulers, e.g., a scheduler can use the provided information for a differentiated behavior. The following scheduler snippet shows a simple proof of concept.
PRINT("Scheduler called with R1=%d", R1); PRINT("Q.TOP.USER = %d", Q.TOP.USER);Download Example
Use progmp.c and progmp.h for a convenient interaction with the scheduler from C. The following example illustrates the most important features.
#include "progmp.h" ... if (!progmp_load_scheduler(name, filename)) { printf("Error: Rules could not be loaded. See dmesg for more details.\n"); return 1; } ... sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); ... progmp_set_scheduler(sock, name); progmp_set_register(sock, 1, 5); ... progmp_remove_scheduler(name);Download Example
The previous scheduler example (Download) might be used for a proof of concept.
There are many reasons for a dedicated Domain Specific Language for Multipath TCP schedulers. We started the development of ProgMP after our first experiences with the redundant MPTCP scheduler, where we recurrently discussed small modifications and alternatives. The evaluation of these modifications was slowed down by the development effort towards new schedulers. We found the development of Multipath TCP schedulers is complex and error prone. Our discussions about alternative redundant schedulers showed that reasoning about schedulers is difficult and lacks suitable abstractions (answering questions such as: How would the scheduler behave if...?). Finally, the Multipath TCP community, e.g., on the mailing list, shows a strong interest in understanding and improving Multipath TCP scheduling.
In a nutshell:
We are very curious about your concrete scenario. Please contact us, as we are constantly improving ProgMP.
RBS was the development name of our system. We will change this to ProgMP.
We currently do not support interactive debugging, as timing is an important scheduling property. However, there are some tricks:
statements to analyze your scheduler, e.g., like this./proc/net/mptcp/rbs
Notation matters! It helps to differentiate between keywords and other parts of your schedulers.
Execute dmesg
in your shell.
... please contact us providing details about your test setup and the used scheduler.
Printing during scheduling might have a negative impact on the scheduling performance. We propose to limit the number of prints, e.g., based on a time intervals as shown below.
IF(R6 < CURRENT_TIME_MS) { VAR interPrintInterval = 200; SET(R6, CURRENT_TIME_MS + interPrintInterval); PRINT("Number of Subflows is %d", SUBFLOWS.COUNT); }Download Example
ProgMP is designed for a convenient scheduler specification. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Small differences in scheduler specification might lead to fundamentally different scheduling behavior. In the following, we present a few pitfalls which illustrate some of the main concepts of ProgMP.
SUBFLOWS.FILTER(...).MIN(...).PUSH(Q.TOP); /* The filter might evaluate to an empty list of subflows. Dropping the packet will lead to loss of unsent data. */ DROP(Q.POP());
A slightly modified version of the first example scheduler, for example, might lead to low throughput in case of retransmissions. The modification (removing the second RETURN
statement and adding a ELSE
to the next condition) might look like a reasonable simplification of the code.
... IF (!RQ.EMPTY) { VAR sbfCandidate = sbfCandidates.FILTER(sbf => sbf.HAS_WINDOW_FOR(RQ.TOP) AND !RQ.TOP.SENT_ON(sbf)).MIN(sbf => sbf.RTT); sbfCandidate.PUSH(RQ.POP()); } ELSE IF (!Q.EMPTY) { sbfCandidates.FILTER(sbf => sbf.HAS_WINDOW_FOR(Q.TOP)).MIN(sbf => sbf.RTT).PUSH(Q.POP()); }
More examples will follow soon.
Mininet allows simple network emulation experiments. You may use this Mininet script to test your schedulers. The script uses our Python API, so make sure to download it as well.
sudo python -f [mySchedulerFile]
Be aware of potential Mininet pitfalls.
The domain-specific programming model relies on the following abstractions, which are provided as entities in the language. Most entities, such as the congestion control values and round-trip times, have a direct counterpart in the Linux Kernel network stack. The following list is not complete yet. We will update the list soon.
Each scheduler starts with the SCHEDULER
keyword followed by its name and a terminating ;
SCHEDULER myFirstScheduler;
ProgMP uses an implicit type system. In most cases, the developer does not have to care about the underlying types. The following underlying types are used:
ProgMP supports the following statements:
Drops a packet. Be careful to not drop packets which were not sent so far.
Loops over all items inside a list.
FOREACH(VAR sbf IN SUBFLOWS) { /* Do something */ }
Executes code depending on a condition. The else branch is optional. Note that a condition which evaluates to NULL
is treated as FALSE
IF (SUBFLOWS.COUNT == 1) { PRINT("Exactly 1 subflow\n"); } ELSE { PRINT("More than 1 subflow\n"); }
Print a message to the kernel console with an optional parameter (no lists supported as parameter). You may read the output using dmesg
. Note that print statements have a strong impact on the performance and should only be used for debugging purposes.
PRINT("Hello world!\n"); PRINT("We have %d subflows.\n", SUBFLOWS.COUNT);
Stops the execution of the scheduler.
Sets a register to a value. If value
, the register is not changed.
SET(R1, 42);
Declares a new variable. Variables can only be assigned once per scheduler execution (single assignment) and have an implicit type.
VAR x = 42; VAR sbfs = SUBFLOWS.FILTER(sbf => sbf.CWND > 20);
Does nothing, but accepts a parameter. The parameter is evaluated (i.e., side effects might be triggered) but the result will be ignored. This statement is only used for measurements!
ProgMP provides the following build-in variables:
Returns the sending queue packet list.
Returns the unacknowledged packet list.
Returns the retransmission queue packet list.
Returns the current time in milliseconds.
Returns the value of the register with the given number. Registers are integer variables that keep their values across scheduler executions. ProgMP provides a fixed set of 6 registers to limit memory consumption.
PRINT("R1 has the value %d.\n", R1);
Returns a random integer value.
Returns the list of currently active subflows.
PRINT("Number of subflows is %d", SUBFLOWS.COUNT)
Packets are chosen based on Q, QU or RQ. Each packet has the following properties.
Returns TRUE
if the packet was already sent on the given subflow.
Returns the user integer value of the packet, e.g., as set by the extended API.
PRINT("The top packet has %d as user property", Q.TOP.USER)
Returns the sequence number of the packet.
PRINT("The top packet has the sequence number %d", Q.TOP.SEQ)
Returns the length of the packet.
PRINT("The top packet has a length of %d", Q.TOP.LENGTH)
Returns if the PUSH
flag of the packet is set.
IF(Q.TOP.PSH) { PRINT("The top packet has a set PUSH flag"); }
Each packet queue has the following properties.
Returns the number of packets in the list.
Returns TRUE
if the packet list is empty.
Returns a list with those packets for which the given condition evaluated to TRUE
VAR packetsToSend = Q.FILTER(s => !s.SENT_ON(SUBFLOWS.GET(0)));
Removes the first packet from the packet list and returns it. This is not possible on QU or a queue resulting from a FILTER
expression of QU. Packets retained by POP
have to be pushed or dropped explicitly. In particular, POP
must not be used in conditions. POP
requires two brackets, as shown in the example, to indicate that it causes side effects.
Returns the first packet of the packet list without modifying the underlying list.
Returns the packet with the given index. If the index exceeds the number of packets in the queue, NULL
is returned.
Returns the congestion window value of the subflow.
Returns TRUE
if the subflow has sufficient flow control window to send the given packet.
Returns the unqiue identifier of the subflow.
PRINT("Subflow %d has the minimum round-trip-time.", SUBFLOWS.MIN(sbf => sbf.RTT).ID)
Returns TRUE
if the subflow is marked as backup.
Returns the number of lost packets of the subflow.
Returns the round-trip time of the subflow.
Returns the variance of the round-trip time of the subflow.
Returns the number of packets of the subflow that are in flight.
Returns the number of packets of the subflow that are queued.
Returns the user specified subflow property.
Sets the user specified subflow property.
Returns the number of subflows in the list.
Returns TRUE
if the subflow list is empty.
Returns a list with those subflows for which the given condition evaluated to TRUE
VAR sbfs_with_small_rtt = SUBFLOWS.FILTER(s => s.RTT < 100);
Returns the subflow with the given index. If the index exceeds the number of subflows in the list, NULL
is returned. Check here for more details regarding NULL
Returns the subflow of the list for which the given condition evaluates to the greatest value. Subflows for which the condition evaluates to NULL
are ignored. Check here for more details regarding NULL
If multiple subflows have the same, greatest value, only a single subflow is returned. In this case, it is not specified which subflow is returned. It is also not guaranteed that consecutive calls return the same subflow.
VAR sbfWithGreatestRtt = SUBFLOWS.MAX(sbf => sbf.RTT);
Returns the subflow of the list for which the given condition evaluates to the smallest value. Subflows for which the condition evaluates to NULL
are ignored. Check here for more details regarding NULL
If multiple subflows have the same, minimum value, only a single subflow is return. In this case, it is not specified which subflow is returned, neither that consecutive calls return the same subflow.
VAR sbfWithSmallestRtt = SUBFLOWS.MIN(s => s.RTT);
Returns the sum of the expression evaluated over all subflows in the list.
VAR rtt_sum = SUBFLOWS.SUM(s => s.RTT);
Values can be combined using comparison and arithmetic operators:
Compares two integer values and returns TRUE
if they are equal.== NULL
Returns TRUE
if a value of any type is NULL
Compares two integer values and returns TRUE
if they are unequal.!= NULL
Returns TRUE
if a value of any type is not NULL
Compares two integer values and returns TRUE
if the first is less than the second one.<=
Compares two integer values and returns TRUE
if the first is less than or equal the second one.>
Compares two integer values and returns TRUE
if the first is greater than the second one.>=
Compares two integer values and returns TRUE
if the first is greater than or equal the second one.+
Adds two integer values.-
Subtracts one integer value from another.*
Multiplies two integer values./
Divides one integer value by another. Returns NULL
if the right value is 0.%
Returns the remainder of a division. Returns NULL
if the right value is 0.AND
Performs a logical AND operation on two boolean values. The second operand is not evaluated if the first one evaluates to FALSE
Performs a logical OR operation on two boolean values. The second operand is not evaluated if the first one evaluates to TRUE
Performs a logical NOT operation on a boolean value.ProgMP handles NULL
values gracefully and well-defined. In a boolean expression with AND
or OR
behaves like FALSE
. All other expressions which contains NULL
evaluate to NULL
, e.g., 5 + NULL
evaluates to NULL
evaluates to FALSE
, and ! NULL
evaluates to NULL
. Early prototypes of ProgMP tried to avoid NULL
. However, we found that schedulers became more complex and difficult to express without NULL
A statement that uses a value as parameter that evaluates to NULL
is not executed.
A statement that operates on a value that evaluates to NULL
is not executed. This avoids, e.g., to accidentally remove a packet from Q in case a complex filter statement evaluates to FALSE
This work has been funded by MAKI to make the Internet more adaptive.
Feel free to contact Alexander Frömmgen and Amr Rizk for any comments and questions.