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    Welcome back sur mon blog de Bagdad à Jérusalem, l'Orient indiscret (après une longue absence, c'est vrai...) >>

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    Georges dans : «La rencontre Trump - Khamenei paraît aujourd'hui inconcevable»

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  3. Je serai a 14h en direct sur Figaro Live pour parler des tensions entre les États-Unis et l'Iran. Avec P. Gelie à Washington et Clément Terme à Paris. Débat animé par Renaud Toffier.

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    - : jusqu'où ira l'affrontement ? 🇮🇷🇺🇸 🌏🎥 Mes invités pour en direct à 14h00 : , et

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    9 hours ago

    There are many objectionable things about Iran's policies in the Middle East, but this suggestion by the Saudi FM - "Iran has no role in the Arab world other than to get out" - is crude & regressive ethnic geo-politics, and wrong way to frame the issue

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    Saudi Arabia has been strongly criticized for its failure to tackle money laundering & international terrorism financing in a new global watchdog report:

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    22 hours ago

    separatists walked back claims of their involvement in the terrorist attack after summoned countries for hosting them

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    Doing series of meets & interviews at (like below) to highlight flaws in current peace process. Good intentions are fine, but without solid strategy and buy-in from parties to the conflict, it's a futile endeavor; naive and war will drag on.

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    Sep 25

    For background on Saudi Arabia's nuclear ambitions, and why they're causing concerns in Washington, we wrote about it earlier this year:

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    12 hours ago

    The remaining ISIS territory is a fraction of what is was during their peak in 2014.

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    11 hours ago

    "What Are the Long-term Implications for Syria of the Russian-Turkish Alignment in the Country?" | I respond alongside , and in latest edition of 's Inquiring Minds for :

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    22 hours ago

    "Hier, ni la Chine, ni l’Inde n’étaient représentées à l’Ass Générale de l’ONU. Pourquoi ? Parce que ces pays préfèrent désormais se parler au sein de I’OCS (Organisation de Coopération de Shanghai). Attention, nous sortons de l’Histoire !" à .

  14. Retweeted
    Sep 26

    Video For New Three -ian Air Force Rafale Fighter Jets (DM07), (DM08) & (DM10) at -Merignac Taxiing and Flying before Delivery. Thanks Świderek Maciejka For the Video

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    EXCLUSIVE: Senior US official says MESA (Arab NATO) will include 9 countries (US a member). US hoping Agreement on Concept done in January for summit.

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    Sep 26

    A meeting in Lebanon between 3 powerful Shiite leaders could lead to the formation of Iraq's next government and achieving the trio's ultimate goal – "preventing the United States from ruling Iraq once again"

  17. Retweeted
    Sep 26

    will send, not only the S-300 VM but also more short-range surface to air defence system to to counter any (mainly ) violation of the Syrian airspace.

  18. Retweeted
    Sep 26

    Russia rejected Netanyahu visit to Moscow to calm Syria tensions. Unwillingness to climb down really suggests this about more than the downed plane itself, reflects wider desire to rein in Israeli Syria activities

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  19. Retweeted
    Sep 26

    Powerful Shiite trio agrees on Iraqi prime minister candidate - by Makram Najmuddine via

  20. Retweeted
    Sep 20

    Pénurie d'essence à Sanaa, Yémen le 17 septembre - par Ahmed qui indique : "le taux de change du riyal yéménite en dollar avant le conflit était de 215, il est passé à 610. Le taux officiel est de 250 mais personne ne le trouve".

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  21. Retweeted
    Sep 26

    Saudi Arabia has amended its anti-corruption law to remove a 60-day statute of limitations for investigating claims against government ministers.


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