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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Sep 20

    Thread: Linus Torvalds temporarily stepped down from the Linux kernel, and the Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board pushed a new Code of Conduct. Can we trust them to change? I don't believe we can unless they publish transparency reports:

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    46 minutes ago

    We’ve been engaging young Muslim voters across the country because we know the power of the youth is unparalleled! It’s easy to register to vote, just check out !

  3. 4 hours ago

    A pleasant surprise out of this whole troll mess is that has acted on 100% of the reports I've made where someone has told me to commit suicide. Small steps. Please continue to report & block! Thanks.

  4. Retweeted

    Four women, including a trans woman, were killed by a Border Patrol supervisor during a ten day murder spree this month and the story has already fallen off the national radar.

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  5. Retweeted

    Meanwhile in , protests escalate to police. & I report for on the camp that’s sprung up on the campus security doorstep.

  6. Retweeted

    Dallas Police Dept. fires officer who killed Botham Jean in his apartment

  7. Retweeted
    Jan 28

    Is your child texting about intersectional feminism? lol: liberating ourselves locally tbh: talking bout heteropatriarchy btw: be truly woke tbt: trust black transwomen smh: straight male hegemony lmao: learn, mobilize, and organize idc: immigrants dismantling colonialism

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  8. Retweeted

    This is Walter. He does not give a single h*ck. Believes rules were meant to be borken. 13/10 would follow anywhere

  9. Retweeted
    17 hours ago
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    19 hours ago

    Also an update on today's voter ID ruling, with more information on what's accepted at the polls:

  11. Retweeted

    “Most men have no idea how truly traumatic sexual assault is. The science on the subject is pretty clear: according to the New England Journal of Medicine, rape is about four times more likely to result in diagnosable PTSD than combat.”

  12. Retweeted

    Your daily reminder that white folks don't get to decide what is racist and what isn't, please carry on with your day ✨

  13. Retweeted
    Sep 24

    Philadelphia County sentences more people to die in prison than any county in the US. Pennsylvania leads the world. Black people are serving these sentences at a rate 18x higher than that of their white counterparts. via

  14. Retweeted

    "Charlottesville never happened, according to hate crime statistics." As points out this is a huge problem: . We agree as we advocate for better hate crime statistics at the local, state, and federal levels. Use &

  15. Retweeted
    17 hours ago

    You know the drill. Call your Senators. The GOP is determined to ram this nomination through. .

  16. Retweeted
    Sep 23
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  17. Retweeted
    Sep 23

    "the cinema ended up showing on an additional screen after more than 450 people showed up" ... "the audience in the two packed theaters cheered and clapped" (also I appreciate Reuters' noting that the law involved is a "colonial-era law")

  18. Retweeted
    Sep 23

    ,,mm diner was ,,,,,DeLCIOUS

  19. Retweeted
    19 hours ago
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    meanwhile his friends say he was frequently incoherently drunk.

  21. Retweeted

    An attack doesn’t have to include intercourse for it to be sexual assault. I can’t believe that this needs to be clarified in 2018

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