Thread: Linus Torvalds temporarily stepped down from the Linux kernel, and the Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board pushed a new Code of Conduct. Can we trust them to change? I don't believe we can unless they publish transparency reports: …
Would you make a report about a sexist comment to a Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board board that includes a member who has dismissed rape because "the perpetrator did not threaten to harm or kill the victim" or people were "plied with alcohol"? Nope, I didn't think so.
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Say someone wants to make a Linux kernel Code of Conduct report, and they believe a TAB member has a conflict of interest. There's no documentation on how to contact individual TAB members. It's unclear which are willing to receive an individual report. …
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Worse, the Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board mailing list has a private archive stretching back to the creation of the board. Current and future board members can check that archive for reports against them. Retaliation is a concern. …
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The new Linux kernel Code of Conduct has no reporter guidelines. No discussion of how they protect reporter privacy (they don't, see above). No discussion of dealing with conflicts of interest. No guarantee about the amount of time to respond to a report. …
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I have no faith that the Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board will respond to a Code of Conduct violation promptly or with a well-thought out response. Please push the board to release an anonymized transparency report on all past Linux kernel Code of Conduct violation cases
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You can contact the Linux Foundation via email: You can contact the Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board members who signed off on the new Code of Conduct: …
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We need to push the Linux Foundation and the Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board to be transparent about their progress as Linus Torvalds and the Linux kernel community attempts to live up to their new Code of Conduct.
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TLDR: The new Linux kernel Code of Conduct was hastily pushed through by the Linux Foundation Technical Advisory board in response to concerns about sexism & verbal abuse being exposed. You shouldn't trust it. Push for anonymized transparency reports on Code of Conduct violations
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Calling someone a Rape Apologist is harassment and in violation of the new CoC..
When these people infect communities like this, the new rules never apply to them.
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Hi Sage, unfounded accusations and insults are against the new CoC. Please remove yourself civilly. Thank you.
Lmfao Sage just got rekt and destroyed.
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Splitting hairs over how to group statistics, while ultimately unproductive, does not constitue rape apologism. This is a completely hyperbolic accusation.
I agree. This is bad and I'm eating crow. I never thought the CoC would let idiots come after critical thinkers
It still seems like a good idea, but if it's going to be abused then it needs more consideration and a framework around it. Ironically, this is what this tweet series is proposing... Unfortunately, it made wild accusations while doing it
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This BS agenda has no place in a project such as Linux. While I agree that Linus can be a bit over the top in terms of insults, we don't need your views tagged onto to code contributions.
Same here, lul
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Calling someone a "rape apologist" is insulting, derogatory, and personally attacking, especially publicly, and goes against the code of conduct.
Code of Snowflakes. Free speech for me, but not for thee. Do what i say or i assassinate your character without any evidence. Can't believe Linux community is placating to mental illness idiots only obsessed with policing irrelevant nonsense for their power hunger.
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