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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 29

    The Syrian regime's prisons are a vast network of concentration camps, where torture and murder are endemic. Despite the solid evidence, it's unlikely justice will ever be done, certainly not by an international court.

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  2. Retweeted

    My new piece co-authored with . We argue “In , If the cannot build trust with important clans in the region, it will fall victim to ISIS sleeper cells that are well-prepared to engage in guerrilla warfare.

  3. Retweeted

    UK proud to provide support to the White Helmets who have saved lives of over 115,000 civilians during the Syrian conflict.

  4. 7 hours ago

    At Stop the War's "fringe" meeting, addressed by the Shadow Cabinet, Andrew Murray, the open Stalinist who is, of course, an advisor to Jeremy Corbyn, said there would be mass protests if the "deep state" tried to thwart the Labour leader's foreign policy.

  5. 7 hours ago

    Freddie Oversteegen joined the Dutch resistance at age-14, killing Nazis, blowing up infrastructure, and rescuing Jews. She died on September 5, age-93. A life well-lived.

  6. 7 hours ago

    In what promises to be a squalid week even by current standards, do check out 's antidote: a tribute to Paulina Płaksej, whose family, Polish Catholics, helped Jews hide and survive in the Ukraine during the Nazi occupation.

  7. 7 hours ago

    Quite correct that publics can, for better or worse, influence foreign policy more in democracies than in autocracies. The Realist "billiard ball" model is quite silly.

  8. 8 hours ago

    "While Western commanders seek rapid and decisive victories, insurgent commanders aim to prolong the fighting ... For guerrilla commanders, controlling the human terrain is more important than controlling the physical terrain"

  9. 8 hours ago

    State Department officials who lost out in the policy review, which decided on continued support to the Gulf coalition against 's allies, leaked apparent deliberative details to the , painting their opponents in an unflattering light.

  10. 9 hours ago

    The pace of attacks in is down, but the jihadists are working out of sight in a poorly-managed prison system and with hundreds of battle-hardened returnees, the struggle is hardly over. for .

  11. 9 hours ago

    "The theory undergirding U.S. policy, which posits a dichotomy between the Lebanese government and Hezbollah, simply has no relation to the reality of ." for .

  12. 9 hours ago

    Finally got around to this and it is as silly as it threatened to be, well, well beyond the headline >> "Time for Peace Talks With ISIS and Al Qaeda?"

  13. Retweeted
    11 hours ago

    This investigation reveals the deliberate destruction of eastern Ghouta, Syria. The evidence won't let us forget. Read the full report here:

  14. Retweeted
    10 hours ago

    If you hear about an assassination in Europe or elsewhere soon, you first heard it here from the Ministry of Intelligence.

  15. Retweeted

    Mattis visits Pentagon press room, says US troops can stay in Syria after ISIS to train locals, ensure stability.

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  16. Seems two basic options here: 1) A lot of these shares are ironic, which Facebook obviously shouldn't ban. 2) You're asking FB to be the backstop for people being so stupid as to believe the President does rescue missions in a suit, which doesn't seem like its job.

  17. Story needs checking, but it is hardly unbelievable on its face: the regime coalition has repeatedly manipulated to fulfil its policy objectives.

  18. Retweeted
    14 hours ago

    The death of college student Mudar al Ejeil, activist in popular uprising from city, due to in detention center, Sep 23.

  19. Jeremy Corbyn finds it "hurtful and offensive" that Jews are frightened of his promotion of rabid antisemites and political factions and ideas that mean harm to Jews.

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  20. Asked again about attending the memorial for terrorists, Jeremy Corbyn says, "I'm not a supporter of Black September, of course", which reasonable people will, of course, disagree about.

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  21. Jeremy Corbyn asked about his attendance at the meeting to commemorate the Black September killers in Tunisia simply denies that's what he did, says he was there to commemorate those civilians killed in the raid against the PLO headquarters by Israel.

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