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というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「Macroprudential Policy with Leakages」で、著者はJulien Bengui(モントリオール大)、Javier Bianchi(ミネアポリス連銀)。
The outreach of macroprudential policies is likely limited in practice by imperfect regulation enforcement, whether due to shadow banking, regulatory arbitrage, or other regulation circumvention schemes. We study how such concerns affect the design of optimal regulatory policy in a workhorse model in which pecuniary externalities call for macroprudential taxes on debt, but with the addition of a novel constraint that financial regulators lack the ability to enforce taxes on a subset of agents. While regulated agents reduce risk taking in response to debt taxes, unregulated agents react to the safer environment by taking on more risk. These leakages undermine the effectiveness of macruprudential taxes but do not necessarily call for weaker interventions. A quantitative analysis of the model suggests that aggregate welfare gains and reductions in the severity and frequency of financial crises remain, on average, largely unaffected by even significant leakages.
Our framework builds on Bianchi (2011)'s model of macroprudential policy, in which a pecuniary externality generates overborrowing and excessive exposure to financial crises. We extend this workhorse model by adding a shadow sector that is able to circumvent regulation. The macroprudential authority is able to curb risk taking within a narrow (regulated) sector, but has to internalize the (unregulated) shadow sector's destabilizing response to its actions.
We start our analysis with a tractable three-period model. In the model, agents initially make a borrowing decision and are then subject to income shocks in the intermediate period while facing a collateral constraint that limits their ability to smooth consumption. The presence of a market price in the collateral constraint implies that the higher the aggregate leverage chosen in the initial period, the larger the contraction in the borrowing capacity in the intermediate period for all households. This pecuniary externality and the associated financial amplification effects are not internalized by private households, providing a rationale for a macroprudential policy aimed at limiting private leverage. Different from existing models, however, we assume that macroprudential regulation can only be enforced on a subset of the population. As a result, a macroprudential policy seeking to make regulated agents internalize the pecuniary externality creates a safer environment and has the unintended consequence of encouraging higher borrowing by unregulated agents. These spillovers undermine the effectiveness of macroprudential policy and increase the economy's exposure to financial crises.
We show that despite destabilizing spillover effects on the unregulated sphere, a small macroprudential tax on regulated agents is always strictly welfare improving for all agents.
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