[–] theoldones 0 points 4 points (+4|-0) ago  (edited ago)

aliens, psychics, gods and other places not in this universe are all real and might be connected more then we know.

best to realize we've been told that they dont exist so that the sacrifices all come from (((them))), and that we have no defenses, because thinking they exist in the first place would be (((insane))) or (((ruin your chance of getting into heaven becuase satan))) or (((having a silly belief in a man in the sky)))

old faiths and old gods accounted for these creatures.

[–] GranimalSnake 0 points 5 points (+5|-0) ago 

It's certainly going to get really, really interesting.

I'm glad I shot my TV.

[–] NinaSparrow 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

Amen to that!!! :)

[–] ideologicidal 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago  (edited ago)

IMO, all Satanism reduces to Egoism. The book itself says "The spirits of the Goetia are parts of the human brain." The rituals and invocations are basically designed to enable and empower preexisting impulses.

Edit: pg. 21 of the .pdf

[–] bulrush 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

Are they real?

That depends on what you want to believe. I believe the transdimensional beings (reptilians) are the demons. But they can attack you physically or spiritually. There are many myths where the gods have reptilian features in Aztec culture, Egyptian culture and other cultures.

There are also several other non-physical races that can attack people spiritually, sometimes in dreams, sometimes as a hag that sits on their chest a night trying to scare the person. I think there are at least 2 species of these:

  1. Shadow people. Tends to be in the US. They like to appear as shadows moving across a wall but can appear as scary humanoids. When people see them they usually wake up from their sleep but they are paralyzed.
  2. Jinn/Djinn. Mostly in the middle east. People over there strongly believe in these. These tend to be really bad or at least mischievous.

There are a few other races that just plain don't like humans too, and they live in the darker recesses of the earth.

[–] DamnLiquor 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

it's all real and they try to appease both

[–] TetrahedronOmega 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Yes, the demons are quite real. Anything one can interact with is real and exists--in some form or another. The interesting question centers around what is their actual ontological nature, i.e., in what form do they actually exist.

The veridical answer to that question is that the demons (and their updated edition for the modern era, the aliens) are particular naturally-evolved parts of our own mind, i.e., they are particular subsets of our own consciousness: mostly the demons/aliens/etc. exist in our subconscious, but the highest levels of the elite occult societies have figured out over the ages various mental techniques to bring the demons to the fore, to the conscious level. These demons are the gods of old, the ones that required human sacrifice.

For much more on what is going on with the demons/aliens/spirit-guides/etc., see my following article:

[–] staticx106 2 points -2 points (+0|-2) ago 

You guys really want to be associated with that guy who looks like he stuck his finger in the electrical socket everyday before work?