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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Feb 20

    Syrian Revolution in a nutshell.. 🙄

  2. Retweeted
    12 hours ago

    Every sincere rebel and their supporters are against the Sochi surrender deal. Here the famous Idlibi reporter Taher Umar is warning all Factions NOT to surrender their weapons and NOT to surrender the first lines of defence for a DMZ

  3. 13 hours ago

    AQ this , AQ that. Nothing else to see and report in Syria. 🎃

  4. Retweeted
    14 hours ago

    Regime and YPG continue to fortify their positions in northern Aleppo in Dweir Al-zeytoun, Rityan, Mayer and in northern Talrifat.

  5. Retweeted
    14 hours ago

    So far those in favor of Sochi surrender deal *Iran *Assad *Russia *Turkey *Demistura *Trump *Warlord factions in Idlib *Reconciliation Groups *Groups backed by Turkish $

  6. 14 hours ago

    western toyboys at work. Assad Fascism is sexy for this kind pseudo left hireling

  7. 14 hours ago

    More of this kind of Russian-Syrian "friendship" please.🔝😍 Anti-imperialist hero is nothing but an asswipe for his big brother . Can't even stop his foreign guests from arresting Syrians.^🤣

  8. Retweeted

    Given those realities mentioned in , the proposed “demilitarized zone” *does* indeed look to be [best case] a permanent ceasefire and [worst case] a further step towards opposition & jihadi surrender and/or defeat. Extremely hard to see this working cleanly, if at all.

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  9. Retweeted

    From a strictly military/insurgent perspective, a buffer zone brings critical weaknesses too: - Deployability of is almost totally negated, given distance of 'no-mans land’ to traverse - Stand-off attacks severely curtailed; even advanced 122mm Grads barely in range.

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  10. Retweeted

    New in on *how* jihadis will inherit Syria rebellion. Pls read in full, but basically: • Syria ‘18 is ‘08 • ’s supposedly crushed 1970s-1980s uprising reincarnated after 2011 (ex-rebels returned to form/inform new militancy)

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  11. Retweeted
    17 hours ago

    Quickly changing positions on the close to impossible to control in full terrain. It is a major task for security forces, so far distrupted by political events in recent few months.

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  12. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    Downing of Russian plane highlights Syrian regime's incompetence & dangerous new realities; DMZ deal could prevent feared humanitarian disaster in Idlib, but big obstacles ahead responds to latest news out of Syria

  13. Retweeted
    24 hours ago

    Assad regime: "Last night we have shown the world that we are able to shoot down planes...Russian planes. If Israel bombs us again, we will shoot down more planes...Russian planes."

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  14. Retweeted

    22 April, 2011: Massive crowd of protesters march along the road between Daraa al-Balad and al-Mahata.

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    22 April, 2011: The great Friday. Protesters rallied across the country to call for the fall of the regime. Video from Midan district in Damascus as protesters march under the bridge.

  16. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    "Jabal yudaa Hamas" nasheed from HTS unit.

  17. Retweeted
    Sep 18

    Assad regime morons boasting that they shot down an Israeli jet over Banyias when in reality they shot down a Russian Il-20 aircraft which was carrying at least 14 Russian soldiers, using the air defence that Russia gave them! How about that for irony and stupidity?

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  18. 19 hours ago
  19. Retweeted
    Sep 17

    Hand over their heavy weaponry, a wave of assassinations will ensue and infighting will arise between those who refuse and those who accept, then greater Idlib would be easy pickings... or so they thought. Keep your eyes on the groups who give their heavy weapons... frog alert

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  20. Retweeted
    Sep 17

    Russia has utilized all prevent de escalation zones to take over the liberated areas one after the other. Freezing some fronts to focus and prioritize one at a time.. Rest assured this Erdogan-Putin deal is not much different. Putin seeks that the opposition groups (1)

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  21. Sep 17

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