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  1. Pinned Tweet
    30 Nov 2017

    basically anything i say or write about turkey these days i end up desperately hoping turns out to be wrong

  2. 24 minutes ago
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    4 hours ago

    One of the best Turkish-to-English translations I have ever heard is “Sorry, I have Egypt stuck in my Bosphorus.”

  4. 2 hours ago

    Check out 's new trans-Atlantic relations scorecard. Turkey is tied with Russia for last place, although honestly none of Washington's relationships are looking too good:

  5. Retweeted
    Sep 16

    What should Democrats' foreign policy be post-Obama & post-Trump: Restore, Retrench, or Reinvent? Join Mona Sutphen & me for a lively discussion Thursday 5PM at NYU (RSVP below, space limited)

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  6. 5 hours ago

    Agreed. The counter spin that its a tribute to the strength of Turkish-Russian ties also seems premature. Probably worth making sure the deal holds before anyone tries too hard to take credit.

  7. 23 hours ago

    What’s great is that since Turkeys postwar alliance with the US was enthusiastically promoted by both Inonu & Menderes today all sides of the Turkish political spectrum can blame it on their opponents

  8. 24 hours ago

    Didn’t Russia and Turkey already have a deal on Idlib?

  9. Sep 17
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    The Constitution states that the federal district shall not exceed 10 sq miles. My bill shrinks the capital to its ample federal core and makes local DC neighborhoods the 51st state. No amendment needed to give DC residents their democratic rights.

  11. Retweeted
    Sep 17

    18 yaşındaki bir zürafa, 37 yaşındaki yazar tarafından katledilmişti. Tess Thompson zürafayı öldürüp fotoğraf çektirdikten sonra sosyal medya hesabından paylaştı.

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  12. Sep 17

    I realize Obama's foreign policy wasnt everything the left wanted, but he clearly shared more of their instincts than any previous president. I keep hoping for more reflection on how it turned out when he did, and, when he didnt, why he decided not to

  13. Retweeted
    Sep 17

    My five would be: 1) Anti-militarism 2) Plan an orderly security transition in E. Asia 3) Create multilateral institutions to deal with truly global challenges: climate change, technology, migration, energy 4) End the global war on drugs 5) Kill offshore finance & bank secrecy

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  14. Sep 17

    Hopefully, the next stage is: "maybe democrats and lefties should rethink our conventional foreign policy recommendations in light of the past decade too instead of just assuming we've been completely vindicated by everything"

  15. Sep 17

    don't get me wrong, i think replacing war and war crimes with diplomacy and human rights would be great, i just assumed those already were the left's "core, identifiable beliefs about foreign affairs"

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  16. Sep 17

    If you're tired of the same old conventional bipartisan foreign policy wisdom, here's the same old conventional left wing alternative:

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  17. Sep 16

    Even the karpuzcu on Georgia ave claims his watermelon are from Diyarbakir

  18. Retweeted
    Sep 16

    Sorta reminds me of Sudden Valley in Arrested Development

  19. Sep 16

    Easing tensions in the eastern Mediterranean

  20. Retweeted
    Sep 15

    At least once a week I read something that reminds me of this video: 1,300 Years of Sunni-Shiite Conflict... According to US Pundits


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