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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Sep 14
  2. Retweeted
    10 hours ago

    Latest episode, updates us on the situation in Iraq as they continue to wrangle with the selection of a new prime minister. Lots of insight and knowledge based on first hand info. We also talk about the latest on the stalled Idlib operation in Syria.

  3. Retweeted
    10 hours ago
  4. 1 hour ago

    Debris of the /n plane shot down by the Syrian air defence system while twarting -F-16 missiles launched against military center in were recovered at 27 km north of Banias .

  5. 2 hours ago

    The only idiot here is you coz u speak out of emotion I am not interested in. You R not capable of sustaining a conversation but prefer to smear. Find another sholder to cry on, I usually blok rude and idiots like yourself, so no exception. Bye bye.

  6. 2 hours ago

    Sorry to disaaapoint you Mark but I am not Syrian. The Russian servicemen are not better or less important than any person killed in this war. Your love to Russia is your business not mnine. I am a professional jouirnalist & I share information. Good day

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  7. 2 hours ago

    bombed and destroyed an /ian cargo on airport runway and caused the shooting down of a /n plane. Very busy..... All in my article this evening.

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  8. 2 hours ago

    What has happened yesterday (shooting down a /n surveillance plane with 15 members of the armed forces) is in and 's advantage and to full disadvantage. I'll explain more in my article this evening on

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  9. 16 hours ago

    Good night World... The Prodigal Son in the Brothel is a 1635 painting by the master Rembrandt,

  10. Retweeted
    19 hours ago

    It's almost as if being a US proxy is the default political position or meta-allegiance. The media only invokes foreign intervention for parties/officials who aren't US-friendly using terms like "Iran-backed" or "victory for Iran". Those propped by US dont require such qualifiers

  11. 17 hours ago

    Halbusi was elected by al-Bina' (Ameri-Maliki) - Sairun (Moqtada) agreement, not the "Iran-aligned camp" only. However, Halbusi is the candidate promoted by al-Bina' .

  12. 17 hours ago

    I Think: 1. The must be very disappointed after all the rehearsal of "chemical attack". 2. The bank of objectives (to bomb ) will have to go back to the refrigerator.

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  13. Retweeted
    17 hours ago

    En otro punto del mapa, donde también se promueve la guerra, Rusia y Siria insisten con política y diplomacia por sobre la sangre, aún cuando esa sangre sea la de terroristas que violaron, torturaron y asesinaron a miles de inocentes. Siempre hay chance de parar la tragedia.

  14. 18 hours ago

    Guys have some rest away from war. Why on Earth do you want the war to continue if there is room for diplomacy? Do you think liberating is a promenade? Thousands will be killed on both sides. Give it a break and let have its chance with its own jihadists.

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  15. Retweeted
    Sep 12

    More U.S.-assisted killing of innocents in by 's buddies and as they bomb the port and fishing villages. don't care as long as there's $

  16. Retweeted
    Sep 15

    Pilot gets award for shooting down SAA plane defending Syria while U.S. gave cover to heavily armed terrorists, destroyed Raqqa, killed thousands of civilians. Disgusting.

  17. Retweeted
  18. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    This is not Iran, Iraq, or Lebanon.. This is last night's commemoration in al-Qatif, eastern 'Saudi' e.i. Occupied Hijaz ❤ After patience comes the defiance!

  19. 18 hours ago

    My best guess: I believe infighting (proxies and jihadists) will take place in . will show its commitment because it has no other alternative.

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  20. 18 hours ago

    What is huge is: signed a military agreement with a member () in . NATO won't like it at all.

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  21. 18 hours ago

    More: has the right to pursue any group in and to bring further military forces in the city to stop Jihadists. approves the Moscow-Ankara signed' agreement between the two defence Ministers (Russian and Turkish).

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