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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 29

    The Syrian regime's prisons are a vast network of concentration camps, where torture and murder are endemic. Despite the solid evidence, it's unlikely justice will ever be done, certainly not by an international court.

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    “Or indeed doing other things.” These “other things,” like cultivating a sprawling regional proxy network, aiding in the slaughter of half a million Syrians, taking Lebanon & Yemen hostage, & using kidnapping for ransom as a primary foreign policy tactic, are the real problem.

  3. Retweeted

    A new cache of internal WikiLeaks files obtained by shows that WikiLeaks staffers discussed having Julian Assange skip bail and escape Britain as authorities closed in. By .

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    17 hours ago

    latest satellite image from shows IRIAF B747 still on the ramp at Damascus International Airport and its cargo likely destroyed by Israeli airstrike right after unloading

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    21 hours ago

    When wasn't on / regime agenda, struck at & fellow Islamists with arrogance and impunity. With its back against the wall, its recruitment drive now urging to join the 'people's resistance' & support the FSA and 'mujahideen'. True Chameleons.

  6. In a near-perfect moment of KGB paranoia, they convinced themselves there had been a CIA conspiracy to disrupt their conspiracy to spread a conspiracy theory about the Kennedy assassination.

  7. Retweeted
    Sep 15

    The counter intel folks in Syrian mukhabarat must be rounding up ppl and losing their shit. No matter what tools Iran & Assad use to conceal the shipments, Israel is striking them upon arrival. What an absolute embarrassment 2 Assad & an impressive show of Isr Intel penetration.

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  8. Joe Robinson, a former soldier from Leeds who fought in the ranks of the /, was arrested last year in when he went there for a holiday. Robinson has been charged with terrorism offences and sentenced to 7.5 years in prison.

  9. Ari Fuld, a U.S.-Israeli citizen, was killed in a terrorist attack, stabbed in the back at a mall in the Etzion zone south of Jerusalem by a 17-year-old Palestinian, who was shot and arrested.

  10. Sep 16

    Speech by at against the International Criminal Court.

  11. Sep 16

    "[] violence is just a tactic to defend and progress a political aim. In this political aim, [Anjem] Choudary and his many activists now have an ally in the leadership." v

  12. Sep 16

    "The only solution to the Yemen war is a U.N.-brokered peace settlement". Okay. On what terms? Presumably acceptable to our allies? How do we get the Huthis, enemies of our allies and ideological foes of ours, to accept those terms? Facile again from WaPo.

  13. Sep 16

    Every time I see Salazar in a headline it takes a few seconds to mentally correct that they mean Julia, recently elected state senator for New York, not Antonio, ascetic autocrat of Portugal.

  14. Sep 16

    Question answers itself. It's why Brexiteers cannot accept the good faith of the second referendum argument. Had the referendum gone the other way, it would have been declared a democratically closed issue.

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  15. Sep 16

    Throughout the referendum, the Remainers made the case that the EU was imperfect but leaving was worse and it could be reformed from within. Had they prevailed, and two years later nothing had changed, would they have all advocated a second referendum with as an option?

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  16. Sep 16

    It is with a heavy heart that advocates for the policy he has supported all along.

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  17. Retweeted
    Sep 15

    To mark the centenary of their murder, the is opening a new exhibition investigating the role of science in the extraordinary lives and deaths of Tsar Nicholas II and his family. Opens 21 Sept.

  18. Retweeted
    Sep 15

    A few Syria stories today that I think are fairly indicative of the new normal: -large numbers of reconciled rebels died in mysterious explosions in their bases -regime erected dozens of checkpoints in Damascus to find conscripts -Israel bombed Damascus airport

  19. Sep 15

    Tend to think is on to something with this: for all the mistakes the West made, al-Qaeda strategically miscalculated very badly. And in terms of the outcome of the War on Terror, it is, as ever, rather too soon to tell.

  20. Sep 15

    A bit too much focus on the Sunni jihadi threat in Idlib, an entirely secondary consideration to setting back -. But overall thesis surely correct: U.S. should align with to stop the pro-Asad forces assaulting Idlib.

  21. Sep 15

    U.S. has made progress in but the country remains beset with "an externally-enabled brutal insurgency [by , , and ], buoyed by an undemocratic criminal patronage network and a booming drug industry."


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