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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 29

    Mes publications de 2001 prochainement traduites de l'italien en anglais & français Version italienne dispo à la BU de Lettres & LVE Université-Caen Voyage au cœur d'une , Pays à forte émigration touchée à son tour par l'immigration face à une qui "botte en touche"

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  2. Sep 15

    <THREAD> Something is very weird about the Trump/Pompeo attack on John Kerry. Let me explain. 1/7

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  3. 3 hours ago

    Constatant l’ampleur des dégâts de la crise canado-saoudienne, les pays occidentaux ne veulent pas risquer à leur tour un conflit diplomatique avec le royaume wahhabite via

  4. 8 hours ago

    Il a l’air plein de ressources, ce monsieur. Pôle emploi devrait l’embaucher comme conseiller.

  5. Sep 13

    Maurice Audin dans les rues d'Alger, par Ernest Pignon Ernest.

  6. Sep 15

    Les services de l’⁦⁩ sont tombés sur une pépite: oublié dans les archives d’, le seul film sonore connu à ce jour de Georges Clemenceau ( il n’avait pas l’air commode)

  7. 22 hours ago

    En , le bloc proche de l'Iran emporte la bataille du Parlement 🇮🇶

  8. 7 hours ago

    Security has improved markedly in Iraq since the jihadists of were repelled. But ‘s revival is under threat again, this time by rivalry between and and their proxies.

  9. Guerre au Yémen: le témoignage de Bachir al-Moalal, responsable d'une ONG à Sanaa. A lire ds Le Point.

  10. Sep 15

    No force will attack in the near future or the next few months. Talking about millions of internally displaced is displaced as they are not going anywhere. Jihadists proved to have a substantial weight in Idlib by showing off yesterday. Read:

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  11. Sep 15

    blames for 's downfall and migrant crisis

  12. Sep 15

    "La nomination toute récente de Sylvain Fort, fidèle macronien, pour gérer le pôle communication de l’Élysée risque d’accroître cette inclination pour les Saoud : "c’est un lobbyiste qui travaillait jusqu’à hier pour Riyad" " selon

  13. 9 hours ago

    “Mattis has begun questioning the efficacy of Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal... Mattis has told aides that he has yet to see any difference in Iran’s behavior since Trump withdrew the US from the agreement...”

  14. 🇮🇷 🇫🇷 Incidents près de l’Ambassade d’Iran à Paris (14/09): Téhéran critique la réaction jugée lente de la Police. Paris affirme que les mesures appropriées ont été prises

  15. 10 hours ago

    gives more time to find a solution for , by Thomas Seibert

  16. 10 hours ago

    Two tankers carrying Iranian condensate, a type of ultra-light oil, have been floating off the United Arab Emirates for about a month as demand for the oil fell ahead of U.S. sanctions.

  17. Sep 15

    Erdogan approving Erdogan nominating Erdogan as the chairman of the Turkish sovereign fund worth $200 billion. Signed - .

  18. 10 hours ago

    A very informative reading by assessing Trump administration's political assault on Palestinians: "The message is unmistakable: you have no options other than to capitulate to whatever we propose." via

  19. 10 hours ago

    says Saudi#Arabia and have taken oil market 'hostage' Iran’s OPEC governor said on Saturday that Saudi Arabia and Russia have taken the oil market “hostage” as U.S. Pr Donald Trump seeks to impose fresh sanctions on Iranian oil sales

  20. Is Germany offering to provide substantial reconstruction aid to Syria if it doesn’t retake Idlib? Or simply saying it really won’t help if Syria retakes Idlib? Is there a real possibility Europe will help reconstruct ?

  21. Sep 14

    attempting to derail peace talks between and Kurds - former adviser


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